Marvel's King

Chapter 252

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The content on the newspaper is very sharp, and the captain describes the captain of the bad guys, and even his heroic performance in World War I have become the excessive beautification of the original Lijian government and the conspiracy of **.

And with him with him, it did not report too much. They just exposed Clint to the secret mission performed during the Dynasty Dynasty Bureau and linked these things with the evils you have done by Winter Soldiers.

In order to arouse a larger people, they even expose the video of the winter soldiers to Tony parents.

Another spearhead of the newspaper is to the Central African region until today still remains in the world's weapons market and lost new weapons.

Although this newspaper did not name a name, it was covered by many Hill's problems.

Peter has been accompanying Royce to read the whole newspaper, only carefully asked: "Mr. Royce, are you very concerned about these questions?"

Royce turned into a head, looked at Peter, but he saw himself from his eyes, it was a young man who didn't understand his life.

I first dared to control the God Shield Bureau, and later dared to fight the dragonfly to take the Olympus, but now I am afraid of a child?

I am a silly!

"Are you waiting Jia Li?"

Peter hung up on the face, and waved his hands again and again: "No, I don't, I am just ... I am leaving. Ok, Jiali said to let you take her to the Queens Watch tonight. Watch tonight So I want to wait here to see you, then ... "

"Do you want to track us?"

Royce is almost laughing, is it so cute?

Tracking this word is not a good word.

This sentence of Royce scared Peter a spirit, and quickly explained: "No, Mr., I am just, I just want to meet her, I have no bad, I swear, I really ..."

"Okay, if you have bad heart, you will go down the hell, don't explain."

Royce felt funny, reached out on Peter's shoulders, said, "You wait here, I will let Jiali come down, you go to you."

"Really? Mr., you ... I ..."

Peter is surprised to look at the light, and the toothed bed is shaking, and it is completely not speaking.

Royce laughed and said, "Yes, I agree with you to play. But still that sentence, don't make a matter."

"I promise! I definitely don't do what Carrie, I will always ... the amount ..."

"Ha ha ha, don't say, then I am afraid that you will die. Wait here, there is also guests in my family."

Royz stepped up behind the floor, leaving the Peter who was excited to be big in place.

Hill and Carie upstairs were also calm after some conversations. When Royose entered the door, their two sentiments were calm.

The atmosphere is still somewhat embarrassing, Jiali looked at Royce, although there was no change, but still let Royce are not suitable.

"I touched Peter downstairs, have you gone about him?"

Royce is seriously engaged in Carrie, asking.

Jiali came over and shook his head and said: "No, we will go home after we finish the experiment, but he sent me back, he is downstairs?"

Carrie is obviously somewhat scared, not to make, it is some fear.

Royce couldn't help but took this little girl to his arms, smiled and said: "I still don't know how I will raise you today. I feel that I haven't worry you. "

Carrie also hits Rois and said, "Originally, you didn't stay with me, you have no time to accompany me with my time."

It is still a bit embarrassed, but he disagreed with the half of the sentence.

"Maria Hill accompanys you to accompany you for your time? She took you to buy a few clothes. I raised you at least three years, how is it? Do you forget you? Still a little fart? Do you know how much I want to throw it to the land down? "

Carrie also resist said: "You didn't bring me out to buy clothes!"

"Didn't you bother? At the beginning, we didn't take you to the second-hand shop when we first."

"Is it very proud of buying clothes with me to buy clothes? General parents will bring their children to buy clothes in the second-hand store!"

Hill saw that these two were arguing, and they came over to prepare.

I didn't expect Royce to live, whispered: "That weekend takes you to buy clothes?"

Jiali's eyes were obviously bright, nodded: "Okay, it's ..."

Jiali said that he had a big statement and said for a long time.

When I started to dozing off, he suddenly remembered Peter downstairs.

"Oh, yes, Peter is still waiting for you downstairs, I told him that I agree to let you go to the fireworks party."

"Really? Then you don't say it!"

The little fare is running, running fast, almost gives Royce gas.

"I can't kill children!"


Royce and Hill are sitting at dinner next to the table.

I'm chatting, I'm handed the newspaper from Peter to Hill from the newspaper from Peter. "This is your plan?"

Hill aimed at a glance, some disappointed, said: "I thought it would be more sharp. It seems that they are not as bold."

Royce smiled and said: "You are too strong, even if you release the flaws to them, they don't have the courage to make things big. It is estimated that they are already in contacting Tony, or to Shi ... Press. "

Hill thinks, nod to say: "It should be, it is estimated that the captain has already found it, otherwise their plans can't be implemented."

Royce gave Hill to Hill, asked: "Will you use chopsticks? Will I change to you."

"No need, this is ok."

Hill is a very tough person, and it is the same in life. What she never demanded, in addition to the last time to Royce Snor, there is also this ...

Ok, she doesn't have a living attitude in Royce.

"Well, I will not use this thing, you will help me take a spoon."

Hill finally gave up, after trying to use chopsticks to take tanno.

Royce was white, and he said: "I don't say it early."

However, he still gave Hill to the spoon, and the bean curmes were really unsuitable to eat chopsticks.

Hill smiled happily, then asked: "Do you think my approach is right? This thing is Rogers."

Not waiting for Royce, Hill pointed to the dishes: "This thing doesn't look very good, it is really delicious, you can, Royce, I didn't expect you to have this hand."

Royce face is a black, impatiently teaching Hill said: "If you want to praise someone or a thing, then don't say its shortcomings, ok?"


Hill wronned to eat and dinner.

Royce said: "Rogers should be useful before the gun, is of course easy to use now. But it is really a bit in this simple struggle ... China is small."

"What do you mean?"

Hill didn't understand the idea of ​​Royce.

"The current dispute is nothing more than some of the stubborn molecules that recover governments and the inside of the God Shield bureau to fight against your situation, and they don't have any entry point, so they can only choose the most easy to provoke the residents as the battlefield protagonist .

And you as a chess, you didn't give a free time to give your chess. You arrange everything, it is easy to cause errors. I believe that you have sent people to assist the captain. Let me guess, Natasha? Still Beji? "

Hill finally realized his misunderstanding after listening to Royce.

She is almost a personality of the captain, but the character does not decide everything.

Anything is very easy to crash on the details.

And Hill's plan is very easy to collapse in her arrangement.

Hill did not eat, she stood up and said, "No, I have to go back and see what they have to do."

Royce was pressed down, smiled and said: "No, you have a bad talent. You have a colorful clothes to be seamless, you can make you perfect after things."

Hill Eye bead turns, re-sit down, ask: "What do you mean?"

"You arrange everything too well. The captain arrived in the middle of the weapons market, just use this to attack you with the opponent 's voice. You also drag Wasanda into the water, although I don't know What did you do, but you will definitely use things to link the weapons market and Wasanda, and then forced them to expose the true face to the world.

And this matter is definitely made by your heads, so Wasanda will inevitably fight with them. At this time, the captain will discover the weapons that the God Shield is leaked, and the event itself is caused by the inside of the God Shield, turning the spear head to you.

At that time Tony took people with the soldiers, solving the captain, buried the problem, and buried the Avengers. Then they would come back with Rogers, referring to your crime. Then they are in the middle of you will jump out at this time, and you can make them a network.

Hill, you have a great arrangement. Any one in this middle is wrong, you may be in the abyss. "

Royce was more thorough, and Hill was turned over white, saying: "Don't you don't have it?"

"You need a few mistakes, let this look like being arranged. Because if this thing is solved by you, then it is not solved. It's too ambus, people who can do that location may be You are cheated a few years, or even more than ten years, but in the end they will find.

At that time, what should you do? Do you skill? "

Hill looked at Royce's face, suddenly some grievances, wronned to tears. She said while wiped tears: "What can I do? I don't have super power, they don't care, blame me, I can't do anything. I used to use power to suppress them, but now I can easily People who are right are gone. I can only use this method to stabilize my status. "

Royce laughed and shook his head.

Hill's tears stopped instantly and put on a terrible face.

Royce quickly surrendered and said, "Don't say this, change the topic. Who is your dress accompany you? Perpope? You come here, I thought it was Peppe."

Hill sketch, looking at your clothes: "Don't you have Pepel style? Why didn't I find it?"

"I feel that this kind of dress is only Pep will wear, but you do it very good."

Hill will smile.

The two were then caught in a silent, and the atmosphere was getting more and more.

"Drink some wine? Pelp put a bottle of it."

Hill gave birth to drink, breaking this kind of embarrassment.

But Royce shook his head and refused to say: "Still count, I will send you back."

Said, Royce puts them directly on clothes.

And Hill is under the "humiliation" of Royce, so I can't help it, so ...


On the other hand, Tony is looking at the information from Hill.

He is waiting for Hill's plan to go to the second phase, that is, those people come to him to dispatch the Avengers.

However, those people have never come to him, which makes him feel upset.

"Javis, can help me see what Pelp is doing?"

Jaweis said it was a difficulty: "Mr., you have already accused this by Miss Pep, you have to ... monitor her?"

Tony turned a white eye and said, "You can't cross the firewall of the Virika? Also, how did you discover her last time? I don't understand it now."

Jaweis is more difficult, saying: "Mr., do you need a doctor? Violika and the chip I have used are the same, we have no difference, in addition to the difference between speech."

Tony took anger bite his teeth and retreated on the chair: "Then you help me pick up the phone, I want him to help me see."

"Good Mr."

"Hey! Tony, is there anything?"

Happi sounded very busy, he is now Tony and Pepe's housekeeper.

Now Tony is kicked out from the home, and he is waiting for Pep, and Jane.

"Happi, what are you doing? Is it together with Pepe?"

The Happi sneaked out the two people in front, whispered: "At, but you have to stop this metamorphosis behavior. Miss Pep tells you once, you have to go to court, do you know?"

The voice of Harpi made Tony more angry, he said: "I can't even see that she is a bit? Then you at least tell me her and who is it ?!"

"Miss Ji, they came out to visit. Previous Miss Hill is also, but she is gone, I don't know where she is still there." Isn't she still have important things? "

Listening to the tone of the happiness gossip, Tony laughed.

This makes the Harpi itch is difficult, and he is anxious: "What happened!"

"Well, I tell you, but you can't talk to Pelp. No, you can't say anyone."

Happi nodded and said, "Okay, no one is said."

"Hill went to Royce dating."

"Who? Royce? He is not ..."

"Who? Royce ?!"

Suddenly sounded in the hapite ear frightened Hari, but also frightened Tony.

"Angelika knows ?!"

Pep took the phone anger asked.

Tony: "I have something, hang it first."


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