Marvel's King

Chapter 251 He won't betray us? He is a good man.

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In fact, Royce is indeed a stunning.

He has never seen Hill wearing a dress.

Usually she is always in black coat and tight trousers, as well as sneakers.

If she is a feature of her face and female, many people don't even see her as a woman, such as Tony Stark's stream.

There are all people working at the God Shield.

And people who have opened the hand with Hill.

Hill is unhappy, and looks at his body up and down. "" Is it bad? "

Royce watched his eyes and looked back.

Well, it is still amazing.

He squeezed his eyes, a distressed look, the boat said: "Okay, maybe you pass too much black clothes. Yes, come to find me? Lison said that you have to die, Will not come to me to do a helper? "

Royose looked back to Hill pour a glass of water, then turned to continue to say: "I can tell you, I ..."

Royce didn't finish it, Hill got up and hugged him.

This makes Royce think of the last time he and Hill kissing, and also felt the pressure on Hill.

He sighed and reached out and patted his back and said: "" Stress is very big. "

Hill did not speak, just nodded gently, and hugged Royce.

She is really stressful, otherwise it will not be alone to do this.

In fact, she didn't have the courage at all, until her leg is still shaking.

Royce took a few times of Hill's back, and this found that Hill's clothes were revealed, and then embarrassed and recovered his hand, Shen Wei said: "Emmm, you are not coming to find my ventilation ? "

Hill can't say anything, more force to hold Rois, as if you have to bury yourself into the body of Roy.

After Roys, he did not speak, and smiled. "So I should call the girl now? This career ... Jiali knows that it is estimated that I have to laugh at once a year."

"Oh ... How can she know? She should come back tonight."

Hill finally opened.

Royce Eye Pearl, ask: "What do you mean?"


Zhongcheng Middle School, Carrie and Peter ushered in a sunny day.

"Mr. Peter Parker, because your chemical experiment is not completed, you have to leave an hour."

Pull the Jiali, who is going out of the school, is anxious, she is a feet asked: "Why didn't I do the chemical experiment to leave? Do you want to go to the laboratory?"

The teacher was reminded like Carrie, nodded: "Well, you said, go to the laboratory to re-do, I have finished taking the experimental report to show me, I want all the experiment data, all. "

Peter is not asked: "All? Includes atomic quality?"

The teacher's eyes turned, nodded: "Yes, all, including how it is combined between them, I have to write down, I will wait for you here."

After turning, the teacher is the heart: Why is my first agent life to come to these two children?

And Carryl is: this teacher! I would like to lose her to the metamorphosis of the Alta Misan Luyuan!

Peter is: Is this difficulty? It's better to stay.


"You really don't use it." Rois didn't help but sigh after listening to Hill, then reached out to Hill asked: "Eat something? I am going to cook. Carrie If you are not there, then you only have to eat. "

Although I didn't want to think, Hill's heart was a sigh of relief, nodded: "Okay, I have never eaten what you have done, I will not poison me? I am probably In the evening, a bad news may be received, but it is nothing but it is dealt with today. "

Said, she walked into the kitchen with Royce.

Royce suddenly stopped, looking back at Hill's clothes: "There is Anglika in my room ... Normal clothes, do you want to change?"

Hill didn't want to go back and prepare to go to the Rois bedroom, but when she remembered what she had to do today, she came back, shook her head and said: "No, I am like wearing this set."

Although she already knows that the possibility of ninety-nine percent of the thing will not happen after they hug, but she still wants ... Try.

Royce is not adapted, but there is no need to do what Hill is doing, but it is only the stressed: "Just sure you, what to eat?"

Hill also didn't know what Royce would do, saying: "Just, anyway, my stomach is long, it is estimated that I can eat Tony's armor can be digested."

"Haha, then I should congratulate you or pity you?"

Hill White Royce is a look, some expectations asked Rois: "How do I look? I have to evaluate seriously."

Roy was seriously got a few eyes, nodded to praise: "I didn't even have this sentence to Anger Card, but you look really the United States."

Hill was ambiguous, and his mouth couldn't cover the smile on his face. In the end, she couldn't help but laugh five minutes in the kitchen.

"Why did you never say this for Anger Card?"

Royce said, "I didn't stand this adjective. Whenever I heard that she said that I was handsome, I understood what she didn't afford to me. For example, she took advantage of her. I fell asleep my leg. And I said that she is very beautiful, it is the same, last time ... still don't say it. "

Hill didn't laugh after listening.

Are they going to the state of the old wife so soon? This is too fast ...

They have been together for a few years ...

"if we..."

If we are together, passion will never lose so fast!

Hill wants to say this, but she can't say it. She always feels that Anglika looks at her, ready to rush out to tear her.

And that kind of peaceful Qilika is absolutely made.

"What are we?"

Royce guess what Hill is to do, but he doesn't want to break, after all, this kind of thing is too hurting the other side, let her know difficult to retreat. It is the best way.

"If we ... we ... we have a meal together, is it faster?"

Hill thought for a long time, finally saved himself with a question, then gasped, it seems to be afraid that Royce can't see her.

Royce saw it, but when didn't see it, invite her to say: "Then you come together, help me clean those dishes."

Two minutes later, Hill took two pieces of thin tofu to Roys to Royce, and the treasure said: "What am I do?"

Royce black face pointed at the living room: "Roll over, look at your TV, never enter my kitchen."


Hill squatted out, soon secretly secretly came in, asked: "Can I take off your shoes?"

Royce is still angry with these two fragile tofu, asking: "Do you have a foot?"

Hill's strange shook his head and said, "No."

"Then what do you ask me?"


Hill sat on the sofa of the living room, secretly giving Tony Hassual SMS: "Tony, do you know that Royce has a quirks in the kitchen?"

Tony: "Kitchen? Are you in the kitchen? You are too wild, the first time is in the kitchen?"

"Say you may not believe, I just hug it, and I feel ... I have already met. Ok, don't say this, why is Royce so angry? I just broke two tofu. "

Tony: "Although I have never seen, listening to Ayelika said that Rois made her meat filling, then she took other things into the meat, then Royz directly exploded, and Anjie Lika was a big trick. "

"Is this horrible? Then?"

"Then ... Royce is played very miserable ..."

Hill snort, heart: How did Royce endure the violent madness of Anglika?

Then her brain began to appear, and Angli Card's picture of the X-abuse of Royce.

! Why do I do this! too disgusting!

Hill was fighting on the sofa and his thoughts, Jiali suddenly opened the door, shouted in the kitchen: "Royce! Can you take me to Queens? I want to go ... Hill Aunt ? "

Jiali and Hill's relationship should be close than her relationship with Anglika. After all, Hill stays like a good aunt, and Angelika is a bad mother.

So she prefer Hill.

When she found that Hill was worn, her face was full, and the wretched smiled and said: "You finally act? Do you want to be my second mother?"

Xili said that he didn't say, I had to cover the little face of Carrie.

At this time, Rois came out from the kitchen probe: "Jiali, if you are called Angelika mother, I feel that she will scare crying."

Jiali was anxious, pushing the Hill's hands shouted: "It will not be! Anger Ka likes me!"

Royce screamed: "If you don't believe it, do you give her a phone call? I dare to ensure that her looks very exciting."

He and Angeli have not had a child if there is any reason, that is because Angelika is not ready to have children.

She didn't say that she didn't like her child, she even had some fear of the baby.

Once, when he and Angeli card went shopping, Angeli was scared by a passenger car and then broke the twelve floor of the shopping mall to fly home.

However, Rois did not expect his move to hurt Carli and saved him and Hill's relationship.

"Angelika? I am Carie! That ... If I call your mother, will you feel strange?"

"What are you calling me?"


"... ... ... ..."

Jiali looked up at Hill with his face. He wrote that he was full of confidence and said: "She hangs, she didn't even hear what I would say."

Then Royce's mobile phone rang, and Jiali, who was comforted by Hill immediately looked up and looked at Royce.

The caller is Angelika.

"Royce! Carrie just call my mother! My God, I ... I want to die!"

Then she hangs up again, I believe she will take a long time.

Carrying the room looked at Royce's face directly crying, and then puff it in Royse, and asked: "She doesn't like me? She is not a daughter ?"

Royce smiled and took her head and said: "The daughter may not, but the sister should be right."

"What about you? You are also a sister?"

Royce wipes the tears of Carli and said, "I am not always to raise you when you die? Just call me Rois. But there is nothing relationship, we know the relationship between us, right ? "

"So you want me to call you Dad?"

Royce suddenly, when he was preparing to nod, he suddenly felt two words on his shoulders, two words he never dared to see: Father.


"Wow! Roys is not me!"

Royce also ran, and Hill ran over and hugged Carryl comfort, I can also see the shock of the special workers who have sent themselves on the ceiling.

That agent said with your eyes: Did I find it?

Hill shook his head: no.

Then hook: Go!


Outside the apartment building, Royce is holding a car flowing in front of his head.


It's terrible, click ...

The little person standing on the shoulders of Royce said: You are thirty years old, what is terrible?

The little person standing on the right shoulders said: Do you have endless life, thirty years? What?

Left villain: Do you have any direct relationship with life? I am scared, you are afraid, you can't assume this responsibility! You this coward!

On the right side: How do you say it? Imagine, until this universe is dying, you will die, what should your child do? You can get Anglika to get a permanent life, or you can give you two children to get a permanent life. But in a long time, do you only have two children? What should they do when they arrive? Wat it dead?

Left villain: Who is the case? In case we got the cosmic cube? In case, we got the ultimate erase to force the power of the stars to spit out the balance, then become a goddess? Does the way are more than difficult? But your coward never wants to think.

Right Little person: Oh, so the universe cube will fly into your hands, the ultimate erase will fall from the sky, then fell into your daydream, so you can get everything, right?

"Mr. Roys? How are you here?"

Just when Royce was unrescroped, Peter appeared in front of him, holding a bunch in his hand ... garbage, and a newspaper.

Royce looked at him and gave him a position and reached out and said: "Newspaper? Give me a look, I haven't seen this for a long time."

Peter sent newspapers, then sitting around Royce, asking: "Mr. Royce, what did you think before?"

"In the things that Jiali ... I am going, the captain really fugitive?"

Royce's words were attracted by the headline news on the newspaper.

The roar of justice, the child of God - Steve Rogers and the former Shen Shield Ten Ten Agent Clint Barton betrayed all mankind!

"He won't betray us, he is a good person."


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