Marvel's King

Chapter 243 Which villain can jump out and help us? Very urgent, wait online!

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"Will you still laugh? Do you still have a smile? After so many years, you haven't taught her about physiology at all?"

After coaxing Carrie to the room to do her homework, Royce began to scold Angelica.

Angelica laughed loudly and said: "Haha, didn't you speak well! You are also embarrassed to find the focus of life? At the beginning..."

"Hey hey hey hey! What are you talking about!"

Royce hurriedly stopped, did Wanda's eyes light up?

Angelica stopped in time, but the smile on her face was still there, and asked: "I think you were out of your body before, why did you go? Did you go to that guy? What did you look like? Show me chant."

Royce gave her a blank look and said, "You mean I have to bring a camera with me when I go to find him, right? Shall I record a Vlog for him and bring it back for you to see?"

Angelica cheered in time and nodded and said, "It's okay, do you have one? If not, I'll buy one for you, and take a few more pictures for me to see, and make me happy."

Royce sneered and said, "Why don't you let me go to the University of Southern California to study director? Then I will make you a movie about Carrie and Peter falling in love. Then you will hold popcorn and eat while eating. Look, that's fun, isn't it?"

With that, Royce went to the bed, squeezed Angelica away, and found the most comfortable position.

Wanda sat on the sofa on the balcony, amused by the interaction between the two.

Angelica thought for a while and asked, "Is it too late for me to sign up for you now? Will someone at your age let you in? Can't you be kicked out?!"

With closed eyes, Royce opened his eyes and glanced at Angelica, and said disdainfully: "If I go to school, the guardian can stop me? You believe it or not, we will go to the bathhouse together in three days. , Let’s talk about this. Then you will suffer. I won’t be able to rule 10,000 actresses when I become a director?"

"Puff..." Angelica wasn't angry at all, even laughed out, and said: "Just you? Are you still an unspoken actress? Then I have to beat Lilanda and Hill. I’m on the phone, why don’t you call your good friend Nebula too? Let them be the heroines, you make them a movie, just shoot... three female devil! This name is good, domineering! How?"

"I'll take a picture of the miserable queen of your life, and it's so troublesome to use the whole? You alone are enough to watch."

Angelica laughed loudly and said, "Haha, if you are acquainted, how about rewarding you for washing the pot tonight? Don't wrong you?"

"Why don't you reward me for eating the pot? I'm so embarrassed? I have to wash the dishes if I cook together? You don't do anything, just be the uncle? I'll bring you a basin of footwashing water again? I'll wash your feet again."

Angelica stretched her smile and retorted, "Hey, I'm so embarrassed, how can your dignified king wash the feet of a little girl? So, you don't need to wash your feet. You give me a massage? Me? I'll press the button for you later, so that you won't suffer, okay?"

"Want to eat a fart? I cook, wash the pot, take the kids and do coolies, and finally I have to massage you? It's okay, Angelica, shamelessness has reached a certain level, right?"

Watching the interaction between the two of them, Wanda smiled and couldn't smile.

Am I laughing at NM, am I laughing?I am a single dog with a smile!

"Um, you talk, I'll go back first."

Wanda got up and said goodbye, Angelika kept saying: "Don't, when you go back this time, someone will tell you about it. Hill can't protect yourself now, and there must be no way to protect you. Are you not self-reliant? "

Wanda looked at Angelica sincerely concerned, smiled and shook her head and said, "Thank you, Angel. But you have to face it yourself, not to mention that this was originally my fault. As for me, I believe in my companions. Will protect me, I did nothing wrong, right?"

Angelica looked back at Royce and found him lying on the bed pretending to be dead. She gave him a punch silently. After thinking about it, she said to Wanda: "The storm has already begun. Since you choose to face it, then I I suggest you don’t go to Tony’s side. He lacks security, so it’s easy to choose the wrong path. You must pay attention to this."

Wanda was surprised: "Isn't Tony your good friend? How could..."

Royce couldn't sit still at this time and said, "Tony is indeed our good friend, but he is also a human and makes mistakes. Isn't it normal?"

"Then you still don't stop him?"

Wanda was stunned. Are you a friend like this?

Royce laughed directly. He lay on the bed and looked at Wanda and said, "Why do you think I can stop him? He wants to do this, but it is not what he was forced to do."

"What do you mean?"

Wanda didn't understand a bit, she didn't understand Royce's brain circuit, she didn't understand at all.

"Why do you think Tony wants to implement the bill? S.H.I.E.L.D. forces him? No, no one can force him to do something. He was already tired. When he found out that you, no, we might cause disaster, he I want to end it all."

Angelika also nodded and said: "It is true. You may not believe it, but he thought about replacing the existence of the Avengers with machines a long time ago, but Royce stopped him."

Wanda really couldn't believe it. She stood there blankly, and asked incomprehensibly: "But... why?"


"Tony, I'm really fed up, your nonsense is that you will never finish up, right?"

While Tony was looking at the revised bill, Pepper stormed into Tony's studio angrily.

Tony froze for a moment, and asked Jarvis with some fear: "Is it a special day today?"

Jarvis was lifted from the ban and said: "Sir, you should celebrate your fourth anniversary with Miss Pepper at the Aroma restaurant in Rome at seven this evening."

Tony was startled, and quickly got up to apologize.

But Pepper was not ready to listen. She said angrily: "Tell me what you are thinking? You have been busy all day for the past six months. I don't even know what you are doing in this shabby place all day long! Memories! When was the last time you and I had dinner together? It was the time Royce proposed! It has been nearly four months now!"

Tony was too much to talk about, and he was usually cleverly tongue-tied. He couldn't say a word of guilt at this time. He could only apologize: "Sorry, Pepper, it's my problem, I..."

Pepper didn't want to listen at all. She raised a hand to stop Tony and said, "No, I don't want to hear your apology. I just want to ask you, when can you live a normal life with me?"

Tony was speechless. He took a deep breath and said, "When this matter is over, when the bill is amended and passed and signed, I will retire and live a good life with you, okay?"

Pepper's anger faded a bit, but he still said forcefully: "Well, I agree with this deadline. But during this time we should separate. When you finish your work, we will talk about life."

After speaking, Pepper covered her mouth and ran away. She was afraid that she would feel relieved if she stayed for a while, and that was absolutely impossible.

After Pepper left, Tony sat down desperately, pulling his hair in anguish.

"Sir, you let me watch something."

Tony came back to his senses and said, "Let me see."

As soon as the voice fell, a flat projection appeared in front of Tony, which was the scene of Rogers and Clint rescuing the Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

Tony watched all this and kept silent, waiting for Rogers to escape before murmured, "Is it the beginning? Rogers, you just can't wait for me a little longer..."

Originally, he planned to discuss the unfair terms with those people with Hill tomorrow, but he didn't expect Rogers to be so uncomfortable.

But also, the captain's adherence to justice is beyond doubt, and others are not allowed to use it.

One of his most dissatisfied items on the bill is that all actions of the Avengers must be reviewed by S.H.I.E.L.D., which means that they have to do whatever S.H.I.

Rogers didn't trust Hill so much, and he was even more suspicious of others.

Not only doubt their ideas, but even their ingredients.

"Connect me to Hill, Jarvis."

"Good sir."

At the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hill is watching what happened recently, trying to connect everything together.

On the upper left is the conflict between the Poverty Alleviation Office led by Malos and the local rebels in Africa. Below it are four or five images, all of which are related to this matter; the one on the right is the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. In the case of being seduced and killing more than a dozen people while tracing weapons in Africa, below are also the people or organizations involved.

There are many others, and Hill's brain is a little bloated.

Just when she was looking attentively, Skye rushed in and said breathlessly, "Pointing... Commander! Captain... Captain and Agent Hawkeye took Sam and Barnes away. !"

Hill didn't panic, instead he put a smile on his face, saying, "The break point is finally here, Rogers, you really didn't disappoint me."

Sky was stunned, and she did not dare to ask if she was confused.

Hill thought about it and said, "Are Agent Natasha still in Mexico? Let her come back and be responsible for investigating this matter. Let Coleson assist her in the investigation."

Skye should have hesitated, and said: "The two Massimov brothers and sisters are gone, as well as the assimilated people and the death soldier... We found that the two of them also appeared at the Washington airport and took the flight to South Africa. ."

Hill didn't care, waved his hand and said: "It's okay, you go and execute the order, I know it in my heart."


The look of Hill standing on his chest gave Sky great comfort, and he walked out of Hill's office arrogantly.

Soon after she left, Tony's call came.

"It's really time, huh..."

Hill gave a chuckle and put on the phone and said, "It seems that your promotion has not been done well, Rogers has already started to act."

Tony in the video smiled bitterly and said: "It's inevitable, you and I have guessed it already, right?"

Hill shrugged, took a sip of the coffee on the table, and said, "What are you going to do?"

Tony took a deep breath and said, "Tomorrow, go to the SHIELD showdown and call them all."

Hill thought for a while, shook his head and said: "It is not the time yet. The showdown will not achieve the desired effect, but will make the situation more delicate."

Tony understood Hill’s concerns, but he couldn’t stand it anymore, so he said, “Hill, wait a while and the Avengers really won’t exist anymore.”

Hill smiled and asked, "Isn't that what you want to see?"

Tony's face turned bitter again, he glanced sideways at the photo of him and Pepper, and finally shook his head and said, "But I don't want the Avengers to be disbanded in this way. I can't accept it."

The smile on Hill's face was even stronger, and when he was about to say something, Skye came back, her face very ugly.

"What happened?"

The smile on Hill's face disappeared and he changed to a serious face.

Skye put the police report on Wanda's incident on the table and reported all the circumstances.

As Skye said, Hill's face was already covered with frost.

"This is terrible..."

Originally everything was in Hill’s plan. As long as Rogers found out what was going on, they would inevitably expose the fighting that took place within S.H.I.E.L.D. to the public. Then she would have room for manipulation and the position of the Avengers. It's not so embarrassing anymore, and it can even improve its status.

But if this matter of Wanda is exposed, it will inevitably arouse a lot of people's resentment towards the Avengers.

Heroes are worthless in peacetime, especially now.

The Avengers who were once looked up to are already a factor of instability in the eyes of many people, something that shouldn't exist.

Those people are taking advantage of human intolerance to aliens and let them attack the Avengers.

Although Wanda did not directly hurt anyone, it did happen because of her. She was the eye of the new storm.

When the New York police's relaxed attitude towards Wanda is exposed, it will inevitably become the fuse.

Even if those people have nothing to do with Wanda, Wanda does not need to take any responsibility.But she can't get out of the police station so easily. At least she has to wait until the police finishes the record of the murderer, to see if they have anything to do with Wang Dadi, and then wait for a lawyer or notify SHIELD to pick up someone.

Their actions will only give the masses a signal that Wanda has used privileges, which also means that contradictions will be further stimulated.

"What happened?"

Tony asked when Hill's face changed drastically.

But before Hill answered, he received a message from Royce: Prepare to fight, I couldn't stop Wanda, I suggest you find Hulk.

Hill looked at Tony's face with a papa-like expression, and asked, "You know?"

"What about Wanda? One point, do you know the specifics?"

Hill took a deep breath and told Tony about everything and her guesses, as well as the impact and direction this event would cause.

Tony was almost desperate after hearing this. He held his forehead and said: "Can you jump out of something that wants to destroy the world to save us!"


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