Marvel's King

Chapter 250 Hill's Action

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God Shield, Hill and Tony are sitting on them, sitting in the middle of them.

They are looking at the news on TV broadcast.

"It looks serious than imagination."

Tony listened to the review of the news media to the evaluation of Wangda, smiled and said.

Hill shake his head and said, "I guess she will say more serious, what do you think?"


"No way."

Tony and Wangda's voice also sounded at the same time, then the sound in the TV: "For this residents trampled on the law, I just want to say: next hob! Wanda · Mesimov! You don't have to have the existence of this The peaceful world. "

Manda was hurt.

Although she already knows the inside story, she is still not worth it.

In other words, she can understand why the captain then resists the revenge from the governing bureau.

If every time the political situation is turbulent, the Avengers will be pulled out of the corpse, then they will collapse sooner or later, giving the earth huge pain.

Hill and Tony did not affect this evaluation.

There is too much to easily transcend this one for their evaluation.

For example, Tony Stark: Note, New York, a murder of the city, and he killed more than one million civilians in the Middle East, that is really - flying Dutch.

Take a look at the evaluation of Hill: The God Shield Bureau has a cold-blooded war madman to do leadership is a good carnival, because no carnival everyone is dead! Dead is under the spicy hands of Maria Hill!

So let's go on the hell, let's die. If you die, you can't afford it.

Hill accidentally glanced, seeing Tears in the eyes of Wangda, laughing directly, comforting her: "Wanda, don't affect you by these people, you know that this is what they want to see."

Tony also nodded: "Yes, they are eager to watch a Avengers are irritated by them, then run to the center of the city, and then take the opportunity to change the Avengers Act, forced us to disappear from this world. Come like them. For what you want. "

Wangda is very unpredictable to Tony and Hill's approach, asked: "Why do you want to zoom in? Is it not good now? I can go directly to this happening, and I can force her to say everything. Then we can touch the hg, find someone who makes her do these things. Is the problem not solved? "

Tony and Hill have a look at the eyes, and Hill smiled and pulled the hand of Wangda. Q: "Do you know how many people want to put me in a dead and then take the huge machine and your very obedients? ? "

Manda is not comfortable to open Hill's hand, holding his chest: "I can't obey."

Hill and Tony once again looked at it and smiled.

At this time, Tony asked Wanta: "Wanda, now there is a very important task to do it, it is a military base for the nine snake in the Arctic residual. Our detector found that there may be nuclearwood, need you Investigate. "

Wanta stunned, because Tony's tone is very sincere, she can't even clear this task is true or false.

Tony suddenly laughed out, said: "Purdy, you really have a moment to believe in what I said? So if it is a special agent from the Shenshun Bureau tells you, you need to perform a hidden task, then you still Will you hesitate? "

"Of course!" Wangda is hard, but Tony and Hill do not believe.

Hill is on the chair, saying: "But it is also very good, I thought they would change this way to detonate this matter, such as the winter troops in the nine snakes, or God Shield In Washington triggers a war. "

Tony thought about it, temporary eyebrows: "Is this not explaining the problem?"

Hill also wanted to understand, nodded: "Then prove that my reverse is right. So what will they do next?"

Tony and Hill have fallen meditation, and Wangda is a face. What do you say? Tell me?

Just as she is ready to ask, Hill and Tony looked up, the eyes were very strong, the facial expression was a bit horrified, and he said with voice: "Captain!"

"What captain? No, clear!"

Wangda did not get an answer, and she was sent to the plane to Central Africa.

Tony and Hill were sent to Wanda left.

Hill looked at the serious Tony said: "I know what the war will have to have a war with the other party, and I also give you a feeling of an atomic bomb?"

Tony White Hill, said: "Just like giving him a atomic bomb, let him kill me."

"I believe that there is also an atomic bomb there? I heard that Royce is on the earth."

Tony saw Hill, this facial expression is a little wretched, he asked: "Where did you listen to the news?"

Hill is inseparable, and the explanation is strong: "I ... I ... I have heard from Wanga."

"Wangda did not say that she had seen Royce, what did you listen to? Is it ... your listener equipment?"

"No!" Hill was in an instant, she said with an eager to say: "I didn't listen to Rois, I just found that Carryl got to school, then ... I did some investigations. Ok, many investigations, His family lived in the destitute of the goddess, well, I admitted that the building he lived was already bought, as a secret service of New York. Ok, I recognized it again, Jiali School One of the teachers has been replaced by the agent of the God Shield, just waiting for the Jiali to open a parent meeting. Ok, this is really the last one, I put Luo The building across the Islands is also bought, and it is ready to go there after the end of this matter. "

"Hahaha, Hill, you're ..." Tony thought about it, but did not say the pain, but recommended: "Go to him, push him, pull down his underwear, then Teacher him a meal. "

Hill knows Tony's suggestion is wrong, but she is really a heart.

She considers it, and considers Tony said: "Is there anything else to make Royce?"

Tony turned to see Hill and said, "I am enough to change your clothes."


time Square.

"Why suddenly let me go shopping with you? I thought you were very busy."

Pep, Jane Hill is shopping in a big shopping mall.

Pep is very strange Hill to find yourself because their relationship is not so good.

Jane is surprisingly why Hill stripped Pelp because their relationship is really not so good.

Hill's thoughts are very simple: First, Pepel is a woman's strong person, and it is really stronger than her and Jane, but it is a good friend to expose his own purpose.

After all, what she wants to do will hurt their common friends Anglika feel.

"No way, you know that I never like to come this place, and I really need a kind of dress that makes me look beautiful."

Hill's words made Pepper and revealed the original expressions, Pepel laughed: "Spring heart springs? I thought you must hang it in Royce, the neck tree."

Jane smiled and said: "Haha, you said that Royce is not afraid of Anglika to tear your mouth?"

Pepel didn't make a hand saying: "Nothing, she is not. Not to mention Anger, because of the child's things, it has been bother to death, if she is willing to join us."

"Child?" Hill frowned and asked: "What children?"

Jane, said: "Angelica always wants a child, but Royce seems ... Ok, he doesn't want children at all. He said: Carryle alone is enough, and then The little monster will kill me. Then they have two quarrels many times, but now it should be much more. "

Pepel smiled and said, "Oh, I have never seen a woman who does not revenge, let alone that is Angelika, the woman even remembers the date of falling on the bed."

Hill's footsteps stopped, and the scorpion had a bit dumb, coughing several times before they can speak, ask: "Angelika is so revenge?"

Simply nod, I said that I said: "Yes, I have seen Anger Ca in a notebook, all of which are Jiali provoke her angry, and there is a date. I even doubt that she will take Jia. Lili lost into their Olympic's endless sea, oh ... poor Carrie. "

Hill was afraid, she was afraid that she would be remembered on a small child, and then they were thrown into the place where I didn't know where to be alone, or I was eaten by any monster.

Pepel and briefly did not pay attention to Hill's performance and continued to talk about Anglika strange hobbies and move.

"Remember it once? Royce called Tony to let Tony pick Angeli to go to the mental hospital."

Pep suddenly remembered a thing, and his face was excited to simmer her exchange.

Simply recalled, and also excitedly pokedly Pep, saying: "Remember that Rois said Angelica to carry a portrait of Roy, then Royce Card crazy. "

"Hahaha, it is really crazy, can you imagine what Royce will happen when using some of some positions? It is imagined to let me laugh."

Hearing here, Hill said to Pelp: "Sorry, Pep, I want to talk to some private topics."

Pepel is a little indisambsed, but there is no chasing. Say the consent: "Nothing, let's go, I am waiting for you in front of the store, just see if there is any clothes that are right for you."

Hill is tightly pulled a corner, asking: "Jane, I ..."

The mouth is just open, and if you leave, you can't say it.

She actually wants to know someone, then look at what Ageli is doing something to himself, is a living, still frying himself.

But I have seen Hill's ideas and patted Hill's shoulders: "Are you ready to go to Royce?"

"how do you know!"

Hill almost scared the urine, she also probed to see Perper, I was afraid that Pepep also discovered her own purpose.

"Are you worried about Pelp? Nothing, she is still in the gas of Tony, I haven't worry about it. But if you start with her, she will be much better."

Janed Hille came back and said.

She took a few years after a few years, she surpassed the 190% Avengers, not, 100%.

Hill is annoying his care, a shot of the brain said: "Ah! I should ring this, but I really forgot. But Anger Caica If I know what I want to do, will she kill me? She affirmed Yes, and Rois will not take me, he is a wife. "

Briefly, this crazy style is almost laughing, but still patted her back and say: "Roys is really a wife, but if you really happen, he should not No matter you. But Angeli will not do so, even if she will be mad, but as long as Roy is doing, she will never give you, although I can't afford her, but I feel that this is because you have no chance. Things about Royce, the woman is like a madman, and Royce likes this. "

Hill did a lot of peace after listening, she hesitated for a while, and his eyes were full of praying: "Ask you, Jane, ask you to encourage me. Do you know how much my determination is going to do it? Does this matter? I didn't think about how long this relationship continued, once this time. "

Jane shrugged and said: "I certainly support you to do it, you just pursue your own happiness, but you have to bear it. Roy is very good, but if you and him really have What do you think you can really only once? "

Hill thought for a while, firmly said: "Just once, there is only one time!"

Simply believes that Hill's speech, but she is still a false letter, then pulls Hill's arm to Peppe, said: "Let's go, prepare to brighten his eyes."

Hill's body is very good, the neck is long, full of fullness, so that she is very suitable to wear some tight dress, and the proportion of good legs make her perfectly fit the dress with the shoes, because the paragraph of the show looks Just perfect.

At this time, she was wearing a black dress, high collar, wrapped in general neck, but revealed, the entire smooth back is displayed, and the part of the spine that has been arrived above the hip, just cover mysterious place.

At the foot, step on a pair of high heels in white dots, walk the skirt, and it is very wonderful to match the white calf.

Pepel looked at Hill in front of the mirror, but she still brought a boss's earrings, said: "Dry this fact, if you go to date, unless the other party is ignorant, otherwise it will absolutely Push you. "



"Hill? How come you? Do you wear who is going to participate in the funeral? But ... red high heels? You hate the protagonist of this funeral."

Hill looked at Royose who had no reactions that did not react.

And in fact ...


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