Marvel's King

Chapter 237 Why do you want to lose?

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Royce did not answer this question, just as the phone on the table rang, it was a text message from Jack.

"Royce, come here quickly!!! N: 45°31', W: 122°42'."

It's been a long time since Jack took the initiative to contact him. This time he sent a message instead of making a phone call. It seems that the situation should be critical.

Royce got up and said to the two Wanda: "The reason is not critical. The key issue is the path you will choose in the future and the position you will choose in the near future. You don't need to be loyal to anyone, just be loyal to yourself. I have to go out in a hurry and lock the door for me, thank you."

As he said, Royce's body turned into dust and melted into the air, without a trace.

Wanda's eyes widened in surprise as she watched Royce's means when she disappeared, and she felt a burst of power that distort reality.

Her ability is also to modify reality, but she can't control too much energy output at all, and her body's endurance limit is not high, so she dare not use her power easily.

However, Royce looked very relaxed when she played, and she wanted to eat and drink as simple as she was envious.

"What do you want? Go away."

Wanda came back to his senses and realized that Pietro was still thinking, and couldn't help but urge.

Pietro woke up, his eyes were still in a trance, his face was very ugly, and he was horny.

"Royce is right, we really shouldn't think about the cause of this matter and the manipulator. Look at you, it's like having cancer."

Wanda rubbed Pietro's face a little distressedly. She had been dependent on each other for so long. She had never seen Pietro look so painful.

Even when they first encountered a disaster, Pietro was as hard as a rock. How could it be as fragile and fragile as it is now?

Pietro gave a strong smile and said, "Yes, what can I do even if I want to understand it? It's probably because of this consideration that Royce didn't want us to delve into it, hey..."


Carrie was indeed generous and generous.

Although she is not the most popular blonde girl, her brown hair is not rejected, and her skin is more translucent.

In just one class, many boys consciously or unconsciously went to strike up conversations and inquired about Carrie's hobbies.

However, Carrie didn't want to talk to them, but she didn't refuse very badly. She just made up some of her own situation at will, and let them guess the others.

Her attention had been on a guy named Peter Parker, and that stupid Parker had been staring at a black girl named Liz and couldn't look away.

"What should I do? How can I get you into my palm? Little Parker."

Carrie wrote and painted on the book at will, the sun fell on her face, and a picture of a sad girl appeared in everyone's sight.

"Hey, Peter, what are you thinking about that new girl?"

Peter's good friend Nide stabbed Peter in the ribs and asked in a low voice.

Peter glanced at Carrie, shook his head and said, "I don't know." With that, he focused on the chemical formula in the book.

The spider silk he designed had some problems, not enough stickiness and insufficient adhesion. He had a headache for a long time and still couldn't find a solution.

Naide glanced at him, and saw that he was serious. He couldn't help being discouraged and said: "Peter, do you think we will be single forever?"

Peter can't calm down now, and he is also a little worried about this happening...

Both he and Ned were marginalized at school. Although they did well in school, they had no other friends except each other.

In the United States, academic performance is far less important than communication skills.

They also gradually became freaks in school because of howling. Except for Lightning Flesh who would bully him because he was jealous of Peter's intelligence, everyone else didn't even bother to look at him.

Not to mention the goddess Liz who only talks to him in dreams.

"Do you want to be single for a lifetime?"

"I do not want..."

"Then we should do something!"

Naide secretly made up his mind, but he had no clue.

He can use the Law of Lopida that even a college student hasn't mastered, but he doesn't know anything about love.

In addition, he is obese and he is very inferior, just like Peter is inferior because he is thin.

"How to do it?"

Peter also doesn't know any love tricks, but he still subconsciously obeyed the difficult brother Naide, after all, it was his idea.

"Just start with that newcomer. She doesn't know us, and she won't have stereotypes about us. As long as we don't do strange things, we won't fail, right?"

The more Naide said, the less confident he became, and in the end he even became an imploring tone.

Peter looked at Carrie's beautiful profile, and his heart throbbed.

While looking attentively, the noisy school bell suddenly rang, awakening Peter and Carrie.

When Carrie woke up, she looked at Peter subconsciously, and she was enraged when she saw that he was also looking at herself, with a big smile on her face.

Peter who was watching felt his heart stop beating for a moment.

bad!It's the feeling of myocardial infarction!

Peter avoided his sight in a panic, hurriedly packed his bags and ran out of the classroom.

He wanted to find a place to be quiet for a while and calm his complicated mood.

Why is she smiling at me?Does she like me?Isn't she angry because I peeked at her?why?

Peter leaned against the wall and asked himself, his heart beating faster and faster.

The classmates came out of the classroom one after another and rushed to the classroom for the next class. Liz also came out of the classroom opposite Peter. Seeing Peter, who was sweating profusely, looked down at him and asked, "Peter? ?"

"Huh? Me? I'm fine, fine."

Peter, who had just experienced peeking at his bag, met the gentleness of the goddess, two feelings that he had never had before almost suffocated him.

Did I hang up?

Peter didn't believe he would encounter this kind of thing, and even began to wonder if it was a prank by someone.

Just thinking about it, Carrie also ran out of the classroom carrying her schoolbag.

She looked around and saw Peter facing Liz at a glance.

Just peeped at me!Chat with other women now?Big trotters!

Carrie wished to stab Peter to death with a shot.

But her tutor is still very good. After trying to calm her anger, she walked to Peter with a look of noble temperament looking at sentient beings, and asked curiously, "Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Carrie's sudden interruption made Liz give up the comforting words in her throat to say to Peter, and waved her hands to deny it.

Unexpectedly, Peter denied it faster. He said almost without hesitation: "No, we are not, not a boyfriend..."

Liz was stunned for a moment, feeling a little sullen in her heart, but her good upbringing kept her from attacking. She just smiled and followed Peter's words and denied: "Really not, you are...? Are you a newcomer? I don't seem to have seen it. you."

Carrie felt funny seeing Peter's face flushed, and generously reached out to Liz and said, "Yes, my name is Carrie. I just transferred to school today, hello."

"Oh... my name is Liz."

After they met each other for a while, they chatted casually, and Liz left.

She thought this Carrie was interesting to Peter, and this feeling was very strong.

She herself had a good impression of Peter, but she was far from taking action, so she took the initiative to give in to avoid conflict.

After Liz left, Carrie walked up to Peter forcefully, and suddenly stretched out a hand to give Peter a wall, looked into his eyes and asked, "Did you just peek at me?"

Peter dared not look at Carrie, the tawny pupils swallowed him like an abyss.

He quickly avoided his sight and said, ""

"Why? Am I ugly?"

The smile on Carrie's face grew stronger.

If I knew he was so funny, I should have molested him that day!

It's a pity...I couldn't learn some top tricks from Angelica.No, I have to go back to Olympus to learn, and I want to see Peter look like he is unbearable but enjoys!

It will be fun!

Peter secretly looked up at Carrie's face, shook his head and said, "No, it's pretty."

"Then why don't you watch it?"


Just as Peter didn't know how to answer, Naide stood at the door looking at the two with a horrified face, the dim light in his eyes as if his life had collapsed.

Are you single together?Co-author you teasing me?

Carrie’s goal is Peter, and she is not interested in this little fat man. She laughed and patted Peter on the shoulder, leaning in his ear, saying, "See you in next class~"

After speaking, he walked away briskly.

"'s the situation?"

Peter watched Carrie walk freely, his mind drifting away with his eyes, and said meaninglessly, "I...I don't know."


The two never collided with each other again, because they didn't have the same course.They didn't meet again until the last class.

The last class was physical education. Carrie walked into the gymnasium with two tennis rackets in tight sportswear.

Before class, you should read the aerobics guide taken by Steve. The children all sat in rows and watched carefully.

Peter and Ned were sitting in the middle left position, next to Flesh.

Flesh was babbling from beginning to end, mocking Peter.

But Peter didn't mind him at all, he was now full of Carrie's aggressive face before.

"That... hello. I'm sorry I am late, I want to sit with Peter, can you please change positions with me?"

Fras was talking crookedly, and Carrie's soft voice rang in his ears.

It's always hard to refuse the request of a beautiful woman. Without even understanding what Carrie said, Frasch stood up and said, "It's okay, you sit down, you sit down."

This action was even more attractive than Captain America on TV. The attention of the whole class, including the teacher, was on Carrie and Peter, and their eyes were full of incredible.

Ned's expression was even more shocking, and it was good enough to make a movie.

When Carrie saw everyone looking at herself and Peter, she glanced at Peter who was ashamed of herself, and said to everyone: "Captain Rogers's ardent teaching can't be wasted. I won't run away. I will look at me later, thank you Everyone."

Carrie's generous and kind attitude made everyone no longer booing, but the whispers were inevitable.

Even Nide stopped Peter and asked, "Frankly! Did you come to school after eating shit at home?"

Peter was about to answer, but Ned was pushed back by Carrie's eyes, and sat back honestly, only daring to look at them with the corner of his eye.

Carrie pointed to the racket on the ground and covered her mouth with one hand and asked Peter in a low voice, "Can you play tennis?"

Peter glanced at Carrie, saw that she was looking at him, and quickly lowered his head, shook his head and said, "No."

"Then I will teach you well, do you want to learn?"

Peter hesitated for a while, nodded honestly and said, "I want to learn..."

The video will be finished soon, and everyone can start free activities after finishing the 20-minute warm-up activity.

Physical education is a big class, and a class lasts two hours.

Carrie pulled Peter to a cushion, pushed him to it, tilted her head and asked provocatively, "Are you interested in a match?"

Carrie was pressing Peter's calf at this time, and the tights showed her graceful figure to the fullest. Peter looked dizzy and whispered: "What's more?"

Carrie pursed her lips in a thinking state, thought for a while, and said, "Sit-ups. Whoever does more in a minute will win, how about?"


Honestly, Peter started doing it as soon as he finished speaking, and Carrie was bewildered.

She hurriedly put her hand on Peter's chest and stopped him from moving, saying, "Wait, I haven't said the prize yet!"


Peter's mind began to liven up, and he looked at Carrie's slightly pursed lips, and there were images in his mind that made him feel excited.

Carrie looked at his confused eyes and guessed what he was thinking. She blushed and punched him angrily.

Carrie used a bit of strength, and Peter almost missed the fight.

When I was about to get angry, I saw Carrie's blushing face and unnaturally shifting the line of sight to him, and said softly, "Don't think about it..."

The anger in Peter's heart was instantly extinguished, and Carrie's shy appearance made him a little unable to resist, and there was a desire to indulge in his heart around the corner.

Carrie suppressed her shyness, straightened her hair, and said, "Well, if you win, I will pick you up to school tomorrow. If I win, you will send me home later? Can you?"

Is there such a good thing?Do I lose or win?

Peter had encountered the first crossroads in his life, and he wanted to discuss with Nide, but it felt like it was not the time.

Thinking about it, Carrie was already sitting on his calf.

The elastic touch made Peter tremble all over, and even Carrie trembles.

The physical education teacher walked over at this time and said, "Why don't you...change your group? You look embarrassed."

Carrie turned cold, but politely said, "Thank you, no, we are fine."

The PE teacher left awkwardly, and Peter also considered whether he should win or lose.

How can you wait until tomorrow?I can't wait to stay with her tonight!

Peter yelled in his heart, and then lay still on the ground, showing no expression.

Carrie was ashamed and slapped Peter on the thigh angrily, and said, "Don't be shameless! Hurry up! I'm about to start timing!"

Peter made one reluctantly, and muttered: "But I want to lose..."

"Why do you want to lose?"

When Peter had just finished a sit-up, and Carrie was almost face to face, Carrie asked with a smile.

The scent and the smell of hormones forced Peter to lie down quickly, but he wanted to feel the taste again.He quickly got up again, approached Carrie again and said, "Because I want to take you home..."


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