Marvel's King

Chapter 262, Well, Spider-Man.

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I caught the door to Do Tony.

Peter did not have any preparation to Tony, and he stood at one side waiting for Tony's actions. He still could not engage it.

Tony came in, looked at the furnishings in the house, with a dream back to the age of sixteen.

"What is this? Do you buy antiques?" Tony saw a series of ninety e-products placed on Peter desk, some speechless.

What ages have been, why have someone comes back? What do you do, play Bo-Pub?

Peter has some embarrassment, transferring the topic: "That, Mr. Stark, I didn't apply for September fund, you know this, right?"

Tony nod, said: "Call me Tony, I certainly know."

"then you..."

Peter just said two words, Tony reached out: "Ah! I asked first."

Peter can only swallow back to the belly.

Tony took out the phone, shot a video, which is the picture that he is wearing a simple suit in the city.

Peter panic, Tony asked: "This is you? Very good, see your movements, trained?"

Peter is going to explain, the picture is turned, and there is a video that he blocks a car accident.

"Time 60, the body weighs about two tons, can you tell me how you did?"

Tony is really confused. Although he has seen a lot of super powers, the combat power of this person is definitely stronger than most of the super powers he have seen.

Peter is more panicked, and the pit is said: "You you, are you seen from the Internet? Do you know that this is a fake? Are you a video special effect, you are lie, you are cheated. "

After all, I was still a child, but I didn't even have a realm of lie on the face. I didn't dare to look at Tony after two sentences. A few steps over Tony went to my desk to pack things. Panic.

Tony was almost smuggled by the explanation of the three hundred and two of Peter, but did not directly dismantle him, but searched in the room.

Where is I hidden in the east?

Yes, loft.

Tony took the clothes rack standing on the wall, suddenly went to the small door on the ceiling, the door of the cabinet was opened, and a red tights fell from the inside, exactly in Tony.

Peter heard the movement and knew that it was not wonderful, and quickly jumped into the body, first grab a tight dress before Tony and put it into the wardrobe and blocked it with the body.

But he knows that he has exposed.

Tony came seriously and asked: "So ... are you a spider?"

Peter's face is black, Tony asked: "Then you are a spider who fights criminals? Spider boy?"

Peter is simply spit, this is what the name, but I think of my own name, he is also unconfident, his hands have a chest say: "Spider ... Spider-Man."

Tony didn't know what to say, and the manuscript is clear: "Wear pajamas is also called" "

Peter didn't get into a glance, reverted: "That is not pajamas."

Said, he also left the closet and went to the other side, he didn't want to talk to Tony.

Tony saw him walking away, curiously came to the wardrobe to take it out carefully.

Tony said: "Don't tell you, Stark. I have been quite good today. I didn't provoke Jia Li's angry, and I didn't be angry. The algebraic examination is also easy."

Peter's words are already very obvious, Tony naturally understands.

Although Carrie and Rois are already very familiar, he is still a look, asking: "Who knows? You are a spiderman."

Peter shook his head honestly, and the whole person appeared to be lonely.

Tony saw that he couldn't help but recall the days that he was fighting for him, and he could have a feeling of distressed.

Do I really have a child?

This thought is just a flash, Tony sits down on a stool, continue to ask: "Don't you know your charming ? Or Jiali in your mouth?"

Peter shook his head and explained: "I don't know if they will definitely collapse, and they can't let them know."

Tony couldn't help but sneak, then forced to stretch, took out Peter's cobweb, said: "You are in this pile, this is the best. It is very resistant to compressive ability. Have a foreground, who does it? "

Said, Tony lost the small bottle of the spider silk, Peter didn't look, let him pick it up, then put it back to the closet, "" I did. "

The emotions of Tony showed the emotions, and lowered to Peter's pajamas and asked: "Climbing the wall? Is the sticky glove?"

Peter didn't know how to answer this question and shook his head and said, "This ... Amount, say the leader, I ..."

However, Tony seems to be unrespective of these, his attention is attracted by the sunglasses on Peter's coach pajamas. He smashed the sunglasses in front of him, and said to say: "Do you really see something? Ah! I am blind!"

Peter was dressed up by Tony, rushing away, he was able to hold it into the wardrobe in the most inside, leaning on the door: "Can see, I can see it. Since that happened, I The senses become very keen, and some are too generous, that can help me concentrate. "

Tony looked at this strong little boy, asked seriously: "Can you tell me why you want to do this? What is your motivation? What is Incentive to get these things every morning?"

This problem is troubled by Tony for a long time. He often asked himself, but rarely got the answer.

The only explanation is only one sentence: I am an Iron Man.

Whenever he lacks security, whenever he can't help but do something inevitably triggering, he will ask yourself once, but he can't do a second answer.

That sentence seems to be his life creed is generally unparalleled.

Peter looked at Tony, walking to the bedside, said, "Because ... I used to be a general person until six months ago.

I read, repair the computer, I also want to play basketball, play football, but I can't do it, because I can't do it before. "

Tony ended: "Of course, because you have changed."

Peter didn't expect Tony to understand himself, say: "And I can't tell anyone, because I will scare them, so I don't."

Said, Peter is silent, it seems to be in tissue language.

Tony's face is also serious, he knows Peter's life creed will immediately flow from his heart to the outside world.

"If you have these ability, you can do something, but you have no bad things that have happened, will be attributed to you."

Tony was touched, but he didn't want to express too clearly, the clearance of the lower head has been adjusted and said: "So you want to help the little people, do our own power, make this world better?"

Peter did not expect Tony and helped himself summed up, nodded: "To, I am helping small people ... That's it."

Tony got up, step a few steps to Peter.

Peter is stupid to look at Tony, don't know what he wants to tell himself.

Tony gave him a eye, saying: "Let, I want to sit here."

Fortunately, Peter is a good temper, plus him to respect Tony, and change the average person.

So he took the initiative to open the position and bowed it.

Tony sat down and gently patted Peter's shoulder and asked: "Do you have a passport?"

Peter did not understand, shook his head and said, "No."

Tony asked again: "Do you have to Africa?"

Peter shook again: "No, I even didn't even have a driver's license, what happened?"

Tony slowly got up and dropped: "Nothing, you will like it."

Peter was shocked, I quickly refused to say: "No, I can't go to Africa."

Tony Station, turn to ask: "Why?"

Peter thought of half a day, did not want to have a good reason, say: "I ... I still have to write a homework ..."

Tony is speechless, and the sky has turned a white eye. He prepared to leave, saying: "I didn't say that, but some dangerous, you should tell you that I will take you."

Said, Tony's hand has touched the door handle.

Peter panic, got up and shot a spider silk to stick Tony's hand on the door, resolutely said: "Don't tell Mei Yu."

Tony was surprised. It turns out that this thing is like this, you can use it without a pajamas.

"Well, Spider-Man."

Peter was admitted by Tony, and he was a little happy.

Then I looked at his own hand helplessly said: "Why is it? I am going to solve it."

"Sorry, I will help you unlock it."

Tony left, after talking to Peter.

Tony promised that Peter's things would not tell Meiyi, Peter also agreed to go to Africa with Tony.

He told him to take him with Tony to visit Africa, and Meiyi did not have doubt, and the full mouth promised, and helped him please have a lot of fake.

"You didn't tell that Carrie? You should still tell her."

Mei side gave Peter to pack clothes and reminded Peter outside the door.

Peter thought about it, so he should do this, so he dials Carry on Carry.

"Peter? What? I miss me? Hey."

Carie's sweet voice quickly sounded from the phone, so that Peter couldn't help.

He didn't know why, it was very happy to see her or heard her voice.

However, Carrie's voice was also heard by Meiyi. Peter saw that she smiled and shaking, her face burned, quickly walked out of the room, said: "Ah, right. That, what are you doing?"

Jiali glanced at Hill, who was ordering, Xiao Shu: "When I am with Hill, what about you?"

"Amount ... I just came back from outside. This is the case, I am looking for you if you want to tell you."

"What? You said. But if I let me find you, I can't open it now, Hill Aunt is so strict, I have just went to the toilet."

Listening to Carrie's voice, Peter has appeared in his mind, can't help but laugh, let Meiyi, who is stealing behind the door, almost laugh.

Peter naturally noticed, and replaced it again to go to the window, "said" Mr. Tony Stark found me, said to let me go to Africa, I don't want to give up this opportunity, so .. Just promise, you ... don't you be angry? "

Jiali has been waiting for Peter to say it. "Who?"

"Amount ... Mr. Stark, is there any problem?"

Peter suddenly panic, the heart: I know that I will ask Jiali in advance, now I am fine, what should she do.

Carrying, Peter is more and more panic.

After a long time, Peter has begun to remind him when Carrie said: "That line, you ... forget it, I will tell you later, I hang."

"Don't, not ..."

Peter was in an across explanation, but Carryl has already hung.

When I have been listening to Meiyi, I have been angry at this time. I came over and ask Peter: "What do she mean? She doesn't want you to go?"

Peter shook his head, wrinkled with eyebrows: "Nor, I feel that she is not because of this angry, she seems because I didn't tell her in advance, why, Meiyi?"

Mei Yu has turned over white and said, "How do I know, you ask her yourself. However, if she lets you give up this opportunity, then you have to consider clear."

"How do you explain Mr. Stark?"

Meiyi almost was maded by a pair of auto-style, and he said: "Consider how to smash her! You are a stupid!"

Peter did not take advantage of the mouth, and broke away from the living room, he said: "I think she didn't do anything, she definitely won't hurt me."

Meiyi is thoroughly speechless.

She thinks it is not wrong. After all, she seems to be a good opportunity for Peter.

What is Tony? The world's richest, scientific big crocodile, recognized genius worldwide. He was invited to invite the future to a bright mess?

At this time, someone dare to pull Be the legs? Then Her Mei Parker did not agree!

No matter who she is, she can't hinder Peter's development!

Just as she persuaded Peter, the other side Carrie also dialed Tony's phone.

Tony just got on the bus, the phone rang.

See Jiali, Tony is hesitant, did not dare to pick up.

Carryl View Tony hangs up the phone, send a message directly: You don't answer the phone, I will go to you!

So Tony is busy again, and then laughs and said: "Jiali? What happened to find Tony uncle? I just accidentally wrong, I didn't be angry."

Carrie did not be touched by him slightly, asked: "You go to Little Peter?"

Tony Eye is turned, and finally dispelled the idea, saying: "Yes, your little boyfriend is very handsome, Carryl eyes are good."

Tony this hand has a good effect, and Jiali is almost smiling.

However, Carrie still has a sensibility, she quickly spit out these sugar clothes and said, "Hey! Don't say these things, you tell me why you have to take him to Africa? What are you going to do?"


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