Marvel's King

Chapter 258, Black Heart and Element

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Tianjin Wengxing seems to find a method, he continues to slamming the swirl between the dimensions, disrupted its internal ordered law, making it chaotic state.

After I didn't know how much fists, Tianjin Weng Xing finally took a hole in the swirl space. His arm feels a powerful suction and is directly inhaled to swirl inside.

Tianjin Weng Xing has not responded, it is ready to leave, but a powerful, enough to smash his body, suddenly destroy his arm from the swirl inside.

Huge pain let Tianjin Weng Xing send a violent scream, but I feel that the sucking force is gradually enhanced, as if I want to swallow him throughout.

He quickly used all the strength, and even used his kind of virtual unreliable to fight against the suction.

The first time that the energy is inserted in the swirl, the dramatic explosion has increased, and as Tianjin Wengxing instuses energy, the explosion is also more intense.


The first scene of the black heart to chase from the palace is that Tianjin Weng Xing's body is fried in the air, gradually scattered.

And he faintly saw the face of Royce in the big hole in the sky.

He has seen Royce in Jack's illusion, so it is still impressive.

But if the face is hidden, it seems that only a moment will disappear.

The black heart stunned, and he didn't think more after the Tianjin Weng Xing fell, and he went to the sky to catch him.

There is a huge hole in the chest of Tianjin, and the face is also blown out half. The fierce pupil is full of fear.

He is indeed strong enough, but he is almost hung, but it is still imperative to be like a child when it is in the face of the ultimate strength of the universe.

This encounter almost shredded his confidence. Fortunately, the black heart comfort him said: "å , it is said that it is something created in the infinite gods. You don't want to provoke her before you get the sword of Glaskot. "

Unlimited reputation is very large, Tianjin Wengxing naturally heard.

Before he was confident, he didn't even think about that is unlimited hand, and he didn't care what he touched.

Now he understand those people are not he now touched.

At least the power to have a chaotic is enough to shake those people.

Tianjin Weng Xing struggled to stand up, and pushed the black heart, looked at the big hole in the sky, said, "will, one day I will find you, wait, will not be very far away."

Black Heart keeps silence, although he doesn't believe in Tianjin Weng Xing in the heart, but how do you want to say something on your mouth?

Tianjin Weixing looked for a minute, he turned to look at the black heart and asked: "Where is the little thing of the nightmare? I have been looking for him for a long time."

Black heart. Nightmare and he have also have cooperative relationships, fighting with Murphsto. But the plan failed, he was thrown in the earth by Murcisto, and his nightmare did not know.

I heard that his dimension of his dream can enter from the seventh floor hell's hole, but no one tried.

Tianjin Wending saw the look of the black heart and the appearance of the way, with the only arm of him and the arm said: "Don't say you will die."

Black heart is busy: "I know, but now the structure of hell has changed, I don't know how to go."

Tianjin Wengxing thoughtfully thought of it for a while, and said that the black heart was released: "You just need to tell me where you can."

Oh? Is there any way Tianjin Wengxing remembers the original coordinate or ...?

There is no time to think too much, directly reporting the information he knows to Tianjin Weng Xing.

"Seventh floor? Is that a places where the mock monster once?"

The black heart see Tianjin Weng Xing has some remembering, can't help but smile, heart: Say you is not the same as the moon monster.

Tianjin Weng Xing took a step away, and he was in the dark: "You go to the earth, help me see the sword, don't let others meet it. Waiting for me to get a nightmare, wait for me to counterattack Earth, I It is necessary to crush the group of ants. "

The black heart should be, but the bottom is thinking about the weakness of Tianjin Wengxing.

How will he look for the original location? Is it still hell here?

Black Heart has re-embedded the road to the Earth with a doubts of the stomach.

Hell storm is that the mastery of space is that he is not a huge, but his believers in the earth can be much more demon. Even the most famous Satan in the demon is much more than his belief.

"Return to the earth? Father, I am coming to you ..."

The black heart smiled and tried to communicate with his once believers.


California, Los Angeles.

Here you can say that it is the most prosperous place in the United States, but it is also the most confusing area.

Although it has been much better in the past few years, the original gang still exists, affecting people's safety.

If they have been a mixed rice, now they are purely like bully.

Among them, the worst a mixed group named Five Street helpers. These people will be big for the children all day. They are handed over to the children to sell, and they will have a good look and like to pursue the babes who are still willing to work. thing.

At the same time, they also like to bully some disabled people, or some people with certain defects.

They are all mentally distorted metamorphosis, like to catch others to make fun, sometimes shoot video to sell them to the same psychological metamorphosis but do not dare to do the same kind, to get money.

A person who is often bullied by them is a child, a child who is legged.

His brother is called Robbie Reyes, is a racer and a badls.

Although he is far from strong Ni Brese, it is not the existence of ordinary people.

However, because the Shen Shun Bureau has recently launched the Avenge Affairs, Robs often don't dare to go out.

This makes the local gang five streets to help.

Their boss and Robs have a Liang Zi, and when retalled, the person, shooting Robbie and harming the disability.

Robs did not die directly because of the relationship between the evil spirits, but he did not rescue it.

The boss of the five streets was rope, but the anger of Robs never disappeared.

Of course, the five streets helped their brothers and hate, often bullied in the Robbie, laughing at him, squirting him, pushing his wheelchair to run, etc.

Despite the influence of the God Shield, there is more and less strict, and the people who dare to harm others are getting less and less, but their practices are on a gray zone.

Even the Robigh alarm, can only be detained for a few days, and it cannot be eradicated at all.

Robie took a big life in the past few days, and it was a problem for a sports car.

Overtime for three days, it's hard to save the baby, Robie who got money, I thought about bringing your brother to Los Angeles urban area.

The school entrance of the school that can drive to your younger brother has seen things that make him anger.

That group of hybrids wrapped up.

There are five people there, one is blending. They are shaking out the things in the packaged bag, and also took out the paintings and laugh at him.

It can be seen from adding, but his wheelchair is locked by the group of buns, only to withstand their humiliation, and don't let yourself cry.

Robs can't do it, directly open the car to the sidewalk, scare the small mixed rupture, and the same also scared several passers-by.

Robie finally gave up his thoughts and stopped their car.

After he got off the bus, he immediately received the ridicule of those people.

"Hey, is this not Robei? Why, your car is repaired? Your boss knows that you change your engine in your car? Hahaha."

"What is the big truth, it is human Robei yourself!"

"Hey! This is unloading a part, and there is a touch of accessories."

"What happened? Is it unclear? Do you know what is the name? People are Robbie Ford! Silly!"

"Ford said it is very embarrassed, hahaha. Although Ford is also garbage, how can this pile of this pile of Bobie?"

The harsh insults make Robs to take some heads, and pull him with worry.

Add a fear of Robs and these people have conflicts, on the one hand, because the current law is somewhat harsh, on the other hand, I am worried that Robs will suffer, after all, there are five people.

Robbia saw that the brother's face was wrong, and it was strongly pressed, concentrated.

The lockable core was smashed, and he got a few times and could not open it.

The few people were still ridiculed, seeing his face, knowing that he found the locking core, haha ​​laughed and said: "Hey, angry? I am angry with you! Let me, I will stand Don't move this, haha. "

"Just, Robei, you don't have eggs? He is so ridiculed you, you still don't do it? It is hard to do the egg transplant surgery, put the things into your brain?"

"I dare not to do it, then you will come over, I will pay you money, you should be very lacking."

The person who destroys the lock camp took out the money from the pocket and waved in Rarbi, a worsening of a high-rise.

Robim was crazy, he couldn't help but. He picks up a piece of brick on the ground, and he will lose it to the person.

The brick has passed a beautiful arc in the air, and the face of the person is, and he spurts out a lot of blood, then fall back.

His little friends were shocked, and they quickly went down to view the companion.

Robbie is also panicked. He is worried that he is not a loss to kill people. If you really kill people, it can be finished.

Sometimes you have more concern what will happen, this weird situation is even very common.

Just when Robs worried about the past, the person's small partner fled, which made Robbie's heart into the bottom of the valley.

No, it will not, I will not be so miserable!

Robs almost collapsed, and the footsteps were also chaotic, almost fell in the center of the road.

He fell into this person, and found that this person has not provoked, it is full of blood, and the traces of blood are still gradually expanding.

Robie reached out below the nose of this person, confirmed that he had no breathing.

He couldn't believe it all, and put his finger on his neck and found that the pulse has disappeared.

Robbia's breathing gradually became disorders, the brain was congested, and it was a bit of not angry and unable to think.

He is not killing people, in fact, killing many wicked people who have escaping the legal sanctions when he is evil Knight.

But he never killed people in the majestic in the real identity. He knew that this would ruin him and ruined his brother.

God ... I did ...

Just when Rob was on the verge of collapse, it has been confirmed by him to death.

Robie was moved quietly, and he looked back. He found that a tattooed tattoo that was blushing in the neck of this person was bright.

The evil spirits in his body made him understand that it was the mark of the devil, but he did not have any attacking intentions, and even grateful to this devil to save himself.

"Hey, buddies, how are you?"

Robie reached out and swayed in front of him, trying to let him wake up.

The person's eyes did not look in his hand, just staring at Robei: "Thank you, can you help me with a small busy?"

This person is black, he attached to this body.

However, his strength is exhausted on the way, can't add this here, he has to answer his contest, accepting their sacrifice to restore the state of the whole day.

Robbia is too lazy to think about this devil, and his Barbani must not let this person forget all the things happened. I quickly agreed to say: "No problem, you said, what is needed to help you, even though."

"I am going to a place, can you take me?"

Robobi hesitated, swinging a few times in the middle of the younger brother, or decided to go out first, ask: "Where?"

"Can I go to Lawrence County, Kansas University?"

Although Robie didn't know where it was, it was still full of promise, said: "You can, no problem, but can you first go to the police to help me testify that I didn't hurt you?"

The black heart is somewhat awkward, and I quickly check this person's memory, but the result found that he surprised it.

It turns out that this person is its own believers?

After learning the things, the black hearts have a laugh.

He looked at Robei said: "What do you mean, I must help you do this?"

Robei is dark, but it is already too late, he wants to argue two sentences, but he is blamed with his heart.

"You don't seem to know the situation, now I am the highest, hehe."

Robie looked back to add a look and found that he was looking at himself, his face was pale, and it was frightened.

No way, the crying of myself can only be swallowed.

Robobia low heads, said: "If I ask you, I need you to help me this time. If you can help me, I am willing to use all of me to help you."

"you have..."


The black heart is going to degrade a few words, but Robs turned into a moment.

The Evil Knight This thing is familiar with the black heart, but although Robs is not that bit, he still has that power.

Robbie's transformation did not last too long, after all, although there are fewer people, but not exposed too long.

"Now, enough?"

"Of course." The smile on the face of the black heart is more and more serious, "of course is enough."


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