Marvel's King

Chapter 226 When did you live in my body?

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"Tony, do you know what that thing is?"

The Avengers quickly arrived in New York, and they were all shocked by the huge monster outside. Wanda even took out his mobile phone to take pictures.

"Recruits, don't be so curious, you are embarrassing us."

When Wanda heard the spit of War Machine, he gave him a disdainful look, and said, "It's better than you who have to wear iron clothes to fight."

"What are you talking about?"

Tony suddenly turned his head and glared at her, and Wanda stuck out his tongue in fear and shrank behind Pietro.

"Okay, don't be weird, first tell us what happened."

The black widow shook her head helplessly to stop them from continuing to play around.

Tony also refocused his attention on the huge figure in the sky and said, "I don't know what it is, but I think... that should be God."

"What do you mean? You mean the gods like Royce and Thor?"

If there is a fight between people of that level, do you and others have a chance to intervene?Can it change the game?

A sense of powerlessness involuntarily produced, which made her very worried.

Tony shook his head and said, "I'm afraid... it's something stronger than Sol and the others."

He just saw Royce's hairs exploding before. He didn't know the situation and thought Royce was scared, but Royce was actually angry.

This false signal made the Avengers feel like enemies, and from a distance, they couldn't see exactly what the battle situation between Royce and OAA was like, which made the Avengers very uncomfortable.

"Need to erect a star destroyer?"

"Have it?"

Natasha had just finished asking questions, and Hill’s voice came from the communicator: “No, New York cannot withstand the recoil formed by the launch of the Star Destroyer. Once the Star Destroyer is launched, there will be a new Maria. Nahaigou."

Hill's words made Tony frown and said, "Then why did you create that thing?"

"This thing is to be placed on the migrant ship Hope in the future, not on the earth. You don't even understand this and you say you are a weapon expert?"

After Natasha was stunned, Tony asked again: "Why are there such things on the immigration boat? Also, what is the immigration boat? Am I a member of SHIELD?"

"Okay, I'll talk about it later. All those who can fly, please come closer, I need to see the whole picture, can I?"


After the order was issued, Gears of War and Tony flew into the sky one after another. Wanda was a little eager to try, but was stopped by Pietro.

"Falcon, won't you go?"

Natasha asked when the Falcon was still standing there.

Falcon waved his hands awkwardly and said, "It's too high, I will freeze to death when I go up."

Tony’s battle suit is made of vibrating gold blessed by Royce. The war machine’s battle suit is also made of special metal, coupled with the combination of advanced craftsmanship and technology, allowing them to fight in a variety of difficult environments. , You can move freely even in space.

"Tony? If I read correctly, Royce seems to be under siege?"

Tony also found out, and said, "Go over and help him!"

After speaking, he rushed forward with an acceleration. The War Machine hesitated for a while and said, "No... why should we help him? Forget it..."

Tony hit the wall soon after approaching Royce, really hit the wall.

He slammed his head into the mirrored dimension made by Gu Yi, and when he was blocked, he shouted to Gu: "Hey! Why are you attacking Royce?"

He has met Gu Yi. Although he has not had much conversation, he has seen it more than once.

The first few times Gu Yi appeared as a teammate, but this time he was attacking Royce for some reason.

When Gu Yi saw Tony coming, he removed the Mirror Dimension and said, "Royce was affected by the gem of the soul. Come and try to see if you can wake him up."


Tony hurried in when he heard the words. Gears of War wanted to follow but was stopped by Gu Yi. She said, "Please find Angelica, the queen of Olympus. I'm afraid... forget it, trouble. Go ahead."

War Machine Rod was also unambiguous. He immediately flew down after hearing it, and passed the news to Hill: "Royce was affected by some spiritual gem. The woman said he wanted Angelica to come. Someone knew Angelica. Where is Lika?"


Hill was taken aback. The gem of the soul can greatly amplify the dark side of people, which she has confirmed from Wanda.As long as people with desires in their hearts directly touch the gems of the soul, they will suffer a strong backlash.

Does Royce have desires?There must be, no doubt.

This situation has already explained the problem.

He has desires, and desires are still very strong.

"Did you not hear clearly? I said..."

"Needless to say, you are going to Long Island now and let Royce's sister Carrie come over first. I will find a way to contact Angelica."

The War Machine went to Long Island, and the rest of the reunion members also understood what happened.

"Our enemy is... Royce?"

A look of surprise appeared on Wanda's face. She couldn't imagine what it would be like when she and others fight Royce.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not that far."

Natasha scolded Wanda, but honestly took out the pistol and loaded it.

Others also prepared for battle tacitly.

No matter what Royce's status is now or before, it doesn't matter whether he is a comrade-in-arms or a friend, closeness or alienation with them.

As long as he launches an attack, then he is an enemy and will be firmly opposed by the Avengers.

Tony flew to Royce and involuntarily glanced at OAA, who was subdued by Royce. After swallowing a mouthful of water, Tony asked nervously: "Royce, what are you doing?"

Royce turned his head when he heard the words, and the black pupils were already occupied by bright yellow.He looked at Tony and said, "I'm thinking about how I am different."

As he said, Royce stretched out his hand to grab Tony, and his powerful mental power penetrated into Tony's pores like thin tentacles. The pain made him let out a heart-piercing cry, and soon he fell into a coma.

But Royce turned a deaf ear to his ears, and continued to explore the difference between Tony's body and his own mentally.

The result is-no different.

At most, his bone density and cell strength are much stronger, but the structure and components are exactly the same in other places.

"That's the soul?" Royce nodded, retracted his mental power tentacles, and let Tony's body fall weakly.

Gu Yi wanted to save Tony, but Royce reached out and pulled her over.

"Royce, even if you find the difference, what's the point? You are no longer you."


Royce's eyes were clear for a moment, but then he was occupied by the soul gem.

No... I think it's a bit high to take a look at it.

Royce shook his head and said, "No, I'm still me, but I'm borrowing its power. Forgive me... it doesn't matter if you don't forgive."

With that said, Royce reached out and pressed Gu Yi's forehead, forcibly pulling her soul out of her body.

"Why is this so?"

The full picture of Gu Yi's soul appeared in front of Royce, causing his hard heart to tremble.

Gu Yi's soul has been wrapped in a layer of pitch black horny, like paint, painting her so that she can't see her original appearance.

"Satisfied? I have no secrets now."

Gu Yi's voice was trembling.


Royce apologized softly, but didn't let Gu Yi go.

He copied his own spirit, and then pulled out his soul.

"You are dying? Let me help you, and I'm sorry."

Royce stretched out his hand to draw a torrent of cosmic elements on Gu Yi's soul, washing away the dirt that had taken root in her soul.

This made Gu Yi feel a moment of relaxation, but also a moment of sharp pain, which is the pain from the soul.

"So, what's the difference?"

Royce didn't pay attention to Gu Yi's horrible howl, and took her soul body, cut it open, and carefully examined it from the inside to the outside.

At this time Tony was still doing free fall.

He was awake, but his mind was still paralyzed, his spiritual power was on the verge of disintegrating, and he was only close to death.

Why would he do this?

This is the only question he is thinking and the only thing he can think about.

"Tony is back?"

Falcon had the best eyesight and spotted Tony who was declining early.

"No! He didn't slow down!"

After Natasha finished speaking, the Falcon took off instantly, and Wanda also mobilized energy to try to support Tony's falling body.


Such a long-distance power control is still beyond Wanda’s ability. She gradually became weak. She was sweating profusely and gritted her teeth and said: "No, the descending speed is too fast. You have to find a way to catch him. I can’t support it. Too long."

"I come!"

The reunion members have a sad face, no one can fly, none of the others have the ability, and they are lost for a while.

At this time, a crisp voice sounded, and a slightly fleshy little girl suddenly sprang up from low altitude, speeding up like a jet plane, and caught Tony in the air. It was Carrie.

"Tony? How are you?"

Carrie put Tony on the ground and lifted off again without asking.

Natasha lifted Tony's visor, patted his face lightly, trying to wake Tony whose eyes were distraught.

"Why did he do this..."

Tony murmured, making everyone bow their heads, while the fighting spirit in his heart grew stronger.

"Hill, evacuate the crowd, there may be a fierce battle."

Natasha was enlightened, but she said nothing.

Hill was silent for a while, and ordered from there: "Notify all troops on the Atlantic coast to enter New York, and work with local government personnel to evacuate all the people in the vicinity of one million square kilometers and allow the use of the fleet. Natasha, you Pay attention on the other end, when the time comes... I hope I can hold him back, alas..."

"Yes." Natasha reported, and said to these fearful reunion members: "Guys, you really have to rely on you to save the earth this time."

With that, Natasha blew her whistle, and a single fighter flew from a distance.She looked up at the sky and said, "It's just that our enemy is outrageous this time..."

Falcon looked at her serious face and chuckles: "Leave this job to the captain. You are really not suitable for pre-war mobilization. Tell us what to do, Commander Natasha."

"There is only one task we have to do, and that is to hold Royce's footsteps, at least not to let him destroy the earth before the people who can stop him come again, understand?"

Pitro had seen Royce's combat effectiveness, and asked with some fear: "What if I can't beat it?"

Natasha glanced at him, without a trace of emotion in her eyes, and said, "Then we shall die."

"Royce! What are you doing!"

Carrie broke through the boundary of the atmosphere with a short spear and came to Royce, a mirror dimension in front of her blocked her on the other side.

Royce turned around and said, "Do what I should do."

Those eyes...the pupils...the endless coldness, made Carrie feel strange.

She suddenly wanted to cry, feeling as if the Royce she knew had died.She pursed her mouth to control her emotions, and then asked for a while: "Why are you hurting others? Why are you hurting Tony? You weren't like this before."

No expression appeared on Royce's face. He said indifferently: "Then you help me bring Tony a sorry."

Carrie was completely detonated by Royce's answer. She was angry, picked up the short spear and stabbed it in the mirror dimension, with the sound of glass shattering.

Under Gu Yi's control and Carrie's attack, the Mirror Dimension was broken.

Royce looked cold, Carrie yelled when she saw it, and stabbed her with a short spear.

This angry blow didn't go to the point, and didn't even think of hurting Royce.

But the short spear pierced Royce's waist easily, and Carrie's eyes widened in horror, looking up at him incredulously.

"Why... how could this happen? What's wrong with you? Why can even I pierce your body?"

Carrie's tears burst, and she felt that something was wrong.

Royce lowered his head and glanced at the blood emerging from his waist, without any unexpected expression.

He even reached for a drop of blood and tasted it.

"Is my blood like this? How about yours?"

Royce reached out and grabbed at Carrie, but it stretched out to normal but stopped suddenly, his face gloomy.

He snorted heavily and said, "No wonder I heard that nursery rhyme before, so you are in my body? Get out!"

The sound wave carried a huge energy to eject a crimson body covered in rags from Royce's body.

And this thing did not look at Royce's body, but at Royce's soul standing above the void.

"Hahahaha, meet again, hello, Royce."

"Mephisto?" Gu Yi's pupils quaked after seeing this man, even Royce was a little surprised.

"When did you live in my body?"

Mephisto smiled, tilted his head and said, "Guess? You can guess it."

"It's time for the life court of Dog Day to destroy and reorganize my body."

OAA heard Royce's arrogant remarks and sneered and said, "That dog can run you to death with a finger, huh."

Royce turned his head and asked: "Then why doesn't he come and run me to death? Does he dare?"

OAA also had a pupil quake. He suppressed the fear in his heart and asked, "What do you know?"


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