Marvel's King

Chapter 261 I am a good man!

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"Captain, you see this."

Sam handed the note to Rogers.

Rogers launched a word, only two lines of words.

One line is time, a line is place.

"Where did you get it? Is credibility?"

Sam will carry the Philliusla with you, ask: "How much can credibility?"

Phillik is on this way, these four people can control their temper in addition to the captain, and the other three people look at the opponent, and they have a psychological shadow.

Phillik was panicked, and thought that Sam found himself and sent a letter to the child. It is intended to be touched directly, avoiding suffering from a fame.

As a result, Sam did not find it?

Is this also called the Avengers Alliance? this one?

Philliş son said, saying: "It's really true, you grab the money is to give me the auction, which is said to have a lot of this auction. High-tech arms appeared. "

Rogers did not move, put the strips into pants, saying to Sam: "Prepare, we have taken it."

"Do you have money?"

Rogers thought for a while, nodded: "Bring it."

Said, he came out of the room to the living room.

Several people in the living room did not hear some, although because their voice is not big, they have been intermittent, but they have got a lot of information.

He came to Natasha and looked at her with sincerity eyes.

Natasha is not afraid, and it is also sincerely looking at Rogers.

She does have a fortune. In the past, she had a spy, did the undercover, or even hurt civilians. But she is definitely an iron in this incident.

"Can you tell me what?"

Rogers took the lead in defeating, asked.

Natasha shook his head and said some disappointment: "I have no available information, at least you don't have any available information."

Rogers looked at Clint, asked: "Is it because of Clint? Do you think I am?"

Natasha didn't talk, but the stubborn expression has explained all.

Rogers didn't feel something wrong, so I nodded and turned to Pakistan: "Pakistan, you are waiting for them here, everything will come back from the auction. I always feel this. Deeply deeper reasons, I am looking for Pegi. "

The Pakistan point should be that Rogers and Falcon are separated from Felix.

Although Pakati listened to Natasha's discussion, he is impossible to put trust on these people.

He and Rogers may only trust each other, others are special industries, they are all simple spies who are lie to drink water.

After Rogers left, Natasha helplessly sighed and said, "Why is he this? Isn't he seen this incident is a scorpion?"

Clint is a glimpse, Paki is also a glimpse, and Paki is a bit anxious: "What do you mean?"

Natasa smiled and shook his head and said, "If you escape, come to Africa, there is no special agent in Africa, and you will not be detonated, even if you have not been detonated, what do you mean?"

Pakistan and Clint saw a surprise in the eyes of the opponent.

"What do you think of the captain will be in this time?"

Pakphine eyeballs rotated, and did not cover the call with the captain. But Rogers are talking to Pen, so they have not been turned on.

Clint thought a while, said: "You and Collson are sent, with my understanding of you, you will not arrest us anyway, but Hill has opposite the gods. The enemy, isn't that ... bad! The captain is dangerous! "

The Baki face changed, anyone in the world did not have Rogers' weight in his heart.

He got up and he left, but Klind said him say: "You still tied me what to do! I want to be undercover, then which part I can do! Don't think about it? I definitely It's a good person! "

Clint is very annoying, he is really not undercover!

Pakistan hesitated, thinking that Clint said it seems to be a bit.

If he is undercover, he is in the status of God Shield and the Dinn, except Hill no one can order him to do this. If you think about it, Natasha and Collson are also trusted.

"You are best not to hinder us."

Pakistan bite the teeth and unlocking three people.

Clint quickly armed himself, said to Natasha: "We don't know their position, you need you, Natasha."

Natasha nodded and said, "Then I and Collson returned, you are careful."

Four people were divided into two teams, Natasha and Colson went to their driving to help Pakistan to find the captain's traces.

Going on the road, Collson suddenly laughed, and the side of Natasha was obedient.

"Why are you laughing?"

Collson shook his head and explained: "No wonder you can complete the task every time, you can also grasp the people. A few words will move the Pakistan."

Natasha also showed Yan and said, "No, I didn't say Pakistani, I said that Klind, he is the key to the problem."

"In any case, we are free. What are you going to do? Help the captain?"

Natasha is hesitant and asked: "Do you think we need to notify Hill this thing?"

Coleson considered for a long time and shook his head and said, "I don't think, Hill is a magic of this war, she can give up something. So I don't think it is best not to tell her about the captain, so as to avoid more serious things "

Natasha thought, thinking that Colon said very reasonable, nodded to the agreement: "That's like this, now look at us now. Do you are afraid of Phil?"

"What's more, I am also a person who has a total commander, you don't as if I am afraid?"


"Peggy? Are you still in the Sword Bureau?"

Rogers's voice is a bit heavy, and Pegi is also sinking.

"I am still in the Sky Sword, what happened?"

Peggy arranges the communication between the Earth and other empires in the Tianjian Bureau, but also focusing on the security of new oasis, this time is very busy, there is no time to listen to the Message of the God Shield.

Rogers heard a slight sigh, saying: "Nothing, just something, I don't understand, I want you to check it."

"What to check? Speak."

Peggy is really busy, and I heard Rogers, I suspect that my tone is also angry.

"I need to know the contents of the Shen Shield on the controversy about the new oasis, and Hill ... I want to know where she has recently went."


When Rogers walked to the market with Felix, Pegley found something.

"The archive of the conference has been deleted, but I asked a few people, I know some things. The inside of the God Shield is very volatile, and many people recommend the acquisition of the Avengers, but by Hill, later with the Avenges Act. Things. Before heard Hill and Tony went to the Federation to participate in the discussion, finalize the new version of the Avengers, and then I received your debake message? What do you have? "

Peggy is naturally trusting Rogers, the most reliable person in the world is Rogers.

But his sex is too straight, too easy to be used.

This matter is suspected to use Rogers.

Rogers will explain the situation, and they are speechless.

"Steve, I know you value friendship. But this matter is obvious that you are calculated."

"Is Hill?" Rogers knew that they were calculated, but he didn't know who it was.

"Unlike, if it is Hill ... Nor, it is very likely that Hill is speaking in the thief. Where are you now?"

Rogers is going to answer, and Phillik is whispered: "It is."

"In the military transaction location, I am now ready."

Pegi listened to Rogers and said that he knew that his inner justice was triggered again. It is no longer advised, Andton Road: "Then you are careful, pay attention to safety. I will listen to more situations, tell you when I will tell you."


The phone hangs, Rogers and Sam look at the eyes, quietly went to Phillix. Sam said in Unknown Phillius: "Please, boss."

"Ah? Oh."


Roy was a whole day, this day Carrie has been treated with Hill.

Compared to Rois, Hill's Carrie is more strict.

"What do you want to go?"

Hill just came out from the bathroom, he saw Jiali who walked to the door and asked with his head.

Jia Li's face is bitter, and the mouth is over, holding Hill, burying his head in her chest, spoiling: "Hill Aunt, you let me go out! I will go to eat a meal."

Hill smiled with her back, said: "That can't, Roy is handed over to me, I can't let you make anything that will cause him."

"Oh, I can't do anything, Rois said to me."

Carryl is very difficult. Originally she thought she was free, and the result didn't think Hill is not as good as Royce.

If the Roy is, she can go out today.

"Still can't, let's talk about it, I haven't chatted with you for a long time. How about going to eat in the afternoon?"

Hill's proposal was accepted by Carrie, who did his mouth, and no way did not accept.

Hill didn't let Gi Li went out naturally, today Tony would in convince Peter to participate in the war, in case Carrying, Ji Li went to destroy Tony's actions.

Hill did not hoped to Wangda's position, and did not think of the Wengda will stand himself. This Tony needs more powerful helper.

And Royce also agreed to Tonyra Carry, then she didn't afford it.

Anyway, it is a dress look, and it will not be dangerous.

Going on the road, Jiali suddenly asked: "Hill Aunt, have you failed to the Royce blank?"

Hill's face is red, asked: "How do you know that I am white to Royce? Are you not going out?"

Jiali smiled and said, "Roys suddenly returned to Olympus. He will definitely do something sorry for Anglika, although he didn't do anything, but Angelika will definitely be angry. Can cause Angeli There are not many things in the card, it may be, you can show him. Didn't it succeed? "

Hill was laughed with Jia Li, who was the same as Bagua reporters, and pinched her Qiong nasal: "If you are smart, how do you guess?"

Jiali laughed and wretched, saying: "You must not succeed, or you should go to Olympus, how can I get it here?"

Although Hill is very uncomfortable, he didn't think about it and Jiali. Just pinching her face threatens: "Do not tell Anglika, otherwise I have no face to see her."

Angeli Aka got itself from Jackan to Bai Roy, who got information from Carrie here, and the gap between the two was too big.

If Yilika yesterday is known from Jiali here, the Hill feels that she may have died.

Jia Li smiled and said: "How can it, of course, it will not be. However, why don't Roy? That's like Larantra and Mytha sister, is the man is not very angry? "

Hill did not explain this with Carli, transferring the topic: "I remember that Royce promised you to accompany you to buy clothes with you? He left, I will stay with you?"

"Okay." Jiali thought about it, saying that his mouth said a little and hate: "But spend his money!"


Peter hugged a random radio back home, the family is very quiet, it seems no one.

But today Meihu rest, it should not go out.

"Mei? I have got a good thing today. Do you say that I want to remove the chip inside to do something? Do you think she would like this?"

Peter said while shifting shoes, did not pay attention to the two people who explored on the sofa.

When he went down to the living room, he did not pay attention to this.

What is sitting there ... Tony Stark?

Peter excitedly did not add.

Tony Stark is the object of his worship, not only because of his Iron Man's identity, but also because of his contribution to scientific creation.

It is said that he is a contemporary Einstein, and the intellisse of Peter is completely unable to resist Tony's charm.

"Mr. Shousestak? You ... how can you be here? I ..."

Mei saw this nervous appearance, smiled and asked: "Do you apply for the Schk Group's aid? Why didn't you tell me?"

Peter is a glimpse, Tony, "September aid, have you said with Mei? It's not a good habit of hiding your family."

"September aid?" Peter is more embarrassing, but he read Tony's eyes, nodded: "Yes, I applied for September to help school, this bursary is ...?"

Tony said, "Are you forgotten? You apply for your carbon fiber project, let's go to your room."

Peter agreed, pointed to his room: "It is that, that is, it."

Tony took the lead in walking, Peter is a bit worried about how to get along with Tony, so that it is easy to look back at a meal.

Mei gave Peter made a fueling action, said with a mouth shape: Nothing, you can.

Peter, a fog: I can, I can ...


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