Marvel's King

Chapter 249 Olympus

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This hug really made Athena warm.

Her face is gradually dissipating because of pressure.

Athena enjoys a warmth of Royce, Athens, she released him, saying: "About Haiglis, Royce, I am Hai Glis's sister, I can't watch him and look at him. The more weak. He should be the Olympus lion, not the Olympus cat. I ... Royce, can you restore his god? I guarantee that he can compete for this position, he doesn't Will be like everyone else. "

"Restore God? Are you here because this?"

Royce didn't think this matter would happen Athena to this, but if she doesn't want Rois, I don't want to force her.

Athena hesitated and shook his head and said, "Just this."

Royce wrinkled down, nodded: "I can restore Haiglis's gods, this is just a little thing."

Said, Royce wrote a letter in the void, showing it, handed it to Athena, "Holding this Temple to my temple, it will make your thoughts true."

Athena took over.

She looked at Royce calm eyes, and I thought that I was always influenced by her illusion, I would stop.

The more I thought she had something to say, but he still kept curiosity, and asked casually: "How is Olympus? Nothing to attract it?"

Athena thought about it and said, "The people who will provoke Olympus are not, but other gods are not said. Now, except for Olympus and Asa's two places, there is no violation, other gods or more They were all disaster. Brahma is more miserable, the Brahma is missing, the head of the tendon, and the destruction of the gods confirmed death, and the mother-in-law is chaotic. You know these Is there any reason behind the event? "

Royce has earned the things of Brahma. He remembers that Brahma seems to save him.

However, he was busy at the time, so there was no management, did not expect missing? It seems that it should be transformed by Tianjin Weng Xing.

"Cause? There are too many reasons, and there is no meaning."

Tianjin Wengxing's incident is very large, Olympus is estimated to be the first hit after the earth. Royce has been tangling or telling Anglika, let her transfer the residents.

It is also worried that you will change history and lead to greater disasters.

In addition, there is a feeling of being considered recently, so I have been dragging this matter.

The two people are in a heart, and the conversation is difficult to continue.

Athena got her wanted, I would like to say.

Roybs naturally won't be allowed to help her open the delivery door, and send her back Olympus.

"Hey, there is still a time to see me. Don't I come in the morning? I miss me?"

Anglika heard the footsteps and looked up, and it was Royce.

Several Ningfu saw the ceremony, Royce also smiled and responded to them.

Then I walked to Angelika, picking up the letter on the table, and asked if I gave a circle. "Is there a lot of gods for help?"

Angeli karst, stunned, distressed: "Yeah, ghosts know what happened recently, there are people missing or dying, and the nine-year council is still urging our Olympus and next Yersae to investigate. However, on the side of Asa, it is Rockey, and it is estimated that there is any idea. What do you think? "

Royce shrugged and said: "Just do you, what do you want to do."

On the one side of Ningfu heard, Anglika smiled and said: "You escape the responsibility, the more you tell you, the more you tell And Athena."

"I talked, gave her a hug, gave her a order. I feel that she has something to hit me, but she doesn't want to say."

As I said, a Ningfu came to a chair to let Royce sit down. After he sat down, there were two Ningfu's water and snacks.

"Shen Wang please use it."

"Well, thank you."

Angelica looked at Royce into the mouth, smiled and asked: "Is there only one hug? I didn't do other warm Athena things? Not like you."

"Can you think of some normal things in your mind? We are friends, how can you warm her. But Jiali, this little Nizi took me to feed her boybear, mad I am. "

Royce is talking, two of the two light steps come from outside, is Albeisis and Catherine this pair, wrong, mall? Coach?

"God of God? Are you not in the earth?"

The Albeis is obvious that Royce is actually a thing that is not easy to meet.

Catherine and Royce have never seen several times, some are restored and fearful to hide behind Altais.

Royce laughed and said, "When is it getting married? I have been quite Anglika, saying that you have to hold a wedding, but have never seen any moving, what happened?"

Alta Misans heard a confusion, the head asked: "Is there a last month of Catherine's wedding?"

Royce was stupid, and the snack in his hand did not taste.

He didn't dare to believe that he looked at Angerka.

Angelika is tightened, nodded: "Yes, Alta Misi is married one month ago, but did not ask you."

"No, although I don't come back, but I am also the god king of Olympus. Others don't mention, do you even invite me because of wedding gifts?"

Roybs is difficult to live, very uncomfortable.

This feeling is like a girl who has been flirting with you suddenly tells you that she is going to be as disappointed.

Angelika and Albeis were looking at the eyes, suddenly broke out, and even smiled at Catherine.

Royce understands that these two people are in the prank, and they have never continued to stay in the mind, throwing a sentence: "I am going to a mating, you laugh at himself."

Said, Royce has some obstacles and body from everyone to the eyes, disappears from the air.

Angelika and Albeis are still laughing. Catherine is a little worried about: "The big people, he will not be angry."

"Haha, it's okay, he is not so be careful."


Plock, Perphine Funne and Sulsha have come out from the dungeon.

The pace of the two is very urgent, as if there is any terrible thing to happen.

Purple Fugun panic, she almost stumbled by the vines that were born under feet.

"There is no need to nervously, the Queen. He may just come to see, do not necessarily know that you are still torture the sea."

Suisa doesn't want Pant Persi Fune to directly expose the secret to Royce, and comfort it.

Pletest on the Facher's face is totally there is no signs and says: "How could it be! Otherwise, it will not come to this place. Take everything here, will there be attractive to him anywhere? He It must be to come to me, how will he treat me? Will you take this? Will you kill me? Or put me to the Thunder affair? It's like Zeus to treat Pu'er Scott. "

Perth Pleascore seems to have to collapse, so that Sulsa has also begun to worry if Royce is coming to unscrupulous, he will not succeed.

This kind of thing is definitely not!

Suisa took a deep breath and continued to comfort the Percressor Persi Fune: "Queen, think so if Shen Wang is not to ask for guilty? He may not know what you are doing, just to see the situation of the meditation. And you this look completely exposed your things, will you worse when you arrive? "

Perth Poor Funne thinks that Sulsa said it seems to be so reasoning, so she gradually calm down.

However, after the brain is awake, Pern Funne is immediately aware of the problem in the Sulliva dialect.

She shook his head and said, "No, no matter what he is doing, I must tell him this matter, and tell him before he asks. Only this can make him more easily forgive me."


Sulsa feels that Purzfirse is a mentally wisdom. How can this matter take the initiative to say? What is the point of Royce, isn't it to eat?

Perth Pleasfen directly interrupted Sulsa said: "Don't have, Sulsa, I have decided."

At the end of the two people, it quickly came to the palace of the surface - Haila 's Dungeon's Dungeon.

In the palace, Royce is chatting with Hadis.

"I heard that you look back in Poseidon? Where did he get it?"

Hades is about to answer, and Pernes can't come in from the door.

She is wearing a white luxurious robes. I saw Royce and said: "Shen Wang adult."

Said, she kneel in front of Royce in Royce.

"God's adult, I made a big mistake."

Royce did not understand, said to Hades: "Give me a seat and leave some space, thank you."

"Okay, the king of the king."

There is no love between Hadis and Pant Persi Fune, only those who have brought the feelings of time to death after Puriafen.

At this time, the two people are more than the friends who have been in bed.

He knew that Perth President is doing things against Haila, there is no expression in her, just secretly giving her thumbs up.

"What happened, talk about it."

After Hadis left, the smile on the Royce face also disappeared.

He hates like this, but sometimes you must put a serious face to get everything you want.

Purner Purnel didn't hesitate, and she said all the things to Hailal.

"The king of the king, punish me, I destroyed the relationship between Olympus and Asa." Peltati Fugnee squatted on the ground, like repentance.

Royce was shocked by Pant Persi Fune metamorphosis, in addition to confusion, no other idea.

He used this information for a long time, squinted: "What you mean, have you torture Haila for several years? Why? Are you ... Do you enjoy this?"

Royce is really hard to imagine what torture is to make your own pleasant place.

Perth Plees Fune see Royce really is not too angry, and the heart is relaxed, but fortunately, it is fortunate to be.

However, Rois's problem allowed her to have a bit blush, and the low head said: "Yes ... is a little. When I have tootive sea, I can always get a pleasure. I am very strange, but it is indeed I have appeared, and I like it very much. "

Royce gave himself into the identity of Perth Parzie, fantasy myself to Anglika.

Only one moment, he quickly quit his imagination space.

It's too disgusting, if it is a small taste, you can play it. If you really abuse, it is too disgusting.

However, he is too lazy to manage others, covering your forehead forcing yourself not thinking about this, asking: "Is there been uniform here? What is the death of other gods?"

Purner President Fune shook his head and said: "No, they know that Olympus gives up the original site after doing this, I want to come to the prestige of God's adults shocked them."

"Oh, don't shoot the fart, you can't get the return. I am coming to ask you, there is anything in the middle of this ... Space channel, etc.?"

Royce foresees in the future, he knows that Tianjin Weng Xing's invasion of Olympus is starting from the episode.

Although Tianjin Weng Xing has not yet got something he needs, but the ghost knows that he has no action after planning, and his movement is still necessary.

Perth Plees Fune recalls, shook his head and said, "No, there are only two roads leading to the meditation, a Thunder Cliff in Olympus, the other is the world tree, there is no other time to discover other people can lead to the meditation The road. However, it is quite a lot of roads to other places. The king of the king, want me to turn off them? "

Royce sway: "That is not, I just need you to look at the space channel leading to here. No, if there is something to let me know, understand?"


Purner's work is still good, otherwise Anglika will not stay with her.

And she did not ask questions, this is a very good advantage.

After that, Perth Pepzo was reported to Royce's current situation and many death creatures were disappearing. Roles was ready to leave.

"Olydon is not long, Haila is free time, I hope you can solve the problem between you before leaving here, I don't want to see that madman is holding the swords of Olympus. ,do you understand?"

Before walking, Royce was settled in Pern Puria.

Haila 's battle Rois can already be ignored.

But the relationship between destructive and combat power is not big.

Purner Poor Fune didn't do it, directly promised: "Will not let you down, God Wang adult, I will restore the relationship between Hailai and I as soon as possible, I will not give Olympus left a problem "

"So much the better."

After Roy was left, Perner Person rushed to the dungeon.

"Haila, I agree with you. When you go out here, I can fund your soldiers to help you win the throne of Asa."

The sea looted on the wooden pile was slowly looked up, tied to a large word of her flame, she said, "You will not regret it."


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