Marvel's King

Chapter 255 is so long?

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Royce did not answer Hill's question, and did not disturb Carry and Peter who were not far away.

He is quietly standing against the fence, while listening to the noisy children, enjoy the Breeze of the sea breeze.

This kind of tranquility makes him gradually forget the contents of the previous and Angeli card.

"But don't you take a look?"

Hill is getting more and more rich, and whispered.

Royce shakes his head and said: "No, let them play, I have played well in the past."

Hill smiled and smiled and asked: "Do you brought your father?"

"Maybe." Royce thought about it, the smile on his face is getting bigger and bigger, saying: "At first I panic, I thought I thought, I have already accepted this identity as soon as possible. Just ... "

Hill Keros Royce remembered Angelika and asked: "She is angry before? Because I?"

Royce looked at Hill and shook his head and said, "said it is because you are impossible, she is ... I am more reasonable. From my original moment, I started to start at the threshold. I will no longer value many things. Among them, I also included my feelings, which was very harm to her.

Just, she has never told that I have brought this question when I broke out. I didn't ask, and I forgive me. "

Hill was a bit confused, asked: "Are you quarreling with Angelika?"

"I have been very early, and there is nothing to do with today." Royose was finished, and the Carry on the other side did not care about it.

"Royce!" She smiled from the stool to Luois, happy.

Peter panicked around him, seeing Roys, it is not tense, and there is no place to put it.

"You play, I am here." Royce looked smiled, and Ji Ji shouted to her.

Jiali sneaked with Peter, see him nervous into that look, easy to rush to Royce and Hill, then pulled him to run away.

"Or is it young."

Hill didn't come from being sighing, and Luoz said hello, said: "You are not old, so soon, I will enter the realm of the past."

Hill was white, and didn't say anything.

Maybe I am young, I will directly put Royce directly ...

"How do you prepare to explain today? I haven't heard you before listening to you."

The two were silent, and Hill entered the topic.

Royce thought for a while, shook his head and said: "She is going to be the mainstay now, I always feel what happens between our two. In this case, I will explain it. Tomorrow Chinese is going to find Pelp, when I Go back to Olympus and talk to her. "

Hill heard his finger, soon, he made a decision, and he said relaxed: "You go directly to her, Jiali will give it to me. Anyway, your home has broken a hole, no way live."

Royce looks at Hill's eyes, bright and sad.

"Is it hug? This is what I can give you the most."

Roybs just finished, Hill rushed into Royce, and smoked.

Royce doesn't know how to comfort her and can only hold her tight.

Everything around it has not changed, or it is still as noisy.

But everything around also changed, it became so quiet.

The Royce ear has only Hill's cry, and it is dedicated.

"Is that Royce girlfriend?"

I don't know when Jiali secretly covered with Peter to come to another direction to secretly looked at Royce.

Jia Li's face wrinkled, shook his head and said, "No, I hope that she is also a Royce girlfriend, Hill Aunt is really good."

Peter is a bit awkward, is this a normal person's thoughts?

So the straight Peter asked: "Do you don't like the original girlfriend in Roy?"

Carrie nodded: "I like it, you are too busy, you will not play with me."

Angelika? Royce? Hill?

How do these names are so familiar?

Peter was caught in meditation, but he didn't want to understand. His whole person was pulled by Carrie.

"Fast, the fireworks began."

Jiali excitedly, she didn't come out for a long time. I used Roy to bulld her in Royce, and I finally be bullied by her.

Royce also released Hill, two people looked at the fireworks that turned into the sky, and five flavors in their hearts.

"I am gone, go to her."


There is no longer between Hill nodded, Royes around me.


"Hill Aunt! Hahaha."

Hill turned his head and was ready to leave, but he was hit by Carli.

Xiao Nizi's eyes felt fan, but Hill saw the purple color from it.

She touched Carrie's head, turned to Peter, smiled and asked: "Are you a boyfriend of Carli?"

Peter is nervous, he doesn't know who this person is, but seeing Carryl in love with her, knowing that he should respect, nod to say: "Yes ... Yes, no, we are not. .. "

Jiali heard Peter explained and immediately angrily.

Peter is stunned, I don't know what to say, I have been giving the guy.

"Haha, Jiali, you will pick it up." Hill pinned Carrie's face, twisted her to him, asked Peter: "Hungry? Take you to eat donuts?"


Walking on the road, Hill and Peter walk side by side, Carryl is like a small plane, flying on the road, happy.

"That ... Ms. Hill, is you a commander of the God Shield Bureau?"

Before Peter's feelings, they dared to affirm it.

Hill Eye is turned, smiled and shook his head: "No, but there are still many people regard me as her, is we very similar?"

Peter secretly took out the mobile phone to see the picture you found, then nodded and said: "It's like it is just the same."

Hill laughed directly, took one hand on Peter's shoulders: "Haha, why do I understand why Carryl like you, continue to keep it."

"Ah? Why?"


Outside Olympus, a goddess is floating in the air.

Surrounded by her side is a variety of human beast-shaped monsters.

Although they are ugly, they have the strength of the Earth God.

These people are the night gods Niks and her children, they are going to the Olympus tiger, ready to launch offensive.

"Mother, why not do it?"

Sleeping God Strue Nos came over, he was white, wearing a wings style helmet, a look indifferent.

He is also one of the people who are placed in Zeus, which is full of hate to Olympus.

Ni Kez stood in the void, hesitated.

She felt the power of Olympus, the old man of Zeus did not say anything wrong, and the Olympus is really much more strong than before.

And just, she felt an unparalleled existence in Olympus, if she didn't guess the wrong, the man should be the Royce in the Aegis.

She turned to look at the snake of a similar lizard and asked: "Are you getting a night drop in the Demophilic?"

He is Oz, tragic gods, his ability to make enemies in a negative emotion of the enemy through rations.

His ability is powerful, even Wanda also fled his oligomatology.

Oshen nodded, respectfully said: "Zeus is all recruited, do we have to move? Mother."

Ni Xix is ​​still hesitating. She heard someone who called the night of the night, she didn't want to give up this opportunity.

But she is worried that she is not a full state, is that the opponent of the people who suddenly come to Olympus.

Strong Noshi saw Ni Xiji is riding a tiger, it is recommended to say: "Mother, don't you find your strength first? Wait until it, no one can block you."

Ni Xixed looked at the lottery Nos, nodded: "Go, my children, help me find the black night fragment."

"Mother, then?"

Double Snake Apalta and Dolos have a small voice.

After being detained for many years, they have no sense of security.

Ni X Xixeded two people, and said yin, "Since getting the fall of the night fragment, then I should go to Zeus to revenge!"

In addition to Athena, Olympus, no one knows that there is a strong enemy is about to invade this peaceful and peaceful domain.

Angelika has never regret and be angry after talking to Royz.

But she doesn't want to bow first.

It is obviously the problem of Royce, why do she apologize?

Even if she said some words, what should I don't say? Is it wrong because this shift to her head?

Obviously it will not.

Angelikan is angry, and a few Ningfu around her is not afraid to ask.

Everyone knows that the temper after the day is not good, although it is not as bad as the legend of the legend, but it is not a good person.

"Shen Wang adult?"

A excitement will wake up Anglika from angry.

She was surprised, and she saw Royce who came to her.

She is somewhat happy, but I don't want to be so easy to forgive Royce, I will force a momentary smile to erase, replace it with a smelial face.

Royce said to the Ningfu who met the gift: "Let's go, give me a little in the world."


Ningfu's voice is very soft, it sounds lightly.

When walking, Royce didn't even notice that they had left.

"Is it still angry?"

Royce walked to Angeli to hold her, whispered in her ear.

Anger Card didn't talk, but it was crying.

"Hill is not there, I don't need to take care of her. I want to ask you, do you really think that I will make any betrayal?"

Royce turned Angeli card to his front, kneeling down her eyes.

Angeli did not believe that Royce would betray himself, he has too many opportunities, and there are too many people selected.

But he has not done it.

"This is the second time Hill to find me, I hope to be satisfied in this matter. I didn't have it. I will definitely there will be. You should understand this is right, what can you doubt? ? "

Roys wants to open with Angeli card to understand, because he will send Anger card to the abyss.

He can't do this when Anger Card doesn't trust him, because it is very important.

Angelika tears full, hit his head, said: "I don't know, I am just ... I just don't feel safely? I always feel that you are getting farther and farther away from me, I always feel that you have a day. Leave me. Especially after you disappear. I went to Othin asked, you have a chance to come to me, but you give up, can I tell me why? Is me ... "

Royce sighed, blocked the lips of Anglika with your fingers, apologize: "Not you, it is my problem. I am ... I don't know how to explain it with you, it is the brain can't turn around you. Can you understand? I can't think of any problems at the time, I just want to escape.

Olympus is also good, the earth is all, I just want to escape. I want to thank you so hard to find me, I will find me from the situation where the collapse is on the ground. Otherwise I estimate that I will still be waves in a corner of the universe, even if I really got the power I want, I will not satisfy you.

Angelika, I know why you will be uneasy, I just want to tell you something, our gap will soon disappear, I promise you. You will not affect you again. "

Anger card is a bit complicated, her thoughts are very messy, she doesn't know what she is thinking.

Royce sighs, can only put Angli in his arms, and use the body to warm this little woman who is still less than 25 years old.

The short talk of the two is ended, and the temperature can not last too long.

Athena came with Higlis.

"Shen Wang? When are you coming back?"

Athens is a bit surprised. Royce is only coming back to help Hairens recovered in the gods, how did it come again in the evening? What happened?

At this time, she heard the sound of Angelika suction nose, and time I understood why Ningfu outside will stop yourself.

But it has already come, and it is already unavoidable, even if you have left the two, it is better to say things directly.

"I and Haiglis are coming to thank you."

Athens said, Haiglis fits the back of the head.

Angeli is still crying, Royce said with a smile: "Thank you, you don't have to be a family, too everyone. Is it habiting in Olympus? I heard that you have always been Wandering outside, can you still feel this time? "

Haiglis really didn't continue to go forward, and smiled and said: "Of course, Olympus is completely different before, this is what I am willing to see. Just unfortunately, my father ..."


Athena saw Haiglis to mention Zeus, heavily cough, and went back to Hagigs throat.

Haiglis hysterested, looking back at home sister, I dare not talk.

Royce smiled and said: "Haha, it doesn't matter. Zeus and I have no unhappy, you can speak freely."

Haiglis heard the praise, just said that Royce said that Royce said: "But I am going to have a child after I am, can I give us a little space?"

Haiglis is bright, nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Said that I will force Athena to go, let Athena gave the blood.

She still have to find Anglika.

After the two left, Angelika's cry stopped.

She looked up at Royce, and asked: "When will we decide to have children?"

Royce smiled and wiped the tears on her face and said, "You don't always say that you want your child? Mean you don't want it?"

Anger Ka smiled and said, "Do you know that I didn't serious, right?"

"Of course, are you ready now?"


Royce didn't answer, asked: "Is it so long?"

Angeli kiki smiled, greedy: "I am afraid enough, I have to play."


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