Marvel's King

Chapter 268 is leaning!

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"This gentleman should you be a temple guardian? Can you take us to take us? We and the king know."

The ancients did not discover the traces of Shen Li volatile from Pelthess, but he didn't be mortal. The big probability was the Olympus, and the voice was requested.

Peltus scanned an ancient eye, did not refuse, take the lead in joining, low and low: "Come on."

His voice sounds some uncomfortable, everyone only thought it was his own arrogant, and there was not much thought, followed by Peltus into the ground.

The underground palace is doubled than the surface of the surface.

A group of people passed through a corridor of about 20 meters, and finally saw the whole picture of the temple in the underground layer.

"Here is the fire god Heffostos is built for the king of the king, the sculpture represents the merits of the king. The twelve temples have channels in the underground, the Shenwang Temple and the west side of the sun sacred temple The victory gods in the east side of the mountains is connected, and the suppliers will visit the miracle. "

Peltus gently pulled a tie rod on the wall, and a stone stepped rumbling from the ground, appeared in front of everyone.

I can't see the sculpture upstairs, everyone rushed down.

"The temple of the Shenwang is not open, but the recent situation is nervous, the believers are dismissed by Apollo, but no one arrives here, you can give an appreciation."

The right hand is Royce and a person who fights, they two people hold the sword and hold the gun, killing in the vast universe.

Everyone did not have any artistic skills, and I didn't understand it for a long time. Murphista is an acute child, asking Pelhers: "Hey, Buddhism, what is the meaning of this sculpture, why do things next to these two sculptures?"

Pelthessia eyelids, sprouts: "This is the picture of Royce to defeat Zeus, and the surrounding is the stars."

Everyone is, when watching, occasionally can see the picture of Royce and Zeus, as if the two sculptures come over.

Jack was first discovered, he was shocked, horrified to Pelthess, asked: "Buddy, I just felt that these sculptures were moving, okay? He won't hit me?"

Jack said that others have also been concerned about it, and they also have the feeling in the hidden, at this time, at this time, I will wait together.

"Although the two sculptures are dead, but they contain the power of Hyphistos. When the viewer focuses on, they can play back the original picture. This is a very common thing, no problem."

Pelthess said, everyone will continue to look around these two sculptures, it seems that I really want to know what happened.

When I was at this time, I asked Pelupus: "This gentleman, I still don't know your name?"

Peltus is silent for a while, "I am Peltus."

One of Peltus, Zeus's illegitimate child, killing the Medusa monster is him. In the gods, we are very popular with Athena.

After the King of the King Royz, they didn't go to the Decidial Dragon, were deprived of the identity of the Olympus, and they could not get the energy supply of Olympus. Death.

He is still fortunate, and Athena remembers him, he went to Angelika, let him repay it under Olympus, but the condition is to guard the Temple of the Temple for 500 years.

Pelthess is naturally uncomfortable, Rois has taken his father and seizes everything of his father, and he wants to watch Rolis's temple.

What is this?

It's just that Peltus is really not enough, compared to the Olympus Tion, Higlis, he is just more than 100,000 miles.

So ultimately can only be lowered to fate.

This time, it is not as used as before, before he has a help of Zeus, now he not only doesn't get any help, but it is possible to suppress my sister in my most respectable sister.

He has been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity. He is extremely hoping which of the Olympus can have a profound and defending Royce. When he will reveal, he will kill the evil spirits.

What can be disappointed is that there is no one in this year, after the missing of Royce, Anger Card is also the same.

Think about it, Zeus has become brutal, when they bullish them, they don't dare to resist, let alone Royce defeated Zeus's people.

"" Britain's Pelmus? Zeus's son? I am an ancient one, and your father is also met. "

Ancient self-introduction makes the coldness on the face of Peltus gradually disappeared, and it is also a little surprise in his eyes.

I have to ask the ancient and my father know, but suddenly gave him a voice: "Children, see a copy of Zeus and I know, I remind you: Royce is also, Don't talk. "

Peltus face became paleble, and his eyes were chaotic. I hope that I can find that I am afraid of hateful people.

However, Royce did not care about his idea. At this time, he is tail, and observed Tianjin Weng Xing's one.

In the dimension of the dream, Tianjin Weng Xing swallowed his nightmare, and it was chewed.

I don't know if it is digested or what is, Tianjin Wengxing's body expands, and it has long enough to be enough.

"Hahahahaha, the dimension of the dream, this is also mine! Hahahaha."

Tianjin Weng Xing smiled and lifted his feet and stalk the big camp, the castle standing in this twisted jungle.

The dream monster living in the castle and the people's nightmare entered his body along his dark lacquered giants, and the energy was filled with Tianjin Weng itself.

The monster that pulled the moon in the sky was running with Tianjin Weng Xing.

"You are ugly, when my mount is good!"

It is a dream, the best help of a nightmare, is a weapon of a nightmare, and his mount.

Dreams were caught by Tianjin Weng Xing, and there was no resistance to resistance.

It can be mobilized in Tianjin Weng Xing is similar to that, and it is impossible to have an impact on him.

Dreams screamed, but Tianjin Weng Xing's fat body sat directly on it, the body's weight directly pressed the dream on the ground, almost dead.

This scene looks like Royce: I really want this to make this thing into the universe of Anglika? Will Anglika be so stupid?

At this time, the picture is very funny, just like a four hundred pounds of big fathers ride as a young horse.

Tianjin Weng Xing is not happy, pointed to the dream, "" Your waste, even Laozi can't get up, what is your use? "

When he said, he picked up the dream and threw it into his mouth, chew chewing brawat.

At this time, the black heart flew from the ground, and came to Tianjin Wengxing: "Adults, should we capture the earth? There is the sword of Glascott Cottte you most."

Tianjin Weng Xing has also wanted to play in the dimension of dreams, but heard this idea.

I nodded: "Well, you are right. Go back to prepare, we capture Huangquan Nether!"

Tianjin Weng Xing should act here, and the ancient is on the body, then look at the east.

She gently sounded in Royce ear: "Royce, I estimate that I can't help you."

Royce is also a lot, because the law is running a circle, and the time has already understood the ancient situation, and some regret: "Ancient one, do you decide?"

The ancient attire nodded and said: "Of course, my life is for this day. Now it is finally coming, I am very happy."

Roybs did not stay, smiled and said: "Haha, good. Then I will leave you, I have a goodbye."

Ancient pairs of hands closed, with Royce, then the body lightly entered the mirror world behind, and no trace.

"Strangi ... I haven't touched you yet. But I don't have important, I am enough."

Ancient left, causing some troubles to Royce's plan.

Within the Royce plan, the ancients will also serve as the nutrients of Tianjin Wengxing.

But now she meets death, this is some difficult for Royce.

"Where to find another? What is the ancient one?"

Visiting the people of the Temple did not pay attention to the ancient disappearance. They also saw that Royce led the army to fight the devil and heard that the ancient disappearance.

"? Ancient Master? Where did she go?"

I asked in Dai Mongkou, but my heart is relieved.

When the ancient is here, he has been very nervous, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, and it is afraid that he is expelled from the objective guardian.

"I don't know, how do you suddenly disappear? What is the situation ..."


"Hey, buddies, are you really Olympus? How to prove?"

Rocket raccoon took a huge firearm to the universe, but met their Haygelis.

Haiglis is not afraid, smiling and saying: "Haha, I am Zeusi Hai Gis, still need to prove? I don't want it."

Xiangjue and Card Magic, the more you look familiar, the more you look forward to the Parkey.

Haiglis face, I touched his face, "At that time ... I was weak at the time ... It's not countless, not count."

At this time, everyone also recalled what happened. It was lively for a moment, and Haiglis was also accepted into the team of the Yinhe Guard.

"Said that your Olympus is not to go out to the whole universe? How did you come out?"

Pissed bought a glass of wine to Hayge Lis, placed in front of him.

Haiglis didn't help but pick up the wine glasses, and said: "Our Olympus can't launch a war with civilization outside the Xingxing system. I am coming out, what about you? "

Rocket raccoon and Parp exchange eyes, Rockets Take Hay Ghes' s arms said: "I said, you and your God is familiar with you?"

Haiglis turned his head and said: "Not too familiar, he looks very peaceful, but not very much. What happened?"

I don't know if I don't know, Dracus turns a white eye, and said disdain: "Your King is a small man who is a reputation, he did not pay us."

Haiglis is a fire, reached out, cross the rocket, in the shoulder of Drac, ask: "What do you say? There is a kind of you talk again."

The majesty of the king symbolizes the dignity of Olympus, which is not insulting, it is not to trample.

This is all Olympus ideas and creeds.

Drackers knows that he has said wrong, but there is also a fire in his heart. It is not afraid to say: "I said that he has a letter to abandon! It is a small person! What happened ?!"


Haiglis is anxious, and the punch is playing.

However, he is a sense of reason, and the strength is not very large, but it also hits Dracz with a punch.

Everyone quickly came to the front rack, the card devil and the Parp were responsible for Dracus, and the nebula was stopped using the gust of the gods.

"God's weapon? Are you a friend of God?"

Xingyun nodded and said without emotional: "Your king promised to give these people forty billions, the result is not given. This is something that happened, you can ask."

The nebula does not stand on this matter. She believes that Royce is not that kind of person, I first promised to help her to fight, helping her to fight, and let her hit it very cool.

But now things have happened, Royce did not give money.

These people of the Yinhe Guard are small, and they don't dare to catch the Olympus to ask for money. I am afraid that those "barbarians" will tear them into pieces.

Hay Ghesi brow wrinkled, secretly told this matter to Athena.

Athens's reply is this: ... Immediate transfer ...

Hay Ghese is in a moment, I am so embarrassed to go to Dracus, and I apologize: "Sorry, my buddy, I have just been emotional. It is my fault, please forgive me."

Although Drac is stupid, but the bold that is really high, raising his hand directly gave Haiglis, and then laughed in front of the stunned people, reached out in Haiglis shoulders: "Good , This is flat. Sorry, I shouldn't talk by talking. "

At this time, the communication device of Parke suddenly shock, the above is transfer information: You have received 40 billion currency by anonymous account, please consume in time.

Xintu's eyes are bright, and this news will tell everyone directly, and the blessings of Haygelis will be invited to complete the task with them.

The rocket was not happy, and we all said so much money, but also to the Sovielin. I don't want to deal with the money and those who are dealing with those people. "

Others are also this idea.

The name of the Somovin people in the universe is very stinky, mainly they are too proud, proud people want to cry, because I don't know where they are confident, the three empire will not have them.

Xie Co said awkwardly: "Do you remember what we were captured by Shan Dar?"

The face of everyone has fallen in an instant, and the rocket is directly rushed to the Parqua. It will come to the heart of the heart, but he is pulled down by the card.

"Do you have a special account or blocked? I spit it!"

The rocket is broken, and it is angry.

Parkey said that it is not convinced: "Is your account not blocked?"

"No! My account is good! At least two million currency at one time!"

Xiangjue saw the rocket of the rocket. It was reasonable. He looked up at the chest and said, "Why do you want to fill my account in our contact? Fill you?"

The rocket can't say a word half-day, almost have passed.

Grut hugged him at this time and gave him comfort.

Ca de la Raise is also very angry, deep sucking a breath and says Parp: "How much is your account you can do?"

Pistern is low, answer: "50,000 ..."


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