Marvel's King

Chapter 254, what kind of metamorphosis I am in your heart?

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"How is your hand?"

Falcon carefully made it, and Pakistan stood in place and looked at the god of Clint.

Rogers also felt strange, he walked straight and asked: "Can you hurt this person?"

Klind shrugged and said, "I am also strange, this person fell directly from the sky, just in front of me, caught the past. I doubt that God is joking with me."

Falcon, I also felt a bit problem, but I still said, "You sure you are not joking with us? How can he fall directly in the cellar?"

Clin specially visited the factors in the air, Zhengqiao: "You are doubting me? Do you doubt what?"

Rogers did not answer, the face did not change, continue to ask: "Klind, can you tell you how you?"

Clint recalled how he would seize this person, then I want to think that I am underlying ...

At that time, he told his pain and stay awake and did not let himself shove.

Injury is a lot of injuries for a first-line agent, but this level of injury is still some.

Clint felt his hand at least two burn.

He recalls, remembers the location of the medical device in this safety house.

But all things are upstairs, he doesn't know if it is safe enough to let him get the instrument of the equipment.

During hesitation, the pain of the hand became more and more intense.

Clint was unbearable, and he bite his teeth and climbed up.

"Captain, they should be able to get some time for me."

The guns outside came from prior, and I didn't stop.

This makes Clint gradually put down.

When he immediately climbed out, a subtle footsteps suddenly came from not far away, just above.

Clint quietly leaned on the stairs, stretching the right hand to the back, ready to take out a arrow to defense.

He touched him, and the excessive weight on him was unloaded when he left the Sam.


Clint was in his heart, and he could only pull out a little dagger from his trouser pocket.

Although he is an eagle, he is not only a bow and arrow.

He quietly adjusted the position, waiting for the people above, he used the dagger to cut the enemy's feet, and he can save it.

I don't know how many enemies.

The footsteps are not scattered, and only one person sounds.

But Narling did not dare to gamble, this time, it is necessary to fight, how can it be guessed to fight?

But the footger is getting closer and closer. At this time, the arrow has had to be issued on the string. Clint can only gamble the chance to fight himself with a gun.

The enemy's footsteps just fell on the ground, and the clink took the dagger.

He took the ladder with the injured hand, and the other is like a poison tongue.

It can be good, because the pain is confused with his hearing, let him not bother the enemy's ankle. But I stumbled the man, and I clicked on the edge of the entrance, and I used it directly to fall from the entrance of the cellar.

"I have this luck?"

Clint began to doubt itself.

He looked at this person falling on himself.

However, a specialist's basic row, let him not feel that he has taken off, and quickly picks down the weapons on him, and the probe goes out to observe the situation.

Outside an empty thing, here is almost broken by the previous thunderstorms.

The ground is full of pits, and the place where medical facilities are placed is also blown.

Clin is somewhat desperate, if the medical facilities inside are damaged, he thinks he can't support it for twenty minutes.

He biting his teeth, hit the person who was tripped to the depth, climbed out from the cellar.

At this time, the gunshot outside stopped, the falcon whistled from his head, and once again aroused the grunge rain.

Klindung had a breath and shook his head and said, "Harmony, thank you."

He came to the room where medical facilities were stored, and there was a breath, where the life cradle is still there.

This consumption of the Shenshun Bureau is nearly billion to the rapid treatment equipment laid in the world, and it is intact in the rumor housing.

"Is it really God bless me? I am too lucky."

After that, Clint recovered his arm with his life, then squatted from the ground.

After coming to the wild, Clint turned a list from this person.

It is also this time, he heard the captain greetings lounge to see his voice.

Now, Clint, who has encountered three people, does not explain this matter.

He told the captain before and after the matter, but this coincidence made him more could not get trust.

"Both, why do you want this?"

Sam looks very sad, he is really difficult to help Rogers saved his own Clint is undercover.

Klind is really dead, he tries to explain: "No, I don't have any position to do undercover. In order to investigate this case with you to help you turn over, I will give up the opportunity to go to the Sword Bureau. You know my son. Do you want to go to the outer space to see? "

I heard the words of my son, the captain and Sam were opposed to the eye, and the words of the emotional card were thought of.

Clint took note of their exchange of eyes, it would be no more anxious, said: "No, you will think about it. Why do I do undercover? Do you have any benefits to me?"

At this time, I would like to ask: "You should explain why you don't do it under the bottom. The bill is solved, the only relaxed thing here is you. Why? Why do you flee it with us, and you are not the identity of fugitives? Clint, is not our first, it is indeed a lack of explanation. "

Clint was understood that he didn't think about how he would argue this problem for a long time.

Then he gave up.

He hooked his hands and said, "Get it, I don't understand it. Since you think that I am undercover, then I am inkil. You have this list."

Clint handed him from the list of this person to the captain, saying: "I don't know the identity of this person, but he must have secrets. With him to find these people, I believe it will absolutely a half-meal. "

The captain looked at Sam and saw Pakistani and finally looked at Clonnd.

He doesn't talk, I believe that Clint will understand what they mean.

Klind came to understand, he didn't point to say: "Okay, I will walk with you. But in any case, the captain, we are comrades, there is no need to limit my personal freedom."

Clint is talking, Paki has come over.

Clint enjoys the anger, keeping himself in the state of surrender, saying: "Thanks to God, I am still grateful to let me luck, I didn't expect to retribution so soon."

Sam heard the complaints of Clint and burned in anger. He pushed the Pakistan, pointed to the chest of Clint: "Clint, you start complaining now? You think we want to see this What happened? You are our best friend, I thought I could trust you. But you do this now, but what do you think of grievance? "

Shadue said, the more excited, and it is necessary to do it.

"Hey, Sam, Cool Point." Rogers rushed to Sam and said, "I believe that he will give us a chance to give him a chance."

Sam's emotional controlled, and Clint can't finish.

Pakphine had had to stop clinking Clint, and the people who were excited by two emotions with Rogers in the middle, suffering.

In the end, Clint and Sam finally calmed down, and Clint's mouth was blocked, and Sam was the same.

"Well, we have to perform the task. No matter what emotions you have, don't bring into the mission. I just said this, understand?"

Rogers is also anger.

It's better to crash like a team, which makes him get more and hate behind the scene.

I will put you out, I promise.

Rogers swear in the heart. Sam and Clint have also guaranteed that they will not be too excited.

This line of four talents will continue.


"Anjie, I want to tell you one thing, can't you be angry, can you?"

It is concurrently with the wall root, and the Anglika is discussed.

Perpho said excited: "How do you let her not angry? Hill and Royce dating, do you make her not angry?"

"What? Royce consent and Hill date?"

Angelika was indeed surprised, a face angry.

Pepel is rushing back, and the Junu said: "You ... you explained to her."

Jane angrily, she glanced at it, and Anger Card said: "Yes, I just learned. Hill said she wants to go out with Royce to go out to find Carie, I don't know, I want to know. Do I ask? "

Angeli's mood gradually saved, she said coldly: "No, I asked Rois to know."

After that, Angeli didn't hang up the phone directly, turned to the phone of Royce.

Jane and Pepeh have paid a look, asked in the same way: "Give Hill?"

"Give Hill, you fight, you and Hill."

After the consensus, Pepeh was even asked.

Jane is hesitant, or shake his head, plug the phone to Pep, "" You play, you are not familiar with her, can't destroy friendship. "

Pepeh was shocked, asked: "It means that unfamiliar friendship is not worth money? So, do you call you, do you still expose?"

I think about it, I find it really like this.

"No, I have to tell Hill before Anglika. I blame you! Nothing to do what phone call Ajlika!"

Simply complained that Pep is very wanted to vomit, but it is not just how to say: "Don't talk to me, I want to call Hill."

Royce quickly turned on the phone, Hill is also.

"Anger? What happened? What happened?"

Royce is very random, it seems that he does not take him with him and Hill.

Hill is thinking about how to think about how to solve the heart today, but he heard that everything told Angerka's news.

She is a little sad, watching the side face of Royce can't speak.

Going to the door to send rejected, it is also betrayed by the best friends.

She doesn't know what she should be.

Angelika listened to Royes, the sound is very angry, soaring anger to make your voice sound normal, ask: "Who are you with?"

"Hill, we are going to find Carli."

"What do you do? Why is she going?"

Angeli's attitude made Royce somewhat surprisingly, "What happened? I am coming with Hill to make you uncomfortable?"

"No." Angelika denied, and asked: "Why do Jiali go to her?"

"Jiali went to the Queen's area to watch the fireworks, Hill felt that we were very bored at home, and we went together. What happened?"

The attitude of Royce talk is also a bit impatient.

He knows what Anglika is worried about, but it has been so long, he has just taken a kiss with Hill, and anything else did not happen.

He understood Angelika, but it was still uncomfortable because Anglika was uncomfortable.

"Why is Hill to find you?"

Royce saw Hill and saw Hill, in order to take care of her face or did not say something too bad, but said: "She has done some things recently, I want to ask my opinion."

This allows Hill to be warm, but let Ajlika will burn.

"You don't mean that you are no longer inserting the earth? Why, break the ring? I shouldn't believe you can let go."

Royce took a breath and said to himself: Nothing, Anger Ka is just jealous, she is unhappy.

After calming your emotions, Royce said: "I did not give Hill any suggestion, just helped her to analyze the situation."

Angeli is still flat, I am going to ask some other things, Roys said: "I can understand that you are angry because Hill came to me, but why do you want to question my determination?"

Angeli can't talk, but the mouth doesn't want to apologize.

Royce waited for a while, and did not wait until what he wanted, sigh, said: "Forget it, just like this."

After that he hangs.

Hill looked at Royce and was quite self-blaming.

I want to comfort it, but it is obvious that it is not a good time, and she has no position to interrupted Royce and Angelica.

She and a simple call have not ended yet, and she said: "All blame me, if ... ..."

Hill didn't say anything, and I also hang up.

Two people watching the scenery of the fast train window for a long time.

Royce's depression has been finally terminated when he saw Carrie.

The fireworks have not started, Carryl and Peter sat on the fence outside the ice.

Royce looked at them not far away, Hill stood next to him.

"How do you think that young man?"

Hill said, turned to look at Royce, a laughing, said: "Peter Parker? I heard that he is a nerd, but this child is small, it is very suitable for Carrie's first love. "

Royce was a bit surprised to see Hill and said, "You didn't investigate this child? It's really unique."

Hill White Royce glanced, frowning: "What kind of metamorphosis I am in your heart?"


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