Marvel's King

Chapter 257's Power of Desire

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Jack took into the water pool. When the skin and the truth of the truth, he understood why the people were twisted out.

This is true!

Jack almost crashed.

This thing is like a sharp needle, stimulating his skin, then incarnation of small fish, trying to drill from every pores.

Jack only resists less than a second, but fainted, letting the True Water entered his thinking and wore his soul.

The things pursued by Jack, also appeared in the air, and several soul manipulation masters were clear.

"Oh? He is a friend of Royce?"

Ancient and Lu Xifa have produced such an idea.

Murphisto is a little annoyed. He is still useful in this dark line. It is ready to be in ancient times in the crucial moment, but now it is exposed.

However, all this is no longer able to change, Murphysto can only be deep, watch Jack's heart.

Others didn't pay attention to him, only black hearts looked at the back of Murphsto.

What Jack most wants to know why Roy is not in hand, and his answer is very strange.

That is a completely dark sky, saying that the sky is not right, anyway, is a completely dark place.

There are two people in the air, one is Royce, and the other is Angerka.

In the opposite place, it is a black giant that can't see the whole body.

Jack doesn't know what is that is, but there is some predigum, and it is the same enemy.

"Is the original Royce also gave a war? Where is he in the end?"

Jack woke up from the illusion, he did not feel difficulty in breathing in the bottom of the water, even more freely than in the air, quite a feeling of water.

His question did not get an answer, but he saw the sword of the sparkling in the pool.

In the eyes of Jack, the thing is like a rare treasure, and all his desires are hooked out.

He hit the position of the sword, and his eyes were mad.

He was eager to master the sword in his hand, he had a feeling: got the sword, he could get everything.

But how hard he works, he can't touch it.

The distance between them is clearly less than two meters, but it seems to be like a french.

Jack is getting more and more urgent. The desire of his heart expands to a limit, almost bare him.

His breathing became rushed, his eyes were congested, blood vessels on the neck, and the whole person distorted like a monster.

"Worse, what he is trapped!"

The ancient sensory is the most sensitive, and immediately discovered the strangeness of Jack in the pool.

The rest of the people will look, and Jack's problem is found before and afterwards.

They don't dare to save it, even if the hell storm is the best friend of Jack, I don't dare to go.

Humans can't hold, let alone them these demon.

"What can I do! I can't see him. He is a friend of Royce, if he is dead, is we not ..."

The Luti law, a batch of, looked at the ancient times, and even prayed.

I didn't have to take a frame with others, and the opponents of provoke. But there is no other person in Roysen.

The key is that Royce does not kill them, just wants to cause serious damage to them, this makes Luxi law very uncomfortable.

His injury is still not good, but also stabbed the pain.

The ancient words were also panicked.

Royce is so powerful.

Although Royce did not admit it, he was in the eyes that he changed much, especially if he is now majestic, and ancient one does not dare to provoke him.

When everyone is tangled for saving Jack, there is a sudden shining eye in the pool, and everyone is obey, and it is hurried to cover with the arm.

Jack and the light source in the pool are close.

This light is like a certain ability to drive away magic, and the impact of Glascot's sword to Jack is peeled out from his senses and let him return to normal.

Jack suddenly woke up, a hand puts under his chest and scratch in his hand.

At this time he has some security. He breathed his mouth, inhaling the water of the truth into the body and then spit out, every loop makes him more stable, more calm.

Jack looked at the long sword in the distance, and the heart: Sure enough, the evil's sword is too evil.

He didn't think too much, struggling to dial forward, will be quietly drifted in the long sword in the pool, and then go upstream as the fish.

Everyone on the shore was shaking the gods in the shore, and the taste was more flustered.

This is that Jack is going out, then they can't escape.

The hell storm wears a blind, and a public in front of the public will rush down the water to save Jack.

Jack is not only a friend of Royce, but also his friend, it is also very likely to be a single friend.

He still hesitated, but this light is not everything, he can feel the powerful energy.

He couldn't sit on Jack and he couldn't accept Jack left his life.

Just when he is ready to jump into the water, the surface of the pool has a circle of ripples.

Murphosto saw that Jack was fine, and quickly pulled the hell storm that had been left to the ground, he took him back from the air.

"You special ..."


Diameng's roar and Jack is almost simultaneously sounding, but also prevents Demun's non-completed discourse.

"How about Jack?"

Demolne glanced at Mphsto, turned to the shore to grab the Jack to drag him on the shore.

Jack has a little dissevous and can't say it.

When Demun pulled him up, he struggled to explore into the pool, and took a falling long sword from inside, and said, "I got."

Everyone relaxed, and then the next place put on the long sword in Jack.

Holding the sword ...

"Be careful! Don't look! There is magic on the sword!"

Ancient reminders, but it is late.

The black heart and Murphista have been recruited.

The two of them were confused by the magic of the long sword, as if the hungry wolf was in the past.

Murphisto woke up after hearing ancient voice, when he found someone to fly around, even busy reaching, but only grabbed one.

Murphista grabbed the ankle by Murphisto in the air.

I saw that Murphysto smoked, directly born in the air, and even faintly flying trends.

Murphista feels resistance and angryly looking at his father.

There is still an angry in her eyes, and there is a kind of madness that can't be famous, it seems to be completely crazy.

Murphisto is shocked, and the backhand is that a big mouth is pumping on the face of Murphista, playing her spurting a lot of blood.

However, let her wake up, falling down behind the ground, looked up at Murphsto, a face of innocent and depressed.

And the black heart is not so good.

Lu Xifa did not pull him and waited for his hell of hell.

"Ah! The dead Demon!"

The black heart made a scream in the air, his body was shrouded with the hell of the hell, and he was burned out, it sounded very painful.

Lu Xifa looked at Murphisto, seeing he has packed Murphista, and instantly shot, a slap in the black heart, put his black fog's body together with the bones, usually burning on him. Hell is scattered.

"I will come back, Lu Xifa, you will pay for you today!"

The sound of the black heart and resentment sounded around, and then disappeared.

Ancient is quietly, she posted the soul imprint before the Lu Xifa, so she can find him at any time.

Also prevent him from secretly attacking.

The ancient one is a very cautious person. She has reacted in the first time of black hearts, and it is expected that no one can stop him, so she has done the worst plan.

"Murphysto, where do you think he will go?"

The ancient secret reminded Murphsto, which made Murphsto woke up from a short sadness.

"Worse! He should not go to Tianjin Weng Xing!"

The more I want to be more urgent, the more I want it. Once the black heart exposes their plans, then they can be dangerous.

The ancient colors did not change, and Lu Xifa said: "Fast chasing! Chasing him before he returns to hell!"

Several people are quickly moving, but the black heart has already escaped it, and it has been on the way they have opened before Demun.

He wants to get the sword of Glascot, but he knows that he is not the opponent of those people, so he is going to find a helper.

There are many people in the helper, but the best is the Tianjin Weng Xing.

At this time, Tianjin Weng Xing is looking for a way to enter the dimension of dreams. He is going to find a nightmare and get his dream.

He felt a powerful opponent was waiting for him in Olympus, but that person is not the Zeus he has fighting.

This made him a vigilance.

After all, Athena and Sore can suppress him slightly, don't say that a strong people who are more powerful than Zeys.

He tried to grab the ability of the nightmare, then use the Jaylaskot's sword to capture the Plus Huangquan, and use this as a stronghold to launch an attack to the Olympus.

But when he could not swallow more gods, after all, the number of ghosts and gods in the gods were not big.

When his power reaches a certain level, the number of gods under the hand is enough, then he can push it directly.

But first, he wants to find the artifact named Glaskot's sword.

In others, it is a tool for a trick, but in his hand, it is a powerful artifact.

He suspected that the sword of Glascot was on the earth, but he couldn't enter the world, and there was an invisible compartment in the space to block him.

He must first get the power of a nightmare, and then hypnotize all the human beings on the earth, in order to tear an isolation from the dimension of the dream, enter the realistic dimension.

Nightmare, this little scorpion is too cautious, he has been looking for a long time, this is not a headache.

The arrival of black hearts makes Tianjin Weng Xing a little surprised. He remembers this little thing that escape from his hand.

"Did you return? Small things, do you think you can escape twice from my hands?"

Tianjin Weng Xing himself is an extremely ugly monster, and there is only a rough human figure and a five senses of the , with a few sharp hair on the top, a bit like that hairy, it looks a little disgusting.

The palace who just arrived in Tianjin Weng Xing was pinched by Tianjin Wengxing, and the bugs generally raised.

I heard the words of Tianjin Weng Xing, and the black heart did not fear, but because of the southern Sword of Glascott, some were proud.

He issued a weird laughter and said, "Hey, Tianjin Weng Xing, don't you want to know why I am here?"

Tianjin Wengxing is not a high-quality person. In fact, it is too powerful creature to rely too much to rely too much, because they have the power of all to destroy everything, do not need a brain.

I didn't say others, I said to swallow the stars.

Royce is one of the most shameful people in the same level, because he has mastered something must make him brain.

At this moment, it is the moment of his plan.

If the black heart, Tianjin Weng Xing is somewhat curious, asking: "Oh? Talk, say it may, maybe I can put you a way."

The black heart is very satisfied with Tianjin Weng Xing. He turned his black smoke escaped from Tianjin Weng Xing. He reappeared in front of him. To work, it is called Glascot's sword! "


Tianjin Weng Xingshuo's big eyes were trembled two times, indicating that his inner is extremely unchaul.

He has endured too long, he dreams that this noise is researched into virtual.

There is always no way to implement it all.

Now is his best opportunity, and the key place is this in the sword named Glascot.

If the black heart, Tianjin Weng Xing can't help but release the soul of the black heart. I really found the traces of his soul being eroded, and I asked: "Oh, you have eroded it. Child, I ask you, you Want to get him? "

The eyes of the black heart changed, although they were hidden in the black mist, but their greed is as if the lights are generally bright.

"Of course, I dreamed. But now there is a problem, that thing is taken away by others."

Tianjin Wengxing has changed, and the strength of the body is not penetrated independently, and it is distorted by the time and space around him.

He is angry and screaming: "Who?"

This force affects the influence of black hearts, and he is not breathing.

He directly fell to the ground, he said: "It is a human beings called Jack, as well as the Earth's Supreme Master Ancient One, and my father Mophisto."

Tianjin Weng Xing is heavier, his mine swears: "The people in the district also dare to touch my sword ?! Dinn!"

That sound is in the black heart, it seems that it is a demon's soul scream, and his body shock is very high frequency, it is on the verge of breaking.

Tianjin Wengxing did not pay attention to this, he rushed to the horizon, came to the side of the space barrier, reach out of the big hand to tear this layer hindrance.

He has no doubt that there is no doubt.

Although the strength of the annihilation is strong, he is always only a part of people, one hundred percent of the power of insufficient, and wants to destroy this unlimited masterpiece is almost an idiotic dream.


Tianjin Weng Xing is very angry, constantly bombards the barrier with fists.

Holding it, he actually found that the space was trembled in the process of hitting him.



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