Marvel's King

Chapter 269, Xingyun

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The most uncomfortable thing in this world may be rich but can't get it.

The guard team still embarked on the road to the Soflin.

This road is not getting any good face, in addition to Hay Ghes, people who don't like money often chat with him, others see him, I want to play him.

"Nebula, what are you thinking?"

The nebula is looking at Haiglis's back, and the card devil felt strange, and he was so whispered.

She didn't think that the nebula will sprout, but everything is possible, what do you?

The nebula has a card with a card, know what she is thinking.

She said helplessly, Bai Leki, said: "I used to travel with the Royce to travel with Olympus, they are indeed a migration prohibited not allowed to wander in the universe."

The card magic laphed, the brain flashed countless guess, asked: "Isn't he fake?"

Your brain hole is too big ...

The nebula is getting helpless, and the forehead said: "Can you think of useful in your mind? I mean Olympus may have an accident."

Card magic face color.

When Anger's pressure of the army of the army was defeated by the stress of the army, it was still in her brain. Will the powerful country will be dangerous?

"It's impossible, who can happen to Olympus? I have to know that I broker ..."

Although the Ca de la la is only a mortal, he is just a mortal, and it is too far from the insight to the world.

The nebula will shake his head and say: "It is not clear for the time being, but it should be known soon."

Ca de launched: "Then we are temporarily, it is not moving, and I will not be late, I will not be late."

It's talking, the nebula is gone, and the card devil clearly saw her face flashed anxious, and she was a little worried.

"Small seedlings, help me cut your hair."

She fixedly looked at the nebula into the cabin. Seeing that she said Grut and the rocket, I would like to ask for a clear.

The nebula sits on the chair and looks at the flesh and blood in the mirror, and the worries of Royce are getting more and more worried.

She has no men and women in Royce, but more comrades when they fight, and gratitude.

She thanked Royce helped her to restore her body, thanked Royce to help she defeated the tyrant, thank Royce to give her a long sword of her.

What will you do?

The inner heart of the nebula violent is rare.

As your hair is scattered, it exposes the blue scalp, and the nebula finally decided.

"Blue sister, why don't you stay in hair?"

The rocket stands on another chair, browsing crumples, can see that he doesn't like bald sister.

Nothing didn't look at him, saying: "I don't need to look good."

The rocket is dissatisfied with the nose, but it is no longer persuaded.

When the star cloud is completed, she said to Grude, thank you, and then returned to the lounge.

She opened the communication equipment, and there was an extremely quirky, and the people who were extremely ugly, and the treasures of the trembu were like.

"Hey, nebula? I haven't seen it for a long time, what to do?"

There is a figures that have a constantly jumping below this person. That is to consult his fees.

The nebula is too lazy to narrow him, I asked directly, "What is the big thing happening in the universe?"

This person shrugged and said: "A lot, what do you want to know? The prince of Asa is looking for prophets in the world. It is the meaning of the gods. Two planetary fleets in the empire, much, much, what do you want to know? "

"Olympus' s things." Xing Yun thought, added: "" About Olympus king. "

"Olympus? The place is recently separated from the world. I know is not much. But according to the Olympus, the king is running for his wife's immortal, I don't know what it means, but His wife is very good. Do you know him? "

The nebula still does not answer his question, just thinking about this matter and Haiglis suddenly there is no connection.

"What about Olympus Haygers? What do you know?"

"Haiglis Olympus's Lion Heross? I heard that he was restored from the Shenwang of Olympus for some time. Now, the strength is high. I will not be clear, I just Said, Olympus is closed, I know some sporadic things. "

Xingyun see him really has no news, watching the eye timer: "I will turn to you."

"Okay, look forward to meeting you again."

Stop communication, the number on the screen stops at 300,000.

Xing Yun thought, and finally dialed Carrie's call, she and Carryl are very good friends. Compared to Kaji, she and Carrie are more like sisters.

"Nebran sister? How do you think of calling me? Don't you think about it in the days of the cosmic wandering?"

The nebula looked at Jiali jumped on the screen and couldn't help but laugh.


"Why don't you talk? What is it?"

Jiali saw the star of Xing Yunxiao looked at himself, but I thought about it. I was ast to jump from the sofa, frighten the Peter around her.

"No, it's okay. Just miss you, do you want to play? I will pick you up."

Nebula has forgotten the purpose of finding Carryl, she was played with her head, and she could not think.

"Is it now?" Jiali hesitated to see his eyes, and he refused to say: "Now no, Xingyun sister. I am in love."

"Oh? Male woman? Long look good? How do you know?"

The nebula that is affected by the Earth's TV drama has come to emotions, and the problem of gossip is two thousand.

Jiali smiled and then suddenly held the phone in front of Peter.

The nebula looks at this human child, and some are not suitable for a while. She doesn't like to contact with gossip, more hate and glowing.

"This is the sister of the nebula, is a good friend of Royce, is also my good friend. Xingyun sister, this is Peter, my boyfriend."

Jiali introduced to the two sides, Peter is restored to the head: "That ... hello, I am Peter Parker, Xingyun Sister, Hello."

Seeing him, the star is not so unnatural, and the rushing and nodded: "Hello, I am a nebula."

Then two people who do not truss communication with strangers will fall into silence.

Jiali has long expected that there will be this situation, take away the mobile phone to lying on the sofa and continue to chat with Nebula: "Xingyun sister, how to find me? If you really want home, come back, I will tell you. , New York City has opened a lot of ice cream shops, there is a ... "

Dudu, Jiali and Peter simply a problem, can't stop.

The nebula has been listening carefully, and there is no attention to the Kelle, I don't know when I opened the door of her cabin, and I looked at her mildly.

"Right, Royz ... What is he recently?"

The question of the star clouds made Jiali somewhat, saying: "Okay, he returned to Olympus a few days ago, I will arrive at home today. Now ... I will help you see it, he is cooking Do you want to talk to him? "

Xingyun nodes promised: "Well, you will give it to him."

"Royce! Sister Xingyun!"

"Nebran? She is looking for me? Hey, thin fars, nebula, how are you? How is it? Straighten is addicted? Haha."

Xingyun seeing Royce hippie smiles, it is not a strong feeling, is it wrong? Olympus did not have an accident at all?

"What are you saying, is my name? I am calling! I have to be guilty, don't be poor, we meet Haygers, your Olympus didn't do something? Not saying Olympus Don't you leave? Or do you have any tasks? "

When the nebula and Royce are talking, they have to be comfortable, and they will not put the status of Royce Kings in the eyes.

"Haiglis Haygers went out? But he is not the primary god, will not be bound, I want to go, and it is also normal."

Royce missed, but did not move, and the nebula was perfused.

Athena said that her perceived danger should be the reason why Haiglis goes out. She really hopes himself? But it is good, then I will help him.

The nebula is a bit of a look, he is lying, smiling and saying: "Hey, Royce, and I still have something to lie? Are you Olympus do something?"

Royce laughed and shook his head and said, "Haha, there is something ... It is not yet, but how did you find it? Light from Haiglis out of this matter?"

Xingyun see Royce is not anxious, knowing that he is worried, the nervous emotions are slowly easier, with the mouth: "The words you are in danger, how do you don't worry about it? What happened? Say it to I listen to it, satisfy my curiosity. "

"Olympus will explode in soon, I can say so much."

The nebula is surprised, Carryl in front of Roy is also shocked.

"Explosion? What should I do if the Olympus is doing? What do you want to do?"

Jiali is in a hurry, she likes the place where Olympus is like, the mountains are clear, the folk customs are simple, what is blowing, what is sick!

Royce saw her indignant to the shelf with her own duel, said words: "I can't help but look at my people die? What is your brain melon? Play you, it doesn't matter to you. "

Jiali glared in Royce angrily, and rushed to bite him.

Royce naturally does not let, the two will play in the kitchen.

The nebula is nothing to find out, and the two will talk about the future communication with the two people.

She is relaxing on the chair, only feeling that the whole person is comfortable.

"Card Llane? When are you standing there?"

After the end of the communication, the screen was black down, and the star hair was a long time to see the reflection of the Card Lara, and stood up and asked.

Ca de laughed and said, "There is a meeting, do you miss the day when you are?"

I just remember her clearly.

Here, the nebula here is a bit restraint. Although she is cold and ice attitude, she is also friendly, but it does not touch too much.

In addition, the combat power she showed before Rhone was a bit strong. Let the guards these ordinary people don't dare to get close, even the rockets don't dare to start the jokes.

Kaemei launched in his eyes, but also hard to make the nebula to integrate into this family.

In fact, the Xingyun is quite happy. She doesn't feel that she has to interact with all people, and she can accept the respect here to her.

"Fortunately, there is nothing to miss, I don't think about it."

The nebula has said this, and the Ca de launched also disappeared her meaning, and she sat in bed in bed.

Upstairs, spaceship command room.

"Haiglis, can you help us with the sea monkey? We will pay you a bonus."

Xiangjue and Rockets have been discussing for a long time, or decided to put the task of Sovolin, after all, it is nearly rich, and there are forty thousand, compared to their four billion worth four billions, there are too many money.

Haiglis did not lack the money, he was very comfortable here, and he thought that these people were their own friends, and they were taking the chest: "No problem, if the money, I don't need that."

Haiglis is so cool, but it is embarrassed to make Parke and rocket.

Say everything to give Haiglis, or you have to catch him.

Haiglis saw self-knowledge could not continue to refuse, and promised again.

After such a happiness, both sides have appreciated the other party.

The guard team is a lot of peace, but the Royce family is suffering.

Peter is sitting in the dinner table, it is difficult to sit, a meal is not ate.

Since I know that Jiali's identity background, he saw that Royz was afraid, and he saw that Carrie often gave birth to alienation.

The identity of the two makes them like the magnets of the same pole, and there is only a repulsive mutual.

Carrie did not pay attention to this, she thought it was because Rois made Peter dared to speak.

Royce did not pay attention, but he did not mention this at the dinner table.

"Peter, you said you want Jiali to go to your house?"

He is called Peter today, and Jiali told him that he was afraid that Jiali came directly, even Tianjin Weng Xing also calved it, hurriedly ran back.

Peter honestly nodded, he lowered: "Yes, Mei Yu hopes to meet Carrie ..."

Royce saw him scared, gave him a bowl of soup, and calmed down: "Nervous? I can still eat you?"

Rois said that Peter was so, she was ostrich. She was a foot in the table, turned her to Peter: "Nothing, you don't care about him, he likes to kidding, no matter what others like Never afford it. "

Peter secretly saw Royce and didn't dare to talk.

Royce hesitated, and asked Peter to say: "Peter, have you already seen Anger Card yet? I called her too."



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