Marvel's King

Chapter 225 God OAA

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Speaking of Royce's mental power is also very strong, but his thoughts are too mixed and scattered, there is no way to condense the spiritual power into a whole like the spiritual gem, even if it is scattered, there are traces.

However, the Soul Gem did not give Royce any response, it just aroused his spirit and magnified his mental power many times.

At this time Royce's thoughts became clear, and there were many things that he couldn't figure out for a moment, as if clues were found.

Before he could think about it, something happened to Tony.


Royce was stunned by the explosion, and he watched Tony fly out from his side.

At that time, Tony's expression was as unbelievable as being beaten by a ton of farts.

Then Royce was blown away by a strong wind, like a leaf.

"What's the matter?"

Royce landed on the ground after Tony, looking blankly at the laboratory with heavy smoke above his head.

Tony opened his visor, his expression was heartbroken, and he jumped his feet and said, "Didn't you say you watched it? What did you watch? Ah?!"

Royce was still at a loss. He scratched his head and said innocently: "I watched it, I have been looking at you, I didn't react. Eh, what did it explode?"

Tony was so angry that he tilted his head and asked, "How long have I been experimenting?"

Royce was taken aback and said tentatively: "One minute?"

"I have been experimenting for two hours! You said you have been watching me?! You obviously didn't watch it!"

Seeing Tony who was full of resentment as a little girl, Royce couldn't help frowning and saying, " don't need to be so, well, my fault, Are you okay?"

Tony calmed down, shook his head and said, "I'm fine, but the results of the experiment were ruined. I just hit the nucleus of those mysterious substances with charged particles, and then there was an explosion. I don't know what kind of reaction the specific reaction is. The violent explosion should be a chain reaction."

"Chain reaction? Can a chain reaction happen without a catalyst?"

Royce is very confused. Although he doesn't have much knowledge of physics, he still understands some theoretical things.

Tony explained: "I found out before that the substance you made is a compound, but the connection between the molecules is so close that you treat it as an atom."

"You mean...that thing can react on its own? It shouldn't be, it's very stable, and it won't explode if I use divine power to urge it."

Tony directly waved his hand and said: "Two situations, I will explain to you later. I can’t do anything about it. Let’s go to S.H.I.E.L.D., where the facilities are relatively complete, which can better help us understand that thing. nature."


Royce was about to leave, and Tony was surrounded by a group of fans, all girls.

They asked questions around Tony, with concerns written on their faces. Royce, who was not far away, compared him with him, like an empty nest old man.

Forget it, my wife is only twenty years old anyway.


A shadow suddenly appeared over the earth, and Royce looked up and found that something was covering the sun.

"Is there a solar eclipse today?"

Tony asked inexplicably.

Royce said with a gloomy face, "The tengu does not eat the moon, but the sun? Huh!

Those waves of powerful energy fluctuations have already shown that the visitors are not good, which makes Royce very annoyed.

Does anyone in the entire universe know that the earth is covered by Royce?It's so bold!

Royce was furious, but the surrounding crowd began to panic, because a huge hand that could hold the entire New York through the clouds appeared in their field of vision.

"So courageous!"

The wind thunder exploded under Royce's feet, and the whole person shot out like a cannonball. An unmatched energy was condensed in his hand, and he went straight to the big hand.


The dim world was illuminated by a dazzling white light, and a thunder also resounded through the audience, pressing everyone's stumbling heart back into their abdomen.

Is Royce here?That's all right.

"Human, do you understand the value of your existence?"

The giant was hit by Royce, and he was unscathed, as if he was okay. Instead, he asked Royce.

Royce was annoyed, and when he was about to continue to do it, Gu Yi came. She held Royce's raised hand and said: "Don't do it, he is a member of the Celestial Group."

Seeing Gu Yi as approaching the enemy, Royce was a little confused. What happened to the Celestial Group?Am I worse than these things?

The plaything created by eternity is nothing more.

It's not that Royce is bragging. He doesn't need to use infinite gems to touch these gods. Of course, he can't tell if he can touch them, because these things are really resistant.

His previous record of killing Cronus cannot be copied and cannot be talked about.

"Humans, you should let go when you touch the secret. Don't you understand this truth?"

Seeing that Royce didn't answer this day, the god made a superb appearance, as if he was really a god.

Gu Yi asked first: "I don't know who from the Celestial Group came to Earth?"

"I am the leader of the Celestial Group, oneaboveall, you should be the guardian of this planet, right?"

Hearing this name, Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. It's not just a judge, otherwise a fierce battle might really break out.

"OAA? You can call that name too?"

Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but Royce's temper hadn't gone down yet.

Who?If you don’t agree, you just clap your paws, don’t you know that the earth can’t hold it?

OAA was not angry. He stretched out his face and looked at Royce directly. Those huge eyes contained countless knowledge, which made Royce a little bit eager.

"What do you know?"

Royce asked back: "Then what do you know?"

Eat it, you can understand everything after eating it.

Don't you want to know how the universe is made up?Don't you want to know how multiple dimensions are formed?Don’t you want to know the secrets of the multiverse?

Eat it, its body will tell you everything.

Royce seemed to be stunned, and gradually looked closer at his OAA, with saliva left at the corner of his mouth.


Gu Yi stretched out his hand to hold him, but he easily broke free and continued to float towards OAA.

"what happened to you?"

Gu Yi felt something was wrong, and quickly propped up a mirror in front of Royce, trying to stop Royce's unconscious actions.

But the mirror that could block the power gem did not exert any effect, and Royce's body passed through like gas.

Gu Yi's eyes widened in horror, and his gaze was placed on the soul gem in Royce's hand.


The OAA over there also reacted incorrectly, and quickly raised his head to avoid it, and at the same time raised his hand to summon a meteor to blast towards Royce and also blast towards the earth.

Meteor is terrible, but even more terrifying is Royce, who has lost control.

The ghost knows how much damage he can cause?

God is so sick this day!Do you want to come at this time now?

Gu Yi scolded in her heart, how many years, she exploded for the first time.

He cursed in his heart, but the movements on his hands did not stop.When the ancient saw that the meteor was aggressive, he quickly propped up the mirror dimension to resist, and at the same time urged the spell with his other hand, summoned the ring of Laggador (that is, the golden circle) and launched it. The ring of Laggador is in The time it was launched was quickly enlarged, and after the release was completed, it reached a huge degree, almost able to hold one sixteenth of the earth.

But after Royce took the shot, all Gu Yi's preparations became useless.

I saw him gently beckoning, a flash of lightning appeared randomly from the void, and after the lightning penetrated countless layers of space, it was blessed to a terrifying level.

The meteor summoned by OAA was instantly smashed, and a strong energy shock wave descended on his back, pushing him standing in the universe staggeringly, and one of them was unable to stand still and almost fell down.

This stagger stopped his retreat, who was raising his head away from Royce, and made his body begin to rush forward.

By the time he wanted to stay away again, it was too late, his beard was caught by Royce.

"After eating you, can I understand the secrets of the universe?"

Royce's eyes were full of infatuation, as if he had seen something he loved.

"Royce! You be sober! The gems of the soul are encroaching on your spirit!"

Gu Yi shouted, but to no avail.

Royce didn't react at all, just waiting for OAA's answer.

OAA was silent for a while and said: "No, you can't get any useful information if you eat me."

As soon as the OAA voice fell, he felt a strong sense of choking from his neck, as if an invisible line was strangling his neck, making it difficult for him to breathe and blood flow stopped.

"Then what else do you need to exist?"

OAA fell into a huge panic, and this level of high pressure almost broke him.

It is not simple energy that imprisons him, but an extremely clever space-distorting technique. He has never seen this kind of move, but he has seen the method of infinitely modifying the dimension, which is very similar to what Royce uses on him now. .

"How can you have unlimited means? Who are you on earth?"

"Royce! Stop it!"

Gu Yi really had no tricks, and had to use black magic—Cetolak's scarlet chain.

Driven by magic, countless red energy chains appeared out of thin air, entangled Royce's limbs one by one.

Seeing that the magic was successfully released, Gu Yi quickly moved the chains and tried to pull Royce out of the attack range.

She really couldn't imagine what would happen if Royce killed the leader of the Celestial Group. Their identities were...not trivial.

The connection between the multiverse and the single universe will not be mentioned for the time being. Let me first say that the universe in which Royce exists is an incarnation of multi-eternity, or a thought, a dream.

And these gods are a bunch of life forms split from the multi-eternal body, and their responsibility is to manage the universe and guard the eternal incarnation.

If you talk about the origin of these gods, it can be traced back to some knowledge that nobody knows: the conflict between the first firmament and eternity.

After eternally defeating the first firmament, these gods, as the rebels of the first firmament, transformed themselves into eternal vassals.

In the multiverse formed by the corpse of the first firmament, they exercise their innate responsibilities-maintaining balance.

And this single universe is nothing like an eternal clone, and the gods that exist here will naturally not be strong.

Speaking of it, even the eternity of this universe is at best the level of a single universe, and the same is true of the life court.

And the true multiverse...Although it has always existed, it has never existed, at least not in the perception of anyone.

And those dimensions created by infinity that can be distinguished are simply the epitome of the multiverse...

As the god of the universe, OAA has powerful powers and abilities. Defeating Odin and the original Royce are definitely not a problem.But in the face of infinite power, he was still vulnerable.

What's more, it was in the hands of Royce, the Infinite Apostle, who was holding four gems.

"I smelled the scent of you that represents the origin of the universe. Do you have the origin of the universe?"

Royce easily got rid of the shackles from Gu Yi and gradually tightened the thin thread in his hand.

The energy in OAA's body gradually began to flow backwards under the influence of the thin lines, and the two forces that followed involuntarily began to touch, collide, and explode, almost detonating OAA's whole body, making him miserable.

"This is a power that you can never reach. Even if you kill me and drink my blood, it will not help. Don't you understand? It is not power or knowledge that limits you. It is yourself that limits you. Guess you What is it? Hahaha."

When his life was at stake, OAA actually started laughing.

They had made an agreement with Odin and the earth gods that members of the Celestial Gods group would never set foot on the earth or interfere with human things.

He had already broken a promise this time, because they found a powerful soul from the outside world.

Originally, the explorer discovered the fact that Royce did not belong to this universe just after he arrived.

But because of that agreement, and Royce was not strong at the time, nor did he show curiosity about the secrets of the universe.

So they didn't take Royce to heart, but arranged for the observer to keep an eye on Royce.

The state of breaking through the Father in Royce has only recently emerged. Observers have not seen what happened in the super swirl or in the super space before, so it has been delayed until today.

It was also today that he condensed matter that did not belong to this universe at home, that made the observer panicked and hurriedly informed the cosmic god group.

The position of each member of the Celestial Group in the universe is very scattered, so the rest of the members are still on their way, and OAA is in the galaxy, so the fastest.

I thought it was just a simple lesson to Royce and ordered him not to touch the secret stool.

Unexpectedly, Royce turned out to be a hard stubble.

And infinite and eternal... they are still busy.

"It's me who restricts me?"

Royce couldn't help letting go, lost in thought.

Why would I imprison myself?Is it my mind?Is it my body?Still say... my soul.

The psychic gem in Royce's hand began to shine, which means that it also began to follow Royce's mental movement.

The thoughtful Royce quickly found countless ideas, and he denied most of them in an instant.

"It's my soul, right? It doesn't belong to this universe..."


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