Marvel's King

Chapter 236

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From the beginning, Hill was considering how to deal with the Winter Soldier and the Falcons.

The position of these two in the Avengers is not critical, but they have a good relationship with Captain Rogers.

Rogers himself has a heavy weight in the Avengers. At least half of the people support him, and many agents within SHIELD regard Rogers as an idol.

Another pillar of the Avengers is Tony Stark.

Tony is very proud, very arrogant, and at the same time kind-hearted, even some Virgin Mary.

He and Rogers are not personally close, but he does regard the captain as a friend, because in his opinion, fighting together is a good friend.

But Rogers has gone through too many wars after all, and he himself doesn't like Tony's arrogant playboy, and at best treats him as a colleague.

The collision between the two in the original game was because the captain did not trust each other and felt unable to communicate with each other.

Little did he know that he missed the opportunity to communicate at the earliest time, which led to the full outbreak of civil war later.

A disunited Avengers alliance will not threaten Hill or even the status of S.H.I.E.L.D., this is what Hill is happy to see, so she never let the two of them go out together.Even occasionally, some small contradictions that won't cause a big trouble will be caused, and the two sides will have ideological deviations.

These small methods are very useful, and the members of the reunion have never had a political stand, so the earth has always remained stable.

But now, the flames of war are burning from within the Avengers.

The Winter Soldier and Falcon did not make a big mistake, killing several poachers and human traffickers.

The arrest of these people is in itself forty years in prison, which is no different from capital crimes, and even more painful.

But the fault of the two is that they shouldn't have executed these people in the wild, on the non-battlefield, and concealed them.

If the concealment is good enough, the key two people discussed how to deal with the conversation between those people. The conversation was captured by the hidden camera used by Ren Hotel to make small movies and posted on the Internet.

This made the reputation of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s reputation plummet. Most of the groups who opposed S.H.I.

There are also people within S.H.I.E.L.D. who hope to fully control the superhuman combination of Avengers. After all, it is a piece of fat, and it is easy to be fooled in the name of justice.

The Avengers' internal opinions on this matter will not be unified, but they should not want the Falcons and the Winter Soldier to go to court.

Although they are still humans and still living here, they do feel that they are superior to others. This is a long-standing habit.

In their view, it is normal for a criminal to die, and some court judgments are abnormal and unjust.

Many of them must think that the Winter Soldier and the Falcon are right.

"Commander, the people from the court were dismissed by us, and what should we do?"

Coulson looked serious. He looked at Hill, always feeling that a big battle was approaching.

He is scared, he hates war, no matter what form it takes.

Hill did not hesitate and said directly: "Get ready, let's go to Wakanda. Remove the guards of the Winter Soldiers and Falcons, no, wait, remove half of them, and turn off all monitoring equipment. Let Nata Sa...let her go to Mexico on mission."

Hill finally relented, and she didn't want to spread too much.

However, this incident has affected many people from the beginning, and she also fired the first shot at the beginning of the war, no matter what she did, it didn't help.


"Guys, what are you doing? By the way, Captain, I got what you want from Royce. When will you come and get it? Or I will send it to you?"

Tony had a meeting with the Avengers at home. He didn't know where the end of today's meeting would be, but he was ready to meet everything.

No one responded, Wanda, Pitro, Hawkeye, Captain, War Machine, and some newly added reserve forces: Skye, Death Soldier, Absorber, etc. did not take the lead in expressing their opinions.

They are all waiting, waiting for the contradiction to erupt in silence.

Tony feels cold when he sees it. Has he reached this level?

"Why don't you speak? Is it because two people are missing? Oh, yes, speaking of them, have you read the registration bill issued by SHIELD?"

As soon as this problem came up, everyone finally moved.

Pietro, the most uncomfortable, almost yelled: "Why do they look after us? Are we criminals?"

"Mr. Massimov, pay attention to your attitude. S.H.I. Is it carried out under the dispatch of the bureau? It means it can be done, but it can not be said?"

Skye's loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D. is so powerful that she dared to rely on the body of a normal person, such as superhuman, hard steel Pietro.

Pietro saw Skye rebutting himself, and said plausibly to her: "We comply because we are willing to comply, not because SHIELD forces us to comply. If SHIELD felt that we must rely on you to survive, then you would be wrong. That's wrong."

"No one can order me to do something."

Wanda also talked aside.

Both of their brothers and sisters belong to the kind of unruly people. Although they have been avengers for a long time and have a heavy sense of responsibility in their hearts, they still can't get rid of that kind of yearning for freedom.

Clint also expressed his own thoughts: "I am willing to abide by S.H.I.E.L.D. regulations, but this registration bill is obviously problematic. What does it mean to not enter its territory without the permission of the local government? It means that aliens have invaded. We still have to apply for an entry? Then what are we going to do? Wait for them to come to the Avengers headquarters."

Tony was taken aback after listening, and asked, "This is what you worry about?"

"Otherwise? We are the teachers of justice. There is no doubt about it, and this report is obviously preventing us from acting. And if someone manipulates us with the content of the agreement, what should we do? It is the justice in our hearts. Or choose the restriction of the agreement? Tony, are you confused?"

Tony was completely stunned by Clint's impassioned attitude. He thought that Clint became angry only when he felt that the agreement restricted his freedom. How could it become like this?

In fact, he has been misreading Hawkeye.

Hawkeye is a man with a cheap mouth, and he does things in his own way, but as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he still observes order.

Moreover, S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau helps him to cover his wife and children and protect them to live in stability throughout their lives. This is also vital.

Hawkeye yearns for freedom, but he cares more about his wife and children. He can even choose to retire for his wife and children. After the heavyweight existence of the Celestial Group appeared on the stage, he still returns, which shows that he dares to stand up for his comrades and the earth.

Registration will never register, as that would expose his wife and children.

If he had to be forced to sign the bill, he would definitely choose to retire and would never return.

"The bill is still a draft, and all the conditions are negotiable. I don't know why S.H.I.E.L.D. asked the United Nations to write the draft, but I believe Hill must have her reasons for doing so. Everyone, don't worry, I I think we can discuss it again."

Tony's words soothed the feelings of several other people. They also trust the current S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., and the emotional outburst this time is entirely because the content of the bill is a bit excessive.

Rogers suddenly asked, "Sam and Bucky, what did they do wrong?"

Everyone shut up now, and Tony's hard-to-pacify emotions began to writhe again.

If the Falcons and Winter Soldiers were punished for what they did, the anxiety in these people will drive them to do many terrible things, very terrible.

All of them, including Tony, killed people on the battlefield. If they were to be held accountable, would they not be able to escape?

"The fault of the Falcons and the Winter Soldiers is that they shouldn't kill people and then conceal them without reporting them, and they were caught by someone else. Captain, what do you think SHIELD should do?"

Skye is working hard to complete her task. She needs to ascertain the attitude of everyone, including the existence of Tony and Rogers, the two veterans.

Rogers looked at Skye without fear and said: "I will protect my teammates, not give them to the enemy."

Skye was shocked by the words, and was almost convinced by Rogers.

After she woke up, she looked at Rogers with horror: No wonder this person is so popular... No wonder Hill values ​​his opinions so much.

Tony avoided this topic and said: "In short, I hope you consider our advantages and what we can achieve before making any decisions. Don't make some laughable things just because of your momentary anger. Decision. Yes, I’m talking about you, Pietro. Do you think Royce brought you to such a team because of your ability? No, he values ​​more than you think, don’t let him down , Okay? I have something else, maybe tonight will come to the Avengers, then we will discuss it carefully, so be it."

Tony hung up the communication, and everyone began to think about what Tony said.

Pitro was even lost, and he asked Wanda desperately: "What does he mean by Royce...?"

At this moment, Dr. Banner, who had never said anything, suddenly said: "By the way, where is Royce? Why didn't he come?"

"Banna? When did you come?"

"Isn't I always there?"


"Wanda, you have a good relationship with the diva, can you help me ask, why does Mr. Royce value me?"

Pietro thought for a long time, but still couldn't understand this question, so he found Wanda who was communicating with Rogers and begged.

Wanda still cared more about her, the only relative, so she stopped the conversation with Rogers and said with a polite smile: "Captain, let me first...?"

Rogers nodded solemnly and walked out of Wanda's room without a word.

"What is he here for?"

Pietro's eyes were defensive, and Wanda rolled his eyes.

"What do you think, the captain and Agent Carter are getting better, just come to me to chat. By the way, why do you care so much about Royce's opinion of you?"

"I don't know. He is very strong and strategizing. It seems that everything can't escape his eyes. He can always find a solution to the problem. This time if he is there, this shit bill will definitely not be delivered to our table on."

Pietro looked very angry, and Wanda also thought about it for a while and said: "That's true, he will definitely not let this happen. But if you contact the diva...I may not be able to do it, diva recently Very busy. I heard that Artemis will be preparing for the wedding. The entire Olympus is preparing for this."

"Then what should I do, I'm almost annoying."

Pietro stepped onto Wanda's bed and scratched his head in pain.

Wanda thought for a while, first went to the door to check if there was anyone outside, then closed the door, and whispered to Pietro: "But I heard that Royce is on the earth. Would you like to ask him?"

"What? Then why doesn't he come out and help us?"


"Why should I help you? Isn't this your own business?"

Royce poured tea for Pietro and Wanda, and he only returned from Carrie's school.

Carrie had gone to school successfully. At first he was worried about whether Carrie would be recognized. Later, he found out that there was no one who knew him in the school, and then he was relieved.

"But you are not..."

"I'm nothing, I'm just an ordinary dad now. And this is your internal struggle. Haven't you seen the contradiction?"

Royce said with a smile, took a sip from the teacup, then closed his eyes to reminisce about the sweetness after the bitterness.

Pitro was stunned, but Wanda seemed to have caught something and asked: "You mean the captain?"

Royce didn’t open his eyes and said casually: “Everyone has a stand, and most of their stand is determined by their inner justice and kindness. But when a person’s stand is replaced by their inner selfish desires Only later will it be possible to explain what kind of path they believe in."

"But Tony is not completely credible, is he?"

"No one is completely credible. I told Angelica that she would not completely believe it when the toilet was blocked, let alone a simple colleague relationship."

Royce's joke made Wanda amused, and he went on to say: "But you have to choose to believe in someone, and believe in someone who makes a decision that will not make you regret it."

"Then why don't we sit and make decisions?"

Pietro became a little unconvinced, and caused Royce to open his eyes to look at him, then smiled and asked, "Then what decision did you make?"

"I do not know!"

Pietro made it right.

"At the beginning, I thought that your childish temper could make the team less sensible. Now it seems that you haven't changed at all, which is great."

Ok?Does Royce value me?I want to go home...

Pietro almost cried, but Wanda laughed very loudly.

"Regardless of order or freedom, they are all subjective things and cannot be manipulated for comparison. Hill's approach is correct, and your opinions are correct. It is too superficial to say right or wrong on this issue. The key to the question is, can you bear the risk of defeat and can you bear the risk of victory?"

Wanda's attention was quickly drawn away by Royce. She subconsciously asked: "Why is there a risk in victory?"

"What will you do after victory? Repeal the bill. Then it will cause some superhumans to act recklessly and cause social unrest. When the prestige of S.H.I. ?"

"But what if we didn't do that?"

"Then you will lose, the war has started long ago, but you haven't noticed it yet."

Wanda's little head can't bear the pressure of thinking about these problems. She prefers to perform tasks instead of thinking about these questions about the direction of life.

But Pietro began to meditate.

After a while he asked: "Then what is the meaning of this war? Is it to divide us? Who would do it?"


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