Marvel's King

Chapter 242

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It was Royce who was speaking naturally. He had listened for a while. In fact, he was listening when Peter was pacing there and talking.

When Carrie saw Royce coming down, she felt nervous. She quickly changed positions with Peter and put herself in front. She stammered in panic, "Royce, if you have something to say, please say it, don’t you, Don't come out! Don't! Just stand there!"

Seeing Royce was about to come out, Carrie hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop her and yelled at him.

Royce stopped and said with a gloomy face: "Go home!"

Seeing that Royce was so angry, Carrie was swearing, and quickly pushed Peter away, saying: "You go first, see you at school tomorrow, let's go."

Peter has been in a daze, completely confused.

But although he was a little stupid, he was not stupid. Seeing the bad situation and Carrie's push, he left wisely.

While running, she shouted at Carrie: "See you tomorrow! I'll bring a racket!"

Carrie smiled and saw him goodbye, but before two seconds of happiness, she remembered Royce staring at her.Carrie's face turned bitter, her body stiffened, and she walked into the apartment building obediently.

"I went to find Angelica!"

Carrie opened the door and said casually to Royce and ran in the direction of the elevator.

Royce didn't chase, opened the door and walked out of the apartment.

"do not!"

Carrie knew at a glance that Royce was going to chase Peter, and hurriedly chased it out, but was caught by Royce who was ambushing at the door.

"What are you running? Huh?"

Royce was almost annoyed by Carrie's anxiousness. Before, Royce couldn't help it when she stopped Peter behind her. Now it is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire.

Carrie was not annoyed by Royce's neck being lifted in the air, pulling Royce's clothes to please, and said: "Oh, I'm not afraid you will clean up me~ I was wrong, sorry, never again Dare."

Apologizing to Carrie for the third consecutive year was almost at hand, but it never worked, Royce was used to it.

But this time I can't let it go so easily.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

Royce put Carrie down and asked seriously.

He can tolerate Carrie falling in love, and can tolerate her becoming a bitch, but he doesn't want Carrie to become an EASY-GIRL.

Seeing Royce's serious face, Carrie also put away the thoughts of smiling hippiely with him. Just as she was about to say something, Angelica suddenly appeared behind her and hugged her.

"Angel? Are you here to help me?"

Angelica wrinkled her nose at her and said to Royce, "Go back and talk about it. It's not suitable here."

"I knew you were in the same group with him!"


Peter was jumping on the road, looking very happy.

When he walked to the entrance of the subway station, he suddenly remembered something: That Royce wouldn't do anything to Carrie, right?He looked very angry before, he must have done something to Carrie!

Will he beat Carrie?He should be, after all, he looks so fierce.

Should I go back and help Carrie?Or take her away?

Peter had this idea in his mind, and he lingered on it, and he was about to put it into practice.

But when he turned around, he hesitated again, and finally he dialed Aunt Mei's phone, and he wanted to ask the people who came by.

"Hey Peter, what's the matter? Did you succeed?"

"Successful Aunt May, she..." Peter recalled, he didn't seem to get a reply from Carrie, but he felt that Carrie forgave him, so he said: "She forgave me, that's it, Aunt May , I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter? When are you going to bring her to the house? Or let me see? It's not bad for me to take you out for dinner. What do you want to eat?"

"I want to, I don’t want to eat anything. Listen, Aunt May, that’s very important. I was seen by someone while comforting Carrie, who seemed to be Carrie’s father, but he was very Young, I don’t know what his identity is. But he looks very angry. I am worried about what he will do to Carrie. Should I help her?"

"Never, Peter, fortunately you called me. It is normal for him to be angry, but is he really young? How young is he?"

"I don't know. What's the matter with you at the age of twenty-three or four?"

"Oh, nothing. You did the right thing. In any case, educating children is their own business, and only people have this right. You have already provoke others once, but you must never have a second time. By the way, what are you? Time to come back? Do you want something to eat? I have already gone out to eat."

"Ah... I'll buy a sandwich and eat it. That's it. I'm going to take the subway now. See you later."

Peter hung up and let out a sigh of relief.

When he was about to enter the subway station, his spider sensor suddenly sounded an alarm to remind him of danger around him.

"Don't go in a hurry, come and have a chat."

When Peter heard the sound, he turned back and found that the person behind him was Royce.

"Ah good..."

The two came to a coffee shop, Royce asked: "What to drink?"

"No, sir, I'm not thirsty."

Peter was flattered and quickly refused. In fact, his throat was a little sore from thirst.

Royce smiled and said to the waiter: "Two lemonades, thank you."

After the waiter left, Royce returned to his serious face and asked Peter, "How long have you known Carrie?"

"Sir, we..."

Royce heard that Peter was about to start talking, stretched out a finger to stop him, and said, "All you need to do is answer my question, understand?"


Peter nodded obediently and felt sorry for Carrie at the same time. It should be uncomfortable to have such a "dad".

Royce asked again: "How long have you known Carrie?"

"The first day of today."

"you like her?"


"You like her in one day? What does she attract you?"

"I don't know, she is beautiful and cute, and she is willing to be friends with me. I...I don't know, but I just have a feeling. I just want to be close to her and want to play with her. No matter what you do together, that's it."

The more Peter said that Royce's face became darker, and it almost became the bottom of the pot.

He forced himself to calm down, not to scare the little spider, and said, "Peter Parker, I also come from your age. In fact, I am not much older than you. But I hope and ask you to do one thing. thing."


Peter was in a state of listening carefully, and Royce went on to say: "In any case, I need you to restrain certain thoughts that you shouldn't have. Carrie is only fifteen years old, and she hasn't even come to her menstrual period. I don't want any. Anything that might harm her body happens, can you understand what I mean?"

Peter blushed, and said, "I...we still..."

"I said, answer my question!"

"Yes! I can do it, I promise, sir, I promise!"

Royce was satisfied and nodded and said, "I hope you don't break your promise, and I will tell her from Carrie. Have you eaten? Not yet? What would you like to eat?"

Just then the waiter came, and Royce asked smoothly.

Peter was in a bad state of mind because of Royce, so he said happily: "Whatever you want."

Royce glanced at him, then smiled and said to the waiter: "Bring him a fillet steak. Special dishes for the appetizer and dessert will do, okay?"

The waiter smiled and agreed, saying: "Yes, what about you? Don't you need anything?"

Royce smiled unchanged and refused: "Thank you, I have eaten at home."

When the waiter left, Royce took a sip from the water glass and said to Peter: "Actually I don't want Carrie to fall in love at all, not at all."

Peter's heart fell cold and he was a little confused: Then why did you ask me so many questions before?

Royce added: "But I know I can't organize her, so instead of arousing her rebelliousness, it's better to follow her. Anyway, it will be a matter of time, and it doesn't matter if it is earlier."

Peter smiled happily, touched his nose and said, "Thank you, thank you sir."

"Call me Royce, there are still plenty of opportunities to meet in the future. You have a good meal, I guess you can't eat well if I sit here. I have to go back and have a good chat with Carrie, so I won't disturb you. I hope we I won’t be so angry the next time I meet, goodbye."

After speaking, Royce checked out and left, leaving Peter thinking about what Royce said.


"How can you calm me down? She's still so young, she doesn't have much thinking ability, what if she does something? Do you know that she hasn't come to her aunt before she is so old? Am I going to die in a hurry?"

Royce was pushed on the sofa by Angelica, while Carrie stood at a distance in the kitchen.

She was terrified.

Just because he didn't accept Royce's preaching, his mouth was stubborn and the angry Royce exploded directly.

If it weren't for Angelica and Wanda to help pull it, Royce might have done it.

"I haven't come to my menstrual period, but it doesn't mean that I'm still a child! I have my own thinking skills! I like..."

"Carrie! Shut up!"

Angelica didn't understand Carrie still daring to speak hard. Can't you see that I can't hold him back?

Royce couldn't stand it at all, and opened Angelica, and broke free of the shackles that Wanda gave him by manipulating reality, and said to Carrie: "You better run fast enough, otherwise you will be in serious trouble today. Up!"

Angelica fell and quickly turned over and hugged Royce's back waist, and said: "You can't beat you, you can't beat. The child is older. What if you beat her and she runs away?"

Royce's donkey temper also came up, and said loudly: "The entire universe is under my control, where is she going?!"

"What are you shouting? What are you shouting at me? Can shouting solve the problem?"

Angelica was also unconvinced, yelling at Royce with a louder voice, and yelled Royce into a misfire.

This is where Angelika likes Royce, she can always recognize her mistakes quickly and correct them.

Although Royce was angry and unconvinced, he still stood obediently and said to Carrie: "Come here, I'll tell you well."

Seeing that Royce was getting better, Angelica waved to Carrie and said, "Come here, can he still harm you?"

Carrie was frightened and cried by Royce's performance before, grievedly wiped away her tears, pouted and walked behind Angelica, watching Royce's performance secretly.

Royce took a deep breath and said, "Carrie, I...Wanda, can you give us"

"Huh?" Wanda the invisible man was cueed, a little confused, and asked: "Where shall I go?"

"Angel? Can you help me?"

Angelica took Wanda away unwillingly and kicked Royce before leaving.

Carrie was so scared that she wanted to follow her, but Angelica pushed her on the sofa and said, "It's okay, listen to him."

After the two people left, Royce organized the language in embarrassment for a long time, until Carrie's nervousness was about to fade, and then said: "Carrie, I have never told you about physical things, because I think Angelica will tell you, but obviously she didn’t tell you, happened to be solved together today."

Royce blushed with embarrassment, and Carrie also understood what Royce was about to say. She also blushed and looked down at the ground, breathing much faintly.

"I have experienced your age, although the gender is different, but the feeling is definitely the same, because Angelica also...In short, under the action of hormones, you will involuntarily produce some impulses. These impulses are not You can control it at will.

But this is something you must control."


"Because your body is not mature yet, especially... Gan! These things should be told by Angelica!"

At this time Angelica's voice sounded from the bedroom: "No! You said it was pretty good, go ahead!"

Carrie whispered at this moment: "Or...or don't talk about it, it's embarrassing."

Royce became tough this time and said: "No! Listen carefully to me, listen carefully! Your body is not mature yet, and if you have sex in advance, it may cause some diseases. Also, your current age Not enough, or not enough experience, it’s easy to fall into addiction, just like you are addicted to eating ice cream. But eating ice cream is not harmful to your life, but... it will affect your life, do you understand? "


Royce was silly, and the two women in the bedroom couldn't help laughing, especially Angelica, who started to roll on the bed.

Royce could not go on, so he changed his strategy and said, "Do you believe me? Carrie?"

Carrie nodded, and at the same time apologized for confronting Royce before: "Believe, I'm sorry, I should have always believed in you."

Royce took Carrie in his arms and said, "That's good, since you believe me, then you don't want to do something extraordinary, okay? At least wait until you have your own life and find yourself Do those things where the focus of life is, can you promise me?"

"Oh, OK..."

Carrie was finally coaxed. If Royce had a better tone just now, Carrie would not contradict him if he hadn't been so aggressive.

Fortunately, the two finally got back together.

Royce took out the dinner for Carrie and went back to the bedroom. Seeing that he was really gone, Carrie also took out his cell phone and started chatting with Peter.

"Yeah! I was almost eaten by Royce just now!!!"

"Why? Is he so fierce? I feel fine..."

"It's okay. You didn't even see his expression. Just like a lion, I must keep a lion at home when I find a chance. I named Royce and I am mad at him!"

"Raising a lion? Can I apply not to participate in this event?"

"No! You can feed it every day, feed it a lot, and feed it into a fat man."



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