Marvel's King

Chapter 244 Bill

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The United Nations, an organization that was once broken up by S.H.I.E.L.D. and then reorganized for various reasons, launched an emergency meeting in Washington, United States.

Those who attended were all the chief executives in various regions today, and they were also the masters behind the creation of this arrogance.

Although Hill knew it was them, there was nothing to do, and there were several behind-the-scenes behind them.

Their purpose is not to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D., nor is it to endanger the earth, let alone put the Avengers to death.

But their struggle for power has endangered Hill's position and the foundation of the Avengers' existence.

So they are bound to become Hill's enemies.

Originally, if there was no such thing as Sharon, they would not have dared to jump out if they were killed.

But Sharon’s incident pushed Royce away, and even Shia was no longer as clear as before on the Galactic Council to stand with the earth, so Hill’s status plummeted, making these people dare to jump out. Mess up.

Hill is more concerned about Royce’s thoughts than her own status, and she does not want Royce to intervene in the earth’s affairs again, so as to avoid conflicts between the two sides again, and make the distance between them even more distant. .

So she has been holding on without asking Royce for help.

She believed that her ability was enough to survive this incident.

Hill and Tony attended the meeting together, sitting on a huge round table with the other chief executives.

The purpose of their coming today is to discuss the matter of the Super Human Registration Act, most of which require concessions from both sides to negotiate.

Hill’s political opponents must pass these items that are detrimental to the interests of the Avengers, so that the Avengers can be separated from S.H.I.

Naturally, Hill would not allow them to complete this step, so she brought Tony, the first capitalist no one in the world would dare to underestimate.

"Commander Hill, call us at night, my body can't stand it."

An old man at the corner of the table said with a smile. Although he has gray hair, his eyes are piercing and he looks very smart.That's the person in charge of the Asian region. He usually works hard and only cares about development, but he did not expect to come out to express his opinion this time.

Hill smiled at him and said: "There is no way, the matter is urgent and we cannot tolerate our delay. In order to avoid more disputes from causing disasters, we will discuss the specific items of the bill today."

The chief executive of North America suddenly smiled and said, "Didn't all the bills have been discussed? Commander Hill re-examined the old things. Did something happen?"

The smile on Hill's face disappeared, his eyes burning, and he looked straight at him.

Hill didn't speak, but just kept looking at him. Will Hill, who has been dealing with aliens for several years, be afraid of this kind of yin and yang?His method is not as good as Tony's radical method.

The chief executive of North America was seen as uncomfortable and unable to stab him.

Hill said at this time: "Today is here to solve the problem, don't give me your usual ridicule. I'm plain, if you don't cooperate today, you won't use it tomorrow, believe it or not. I haven't stepped down yet. , You don’t need me to clean up, you should understand?"

Hill has always been strong, and even if she is at a disadvantage, she faces the threat directly, and the people who want to jump out suddenly dare not speak out.

What Hill said was right. A lean camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention Hill is an elephant, and they are mice.

Tony took advantage of the situation and asked Jarvis to distribute the revised bill to everyone, saying: "I am attending this meeting as the spokesperson of the Avengers today. As an Avengers, many contents of the bill are unreasonable and need to be revised.

I have already marked the most important ones. I hope you can take a closer look."

Tony's words are still very soft, because Hill is already hard enough.If he is equally tough, it is estimated that it will arouse these people's rebellious psychology and complicate what was originally easy.

This approach is still very effective, many people attending the meeting began to carefully review the bill items.

They knew that Hill asked them to come here to show the people, and the outcome of this meeting would completely guide the direction of the storm.

Originally, these people didn't want to participate, but few people dared to violate Hill's request, and none of those people here.

"This one... Why can't the Avengers accept that their identity is displayed in front of others? Is there any special reason?"

One person asked, Tony and Hill looked at each other. Tony said: "We Avengers do the most dangerous job in the world, so I think our identity needs to be kept strictly confidential. Not long ago, I was at home in the Strait of Malibu. I was bombed. Is this reason enough to convince you?"

The man was a little dissatisfied and said, "According to you, we are also doing the most dangerous job in the world. Should we also wear a mask to hide behind the scenes? We also have wives and children, and family. Are they not? Should appear in front of people?"

This person's words are not unreasonable, but Tony felt that he was making trouble unreasonably, and said directly: "Have your house been bombed?"

The man was speechless and defended: "You can't just because you are in danger..."

"Have your home been bombed?"

"My house has never been bombed, but..."

"Have your home been bombed?"


This person stopped talking, but this does not mean that the amendment to this bill was passed. Others also stood up to express their opinions, which were all moral kidnappings.

Seeing that the direction of the situation is uncontrollable, Tony stood up and said, "Everyone, I know you think our work is no different from yours. They are all fighting for the benefit of mankind. What's the difference?

Is it really no different?I believe you haven’t forgotten the battle between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra a few years ago?How many terrible things happened at that time?If it were not for Royce and Commander Hill to withstand the pressure and forcibly punish those extremely vicious bandits, can you still sit firmly in your position today?

I believe you have the answer, and I believe that your answer is the same as mine.No need to refute, we don't need hypocrisy today.

The difference between us and you is that the target of your work is people who are unable to resist.But we are fighting against all kinds of bandits that you have never heard of.They are not as human as you are, and they will put the problem on the table to discuss and solve it.They only use guns and cannons to solve problems.

We may be able to protect the people, but we may not be able to protect the people while also protecting the family.It is unacceptable to us whether there is a problem on either side.So why not solve everything before the problem can be avoided?"

Tony's words were sincere, but these people still didn't care much.

The Avengers' information has been held tightly by Hill and never released.

This makes them feel a great threat.

The original bill was created to allow the Avengers to be supervised, and secondly to control the Avengers’ information, so as to better control them.

Tony's words did not resonate, and after a quarrel, the item was postponed.

"Why is this? Why can't the Avengers agree to accept supervision from the United Nations?"

Hill said strongly at this time: "Because they are being supervised by SHIELD, all the actions of the Avengers will be taken care of by SHIELD."

The man asked no more.

This article was originally set purely for the recklessness of the Avengers, and it would be better for SHIELD to take over this responsibility.

Besides, after Hill was pushed to the throne by the conflict caused by the Avengers, did the Avengers still fall into their hands?

Not in a hurry.

"Why did the Winter Soldier Barnes and Falcon Sam apply for a postponement of trial? Haven't their charges been determined?"


The fuse that caused the problem is here.

Hill is ready, it depends on how the opponent accepts the move.

Hill cleared his throat and said: "Winter Soldier Barnes sent back news when he was on the mission that he suspected that someone from Wakanda had smuggled Zhenjin, and he was cooperating with the traitors inside S.H.I.E.L.D. in an attempt to create powerful weapons of destruction. To destroy the new oasis plan."

Tony also nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, an engineer who resigned from Stark's industry some time ago was also recruited by them. Captain Rogers discovered this and took the informed Barnes and Sam to Africa. ."

This hand slashed first and then struck everyone by surprise, and some people even couldn't sit still and began to contact the big guy behind them.

Hill waited and smiled without saying a word.

Tony continued: "The Avengers suspect that someone from Wakanda has reached a cooperative relationship with these people, trying to replicate the warships of the great voyage period."


If the previous news only surprised them a little, then this heavy news directly embarrassed them.

They are not trying to destroy the earth, they just want to seize power.And if Wakanda really cooperates with the rebels, then those who have supported Wakanda before are really not humans inside and outside.

"Wakanda is a small backward country, how can Ho Dee cooperate with these people? It's because of the pitiful export business of gold? It's not possible."

The chief executive who had supported Wakanda in prosecuting the Winter Soldier Falcons was sweating on his forehead and asked incredulously.

Then Wakanda's true face appeared before him.

"Wakanda is obviously a small Central African country, but in fact, Wakanda has a huge amount of vibrating gold reserves, so they are actually very rich, much richer than SHIELD. I don’t know why they did not choose to surface. It is secretly developing. Wakanda is now twice as prosperous as Jerusalem, where S.H.I.E.L.D. is located."

The information presented by Jarvis and Tony's explanation made the faces of these people even more ugly, especially the chief executives in Africa.

It was slap him in the face, and it made him feel very humiliated.

Laozi worked so hard to help the poor in Africa. He was lying on the same table with these people to grab food, just to give them more job opportunities. Then you told me that one of the people I helped was the richest man in the world?

Is there a King Fa?!Is there still a law?!

After all... the wrong payment.

This person is autistic, and the faces of others are not good.

Since the political parties of various countries lost their ruling power, all regions of the world have begun to make common progress, and this road has become more and more smooth and smooth.

But suddenly another Wakanda jumped out.

This place, which claims to be a tribal society, does not agree to accept the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., is there a government secretly?

This is something no one wants to see.

In their eyes, the earth is the only country, and they are the common masters of this country.

Wakanda's existence is equivalent to hitting them in the face, the kind of hit hard.

But the incident between the Winter Soldier and the Falcon had been ignited as a fuse, and they were really unwilling to let them stop at this time.After all, the plan also moved a lot of minds.

It's not good to drag it.If they were dragged to Rogers, they got more useful information and made great contributions, and the scale of victory would no longer tilt towards them.

After discussing for a long time, they finally agreed to temporarily postpone the trial of the Winter Soldier and Falcon, and asked S.H.I.E.L.D. to set up an investigation team to carefully investigate the forces in Africa.

Tony pushed the boat along and said, "Everyone, do you still think our work is safe?"

Everyone didn't talk, there were too many things involved in this matter, and it was really hard to make concessions.

Hill looked at the performance of these people and couldn't help but sneered, and said: "If this is the case, let this item be taken out of the bill and put it aside for now, and wait until we discuss the reason, how about it?"

Dragging is a good thing for the Avengers, but it is also an unacceptable situation for these people.

But now they can only agree, because the initiative is in Hill's hands.

Speaking of it, Hill was enough to give them face, and this meeting was held specially.

Otherwise, Hill would forcefully suppress it and wait for Rogers's side to ferment and announce it directly to the public, and their situation will be even worse.

The meeting quickly spread across the world.

The news that the Avengers Act was jointly reviewed by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the United Nations spread around the world, causing a sensation in many places.

Greece, which was still in the daytime, directly set off a parade and began to oppose the wave of the Olympian gods explaining theology in Greece.

Apollo didn't have any nostalgia, and took Aphrodite and left directly, making those people confused.

Those believers too, seemingly indifferent to the world, ignored the marchers and left.

The marchers were so angry that they threatened to rush to Olympus and smash the temple of the King of Gods.

As soon as this slogan was screamed, a thunder fell from the sky.

The group of people came in mighty, and walked away griefly, and never mentioned the demolition of the temple again.

The Avengers got news from Natasha as soon as they arrived in Africa.

"Brothers, I came to catch you in a glorious cruiser, so be careful."

Natasha's magnetic voice rang in Rogers's headsets.

Coleson's voice followed: "Everyone, run faster, I don't want to catch you so easily."

Rogers laughed heartily and said, "Phil, don't be too confident. You can find us before you talk."

Natasha and Coleson looked at each other and smiled, and said, "By the way, there is something to remind you. The bill was officially passed. The articles we oppose have been changed after discussion between SHIELD and the United Nations. It's up to you if you don't sign."

Clint cared about this issue and asked, "I don't have to expose my family, right? If I have to expose it, then I will retire."

The others also pricked their ears and listened carefully. They were all concerned about those issues.


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