Marvel's King

Chapter 253 caught a big fish

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Tony hanged the phone, but Happi has heard the tears to the anger Pelp say: "I don't know anything, really."

Pepel horted him, turned his head to the simple, the eyes seem to kill people, ask: "What do you want to do early?"

Simply brother, it doesn't matter, "I know, Angelika also knows."

"What? You are sick? Angeli knows Hill to see Rois, then she doesn't come back to watch her husband?"

Pepel is because it is sensitive to Tony's things. At this time, it is like finding a venting point, and the people who move back and forth in the mall will rush.

Jane is a friend of Perper, but it is not a person who jumps to her head to her head, so I also broke out, I started attacking on Peppei and Tony.

Happi was scared on the side, I didn't dare to see the two women.

The argument of the two eventually stopped when Pelp made a call.

Simply did not comment.

She always pays that Hill is different from Royce, and tells Angelika.

I still remember that the reaction of Angelika made her very shocked.

If she is interchanged with Angeli's identity, she will definitely let Hill will try the hardships of this person.

But Anger Card didn't care, but also said that Zhu Hill is good luck, let Simple doubt that she is derailed.

Later, Angelika used Landra and Athena example to confirm what kind of peace of mind at home is at home.

After later, it never passed the emotional hand of Angeli.

I didn't put Hill to go to Royce this thing, because she felt that Hillna did not achieve it.

"How come you don't worry?"

When Anger Card received the phone, Pepeh was coming.

Jane shrugged and said, "I guess what Anglika is going to say, what is the urgency."

Pepel eyes turned and asked: "What would she say? She will not fly back to the earth to shin Hill?"

"Never do it, and you can't look at Roy," Jane turned a white eye and said, "You said that the person wants to destroy the earth, but you will betray Angerka It is purely that it is pure. "

Simply finished, a text message from Hill made her face.

"I succeeded !!!!!"


Pepel saw a brilliant color, even busy, I saw that I can't wait to bite the Jane's stupid woman on the ground, and said to teeth: "I blame you!"

I said: "Nothing, see what she succeeded, I ..."

"I have succeeded in the Roys table!"

"Jane Foster! See you!"

Pepel directly poured.

This time, this time, I said to Pelp's sergeant and said: "Don't worry, let me ask if I ask."

Pepeho stopped, but did not get up from the brief, urged: "Then you are still not going?"

Jane to push it from himself. The two don't care about the clothes of themselves. Let's send text messages: "What do you mean? You and Royce began dating? Anger Card? "

After SMS sent, Pepho and Jane were waiting, and he did the worst plan.

And the phone that sent to Angelika was also turned on.

"Hey? Pepeh? Do you miss me again?"

Angeli's voice sounds very happy, which makes Pepel more angry like this stupid Dort.

"Yeah, hehehe, how did you do your recent? I haven't contracted it for a long time, I want to hear your voice."

"I strange, I didn't find you once last night? It seems that you are something wrong, let's talk, what is the problem, you need your big sister, me,?"

Angelika's tone Yue Yue makes Pepeh, it is very lively, but it is not so active today. Asked: "What is the good thing to meet today? Happy to be like this."

"Hahahaha, Jiali called my mother!"

Pep was still surprised with friends, Hill replied SMS came: "Emmm, told him to find Carli is also a meeting? Calculate, then."

Jane is relaxing, a mobile phone that won the hand in Pelp, said: "Anjie, I want to tell you one thing."

"So serious? Say, what is."

Angeli is still not aware of the seriousness of the problem, just like a group of fire dealers to find their own Rogers.

Rogers, Paki, Sam three in the house.

The last night is no one, then this night will inevitably can't calmly be as calm last night.

"What about Clint? Is it going to go to the toilet?"

Sam is bored with his fingers, and I don't know what I think of, look up and look around, and ask.

Rogers just wanted to answer, and Clint pushed the door from the house and said, "I am already the father of the three children. Is it possible to go to the toilet frequency?"

Sam said: "Who knows, but I think I am going to the hospital is a good choice. Brother, early treatment, morning."

Pakphi didn't want to laugh, but he did find a smile, couldn't help but smile.

Rogers asked seriously: "How is the situation? Is there anyone else?"

Clint was also anxious, nodded: "Yes, there is still no movement, I even € doubt ..."


Nothing was finished, Pakistan pushed Sam behind, and then fell to Clint.

The reactions of Paki have been fast enough, but you can't have a grenade that directly falls in the middle of the three.

Fortunately, there is a veteran in the four people.

Rogers jumped with the first time of grenades, and covered the grenade with shield.

After the sullenness, the rest of the rest of the robbery climbed up from the ground and shouted: "Enemy!"

This sound is really effective and awakens some of the rest of the Clint.

He quickly climbed from the ground to find his equipment, saying: "These people are special! I haven't seen anything!"

Pakple didn't say anything, pick up the gun and leaned against the window to wait for the command of Rogers.

Rogers said to the eagle eye: "Can Klind, can you go to the roof? I need you to see where the enemy is coming."

"Good captain."

After Kerry hurts, Rogers said to the Falcon who is operating the drone: "Sam, I need you to put a pair of eyes and see if the enemy has heavy weapons."

"I did it."

Sam quickly completed the task input, a red little eagle flew out the window, Sam has said: "The red wings go out, Klind, can it protect it?"

"no problem."

Get the guarantee of Clint, the Falcon controlled the red wing into the forest outside the house.

It can be strange that the red wing did not find any enemies.

There is no thing in the thermal imaging device, and the small animals can't see one.

"What situation? What did Clint you saw?"

The falcon is panicked.

Clint was to answer, and suddenly recalled the angle of the hand thunder, he looked back to the cliff behind the hut.

Moonlight photos on the cliff, several black shadows appeared in the vision of Clint, there was one or even 50 meters away from him.

The Clint Bow is shot out and shouted with a split arrow. "Be careful!" In the back! "

Three people in the house changed the position immediately after listening to the information, but they didn't expect the enemy that they encountered even more powerful.

Clint's splitting arrow exploses the enemy in the air, but the blue protective cover is lit up around the body, so that Clint's attack is completely gone.

In addition to a person who is not able to withstand the sound of the sound, the lessen is loosened.

With the brightening of the arrows, Clint also found the total number of enemies.

The cliff is even under the black pressure, and it has been covered with people.


These people shouted with the language that I don't know what language, but Clint feels that the sound should be the meaning of attack.

Because the idling thunder has been lost toward him.

Clint is not good, and it is busy returning to the safety house.

I don't know the situation in the house, I will wait until he came back.


Clint shouted, a cellar entrance to the safety house.

Three people are not hesitant, and they will drill in one by one.

Clint last. Originally, he also wanted to shut down the iron gate, but a broken thunder in a broken window was not far from him.

The blast of the explosion flew the iron gate of the cellar, and he also fried his hand.


Clint is called, calling back to the captain of the enemy from another entrance.

"Hey, Klind, how are you?"

Sam has recently left the eagle that caught the eagle that fell from the ladder.

Seeing his left hand is full of burning scars, even busy the white cloth on the hand, said: "Don't move, first make it together, wait for us to come back and help you disinfeit. Rest assured, very fast. "

Sam seems very angry, dragging the Clint to put him behind the wall and said to the captain: "Captain, the action."

Rogers looked at Ke Linte and nodded: "Start."

Clint pain is very poor, and the pain is taken with the right hand from the pocket, say: "Sam."


Clint lost the things to Sam and said: "Swong of explosives to prevent it from time to time."

Sam nodded, chasing Rogers who came out of the cellar.

There are a lot of gangsters outside, and it is a trip.

The meaning of the stunt is the new weapon of the God Shield.

The team leader has just been discovered, then it is a slim shot, and sprinkled with them.

"Rely! Don't let me know which grandson will make these things out!"

Sam yelled.

His red wings were also found, and even have never been able to be destroyed.

This makes him sad, burn in anger.

Rogers judged the specific location of the enemy according to the gunshot, communicating with the unique gestures and two.

As the good friend of Rogers, Baki is almost a second to understand the meaning of Rogers, the whole person is generally going out.

Under the thermal imaging of the enemy, the figure of Paki is like a ghost general in the jungle.

The shot of the chasing stopped after a few times, because they lost the goal of the Pakistan, and he escaped in the opposite direction.

Just when they wrapped around the Pakple, Sam also flew away toward another direction, and he set his wings in this time at Pakistan.

The bullets fly away, and Rogers suddenly lost the shield from the distance.

The shield continually bounces in the forest, so soon, fainting half of the first hand of the first hand.

Just when they look for Rogers's traces, Paki has also launched an attack from another direction.

Sam also began to harvest the life of the enemy climbed down from the cliff.

Three people formed a dense firepower area on this high slope topography, and in an instant solves most of the enemies.

The remaining enemies quickly discovered the traces of their three.

The first bullet is taken in Rogers who is launching a charge.

This bullet was almost flying in the face of Rogers, then he heard the gunshot.

Rogers did not try to stop the bullets, and quickly stopped the pace.

In this process, ten bullets poured in his previous position.

Almost at the same time, Sam has also been restricted by the fire network.

He flexibly in the air, relying on artificial intelligence to avoid bullets, but this does not allow him to continue the aid soldiers on these cliffs.

Sam is somewhat unwilling, pulling out the oscillation explosives handed over to him during the flight.

When I was ready to lose, Sam suddenly remembered a thing, yelled: "The damn Clint didn't tell me how this thing would be used!"

It is this distraction, a bullet is just hitting his wings.

Pakistan looked at the fetches of the hunting fell helplessly helped forehead, saying: "It's a fuss."

Said, he slammed out from the place, walking in the forest, and the purpose is the falcon.

But the falcon did not be injured, or it can be said that he will count.

His wings are very sturdy, with the new technologies of the God Shield, unless it is a photon bundle, lower than that level of attacks can't cause harm to his wings.

At this time, although he was falling, he did not suffer any injuries under the protection of wings.

And he is waiting for the performance before landing.

He quoted the gunshot, determined the position of the enemy according to the simulation of his own brain.

"There is also ten meters away from the ground."

This will be my highlight!

Sam shouted in his heart, two wings opened, with him to fly on the sky.

In this process, he has already pulled out the guns in the waist, and there are countless bullets.


"Paki! Have you made a mistake!"

The enemy attracted by him has been solved by Pakistan, and there is only one body left to him.

"Sorry, my buddy, I am first."

Baki smiled in the night of the night, picking up a girdle on the ground, said: "It is the same weapon, it is really convenient."

Rogers found their shields and came from the other side.

He said to the Falcon in the sky: "Sam, you go to the Clint to handle the wound, I guess he is not very good."

"Hahaha, captain. Thank you, but I have a lot."

At this time, several people came from the smile of Clint.

Rogers looked at the past, and Clint was holding a black man wrapped up with a strict and realistic black.

"Not only that, I also grab a big fish."


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