Marvel's King

Chapter 218

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With that said, Royce begged Xingjue: "Give me the spirit ball."

With a stinky face, Xing Jue took out his soul ball reluctantly and said: "The dignified king will not rob us of the pauper."

Royce didn't answer, just squeezed it after receiving the spiritual ball.

Then the four billion spiritual ball was crushed before the guards.


Rocket, Xingjue, Kamora, and Groot scolded together in their hearts.

This hanger won't fall for the bill!

This is the unified thought of the four people.

"You just crushed four billion things like that? Wouldn't your wife kill you?"

Rocket put his hand on his head in pain and lifted his skin, his face looked incredible.

"The previous one was not the spiritual ball, but this thing."

Royce shook off slightly, and the powdered spiritual ball drifted away with the wind, revealing a purple stone.

"What gem is this? So valuable? Where can I dig it?"

Xingjue's eyes are straight. If there is a mine, wouldn't it be possible to buy the entire galaxy?


Feeling the intense corrosiveness brought by the violent amount of violence in his hand, the pain that the weird force that seemed to break every cell of his body raged more and more intense.

This surprised Royce. He originally thought that his strength should be enough to master this thing, but he didn't expect the backlash to be so serious.

Although the backlash is very serious, the improvement of the power gem to Royce can almost be said to be a qualitative change. The power that this thing can mobilize is too strong, and he himself cannot guarantee that he can survive under the full urge of the power gem.

It seems that I have to wait until I have broken certain rules before trying it again.Fortunately, Thanos did not get it...

Thinking like this in my heart, I quickly overlapped several layers of space barriers in the palm of my hand, forming a super swirling current to hold up the gems, and said: "This thing can't be dug up. This is the incarnation of a great god. There are only six in the entire universe. ."

"Why does a god turn into a stone? Is something wrong with him? And why is it so valuable when a god turns into a stone? Can you turn into a stone?"

The Rockets were stunned by the general questions that Royce had, and they didn't know which question to answer first.

Camora saw Royce being questioned by the Rockets, with a dazed expression on his face: Asking you to knock me down and steal my sister!Eat it flat, hahaha!

"Ah, buddy, don't listen to his nonsense, just keep talking and ignore him."

If others didn't say anything, Xing Jue was very curious about this thing. He stepped forward and blocked Royce close to Royce.

"This thing is called the Power Gem, one of the six infinite gems, Kamora should have heard of it."

As expected, there was something wrong with Kamora's face, and Rocket quietly moved away from her, even Xing Jue, who was tempted by Kamora not long ago, had doubts on his face.

"You don't need to look at her, she also has her problems." Royce started to attract the attention of several people, and then said: "Every infinite gem has extremely powerful power. Time gems can make users have With the ability to control time, space gems can control space. This power gem can give users powerful power and manipulate energy to destroy life and destroy a planet easily."

Karina couldn't help taking steps after hearing Royce's introduction. Royce noticed, but she didn't have a chance to take anything from her hands.

The other people also had different faces, and Rocket and Xing Jue even exchanged glances.

At this moment, Camora's sense of justice was a little overwhelming. She stepped forward and asked Royce: "Then why are you buying it?"

Royce raised his eyebrows, looked at the power gem in his hand, and said, "I wasn't interested in it, but I might have big things to do, so I used it as a safety device."

The others didn't believe it very much, but it wasn't their business. It was enough to receive the money.

"Okay, let's go trade. Karina, can you call Tiwan for me? I'm leaving later, let him hurry."

Carina looked at the kind smile on Royce's face, and finally gave up the idea of ​​stealing gems. She is a kind girl who can't do that kind of thing, especially to Royce.

After Carina left, Royce tried to contact Lelandra.

Ten seconds passed, Lilandra did not answer, everyone was talking and laughing.

Twenty seconds later, Lilandra still did not answer, and everyone stopped talking and laughing.

Thirty seconds later, Lilandra still did not answer, and everyone was skeptical.

Forty seconds...

Within forty seconds, Lilandra connected to the communication.

"What... Royce? Where are you?"

Lilandra's majesty face shattered every inch after seeing Royce, and a girly face of joy appeared on him.

"Um... I'm in the void." Royce didn't wait for Lilandra to ask himself more questions, and said, "Well, Lilandra, I need money. I can borrow four billion from me first. ?"

"Four billion? No problem, do you have an account?"

The four guards felt that their brains were not working well, so did the four billion be borrowed?Are we poor in the entire universe?I can't accept it!

Royce was taken aback when he heard the word account, then looked at the rocket and asked, "Do you have an account?"

Rocket shook his head and said, "No, my account has been banned by Shandar, and it cannot be used in the galaxy."

"What about you? Quill?"

Quill also shook his head and said: "My account has a limit, and I can't accept such a large transfer. I thought it was cash."

Quill’s words stunned the Rockets, and couldn’t help but vomit: “Do you know what four billion is? Do you know how high a mountain can be stacked up to four billion currencies? Are you a fool? Do you want us? Use those four billion cash to build a grave for you! Lest you waste the resources of the universe!"

He is indeed a fool.

Quill frowned dissatisfiedly and said, "I don't know if there will be paper money or crystals of larger denominations, just like the crystals used by the Dinards with a value of one hundred million. Okay, you are not interested, Kamora should have an account, right?"

Before Quill asked a question, Camora walked over and entered his account.

Lilandra looked at the green-skinned Kamora that suddenly appeared, and watched Royce rushing into Kamoranu's mouth, and asked, "Does Angelica know? You secretly raised a little wife."

Royce turned dark and said, "You're busy, hurry up."

Lilandra pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, and said, "Are you looking for someone to borrow money? Do I need time to transfer money? How can I like a bastard like you!"

Royce was about to say something, and suddenly felt a danger approaching. When he raised his head, his gaze passed through all obstacles in front of him, and he saw the universe directly.

Ronan's troops are here, about thirty light-years away, they are the Earth's escort fleet, Sandal's Nova Army, and Spartan's Royal Fleet.

"Did it come so fast?"

Royce said with a smile.

Rocket Raccoon looked up at the steel ceiling and asked in a puzzled way: "What came so fast? Is money? Are you short of money? I can divide you a thousand yuan, how about?" Wenxin School

As soon as the rocket was finished, a shell was detonated on the surface of Nothingness.

The fierce energy directly shattered Tiwan's club and shattered countless collections.

The aftermath of the explosion also lifted the earth and various facilities and buildings on the earth like ocean waves, and a catastrophe shrouded this broken world.

The members of the escort were protected by the space propped up by Royce, including Tiwan and Carina who hurried over not far away.

"I'm going... now I believe you are the King of Gods."

The Rocket murmured as he watched the flames surging in front of him.

Royce ignored him and demanded to Diwan: "Where is the ether? Get it."

Diwan obediently handed the container containing the ether particles to Royce, begging: "Your Majesty the King of God, can you do me a favor with the ether particles?

Royce nodded without hesitation: "Yes, you can tell."

Tiwan glanced at Kamora and said: "I foresee a man who will destroy the entire universe. The meaning of collecting infinite gems is to stop him. But now I should have no chance, but I beg you to help me stop That madman, can you?"

"Thanksgiving?" Royce heard who Tiwan was worried about, smiled confidently, and said, "He has no chance, you can rest assured."

After speaking, Royce looked at the shocked group of four and said: "A madman is coming here, he will definitely bring a bloody storm to the universe. But it is inconvenient for me to make a move, and this opportunity to become a hero is handed over. Here you are.

I believe you will not give up this opportunity. Who wants to be a waste of life?right?"

As he said, Royce's figure faded away, and soon "the voice is here".

The Rockets looked up at Groot in a daze, and asked, "What did he just say? Who is the trash?"

Groot shrugged and said, "Iamgroot."

"Well, I didn't catch it, I was still in a daze just now."

Quill suddenly remembered something, widened his eyes in horror, and asked Camora: "Has the money turned around?"

Camora was stunned, can't you see something exploding on his face?Are you still concerned about money at this time?Shouldn't you care why that person didn't take us away?

"How do I know, how do I check now? If I have time to care about this, it is better to care about who the enemy is that the person said!"

After Royce left, the space supported by him soon collapsed.

Fortunately, the explosion has ended. Although the high temperature still exists, it just makes everyone uncomfortable, and will not die.

In the air, a huge planet-star battleship appeared in front of everyone. It was Ronan's Death Ship.

"Oops, Ronan is here."

Kamora escaped from that place, and he recognized it naturally.

The Rockets were so knowledgeable and naturally recognized Ronan, the blood-handed butcher, and asked entangledly: "What if he knew we were selling what he wanted?"

Although Quill didn't know where Ronan was sacred, but after a brief exchange with the Rockets before, he knew a little bit about him and knew that he was a war madman.He forced a smile and said: "Should... I should go to the person who bought the thing."

Kamora took out the long sword that Thanos had rebuilt for her from his pocket, and said: "Don't dream, get ready to fight, this will be a tough fight."

"Fighting hard?" Rockets were a little reluctant, but the money was still in Kamora's hands. He could only grit his teeth and take the gun on his back and said, "For two billion, Grandpa Rocket fights this dog thief!"


Groot was very sad and seemed to be crying.

The Rockets waved their hands and said impatiently: "I know half of them belong to you, and I didn't say it's not yours, right? My dear brothers, it's okay to put it on my account first. Anyway, you don't have an account. "

Groot thought about it, and it seemed that this was indeed the case, and he stopped struggling with this question.


A transport ship descended on the ground, and Camora squeezed the long sword in his hand and muttered.

The hatch opened, and a Kerry man who approved chain mail but no fishnet stockings walked out of it. He looked at Tiwan’s lair bombed by himself, and regretted it: Why did he just hit it right...

He never thought about bombing there, otherwise where would he go to find the spiritual ball?But the stupid soldier dropped the shell directly over Tiwan's lair, blowing everything into fly ash.

But after seeing Kamora, the regret in his heart dissipated.

Well, if the person is still there, the spiritual ball should still be there.


At this time, a brawny man with red skin and carved patterns on his body called him.

He turned his head to look, the man opened his arms, holding a dagger in each hand, staring at him.

"Are you the one who passed the message to me?"

Drax did not answer Ronan, but said to himself: "You killed my wife and you killed my daughter."

Ronan saw a lot of this kind of person. Seeing his behavior, he lost interest in continuing to communicate with him. He turned to look at Camora, walked towards her, and said, "Kamora, the price of betraying me. , Can you bear it?"

"Do not!!!"

Drax was anxious, and he ran towards Ronan with all his strength, and when he approached, he waved the dagger in his hand and cut it towards Ronan's neck.

Ronan bends down comfortably and escaped Drax's attack.

Drax missed a move and slashed the dagger with his backhand.

Ronan raised his hand to block it, and pushed out with the palm of his other hand, which was printed on Drax's chest, and shot Drax out.


After Drax was beaten into the air, Kamora also attacked with a long sword. Ronan retreated with a sword and said: "You are not worthy of letting me bear the price! Waste!"

Ronan was directly angered at this moment, and when Kamora deceived him, he also stepped forward.

Upon seeing this, Kamora knew that he would suffer if he shot at will, so he quickly withdrew from the steps he had taken, and slammed the long sword across his chest as a resistance.

Ronan also launched an attack as expected, his shot speed was extremely fast, Kamora almost just set his posture, Ronan's fist smashed over.

The heavy fist hit the long sword, and the strong tremor almost made Kamora let go.

But after all, it was the female killer taught by Thanos. Kamora forcibly held the long sword and transmitted the tremor to his feet, gritted his teeth to hold back and leaned forward, suddenly exerted force on his left elbow, and went straight to Ronan’s face. .

Although Ronan reacted, he couldn't dodge in time. He was beaten back by this elbow and almost choked.

Kamora immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued him, raising his sword to chop Ronan.

Hanmang flashed in the air, and the sharp blade drew a beautiful arc in the air, right in front of Ronan.

He smelled death.


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