Marvel's King

Chapter 270 is unwilling

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"What's going on? How suddenly, I am calling me? Do you say that you talk to him first?"

Angeli came out of the door, pulling Royce.

Royce secretly looked at the table, knowing that Peter's sense of sensory, can hear them, so they deliberately aggravate: "Xiao Peter is estimated to be scared by Carrie's family background. You are sitting hard. In this way, the two will certainly break up. "

"Ah? Is it so serious? Will n't ..."

Angeli could not confidently stalk Peter, and found that he did heavy, and it seems to be doing a struggle.

"Hey ... look like it. This can be troublesome, do you have any way? I didn't have this kind of thing."

Angelica asked Royce, he tangled: "You didn't deal with me, handled it? Don't worry first, we slowly ponder first."

"Well, first find the point that may make Peter's respect for Carrie, and then solve these points, is it?"

Anglika's proposal is still very good, but Royce is stupid, asking: "Little Peter is worried about it is our two, how do you solve us? Do you still want to kill me?"

"When you still put it this joke. I will tell you first, if the worst situation happens, when Jiali can't tell you. When I can't take you, I will watch it. You are self-defeating. "

Angeli card gave Royce extreme pressure. He scratched his head and said: "Do you want to throw Carrie? Kick out Olympus? Wait for her power? So she is ordinary person If the problem is not enough. "

Angeli card almost gave Royce, which is so unreliable? But seeing him giving himself a look, agreed: "If you say it, let's do this."

Peter is stupid, this has a fart! At this time, it is not to appease my emotions, let me go out from this heavy pressure? How to solve the Carli! What is her!

Royce and Angeli came back to the dinner table. Peter did not hesitate, said directly: "Uncle, Auntie, I ..."


Peter's words just said, they were interrupted by Angelika fierce eyes.

"She is only twenty-four years old, don't talk."

Royce saw Peter, and did not move, quietly gave him a eye, while giving Angelika soup.

Peter is only, I am embarrassed to say: "That ... you are a day, I thought you were at least a few thousand years old, sorry, I am rude."

Angeli glanced at him again, this is a good thing, I am awkward: "You put abalone? It's good. Don't drink, you drink."

Royce did not dare to have any expressions, took a soup bowl.

This makes Peter's horror: Olympus is women's power? Then why is the king and the day, not ... Queen and male ...

Jiali also disliked the rice bowl, shouted: "Royce, the chicken wings you bought were last year? There is no taste, don't eat it!"

Royce was shaking, and she glared at her and said: "Some eat is not bad, and you will pick up three in the whole day. You haven't seen you yourself in the whole day. I really don't take me. Is it? Hurry to give me! "

Jiali angryly, Luo Iz refreshing nose, the eyes were turned, and the chicken wings were thrown into Peter, said: "Do you help me with me?"

"Okay, you put, I will eat ..."

Peter just finished, preparing to discuss their two sons just said, but suddenly saw the meaning of the same disease from Royce.

Peter: What does this mean? How do I not understand?

Royce: Nothing, you will understand later.

Sometimes, this kind of thing is an instant, and Peter is the meaning of Luois.

He bowed his head and looked at his bowl, then look at Royce's bowl, no food in their bowl ...

This makes Peteron feel that the distance between the two sides is not so far. Roles seems to be a nanny in the family.

He has courage, courage to oppose Royce and Angli Card's conversation: "Mr. Roy, I think you can't treat Jiali, so too unfair to her."

Everyone puts down the chopsticks, Jiali Xiaoye does not live to Royce, with the eyes asking Angelika: He wants to do it with me?

Angelika: He wants to throw you.

Royce suddenly joined in: How did you sell me?

Peter, I said, I have been said for a long time, just like a doctoral paper, in fact, the core is just a short sentence: he does not want him to affect the generic life.

Originally, this kind of statement allowed the girl's heart to bloom, but Peter said too much, and the heart of Carryl is not open for a long time.

Roybs said in the ear of Angelika: "This child is too stupid, and later be bullied by Carrie ..."

Anger Card also kept serious, whispered: "Yes, I can imagine the future picture ..."

"Do you want to manage? Otherwise, he can't stand it after he can't stand it."

Angeli card Shen Si will be a while, I have a matter of on behaving: "You said reason, but I feel that he is noisy but Carrie ... also fight ... It's so miserable."

It may be expected to have encountered the experience of Peter, and Angeli card hurts this child in advance, take the initiative to help him in a bowl of soup, say: "Peter is, drink more, drink more."

If both the dialogue of them did not hear, the key was that he heard clear.

Now, Angelika is like giving him a dinner, it is not right, and it is more appropriate.

Peter is not, not drinking, not, it is in a short place.

The effect of this meal is very good, and Peter is almost understanding the way Royce family, and the awe of these "God" is not so deep.

After the meal, four people watch TV on the sofa.

Place a TV series in the internal political situation of the god dungery on TV.

It is estimated that the Shen Shun Bureau invests himself, and the political description is extremely dark, very turbulent, it seems that now is the war age, all kinds of hooking the fight.

Angelika glanced at vomiting, rolling: "You will see this in the home all day long, no wonder you get more and more broken."

Royce disdainted her, throwing the remote control to her, said: "This is what I play is good. I am using a positive. I can't see it. "

Angeli card is even more dismissed, and he said: "Then you give me a positive and I will see it."

"Yang one?"

"Yang, I have learned."

Peter and Carrie also enthusiastically enthusiast, they also want to see the means of seeing Rio.

"Then I think about who is to use."

Said, Royce began to find someone who is going to deal with in memory.

Suddenly I remembered a person who was almost helped - the tyrant.

Just Tianjin Weng Xing's things I didn't come out, just call him together.

The heart is always moving, and the space in his head suddenly broke a hole, turned into a mirror in the eyes of everyone.

"Roys? What do you want to do?"

The tyrant was tossed several times by Royce. At this time, he was busy searching for the soul gemstone. He saw Royce, he was so angry that he was so angry, and he hated him to eat him.

Royce smiled and said: "Hey, killing, don't be so hot, we have no deep vetement, is it? That is to grab a few gems, destroy your plan, no need to kill the father What is the appearance? "

Angelica saw the tyrants in the mirror, I feel that my body was erected, and I looked at Royce, and the little voice said: "Royce! What do you want to do!"

Royce didn't look at her, reach out and smell her.

The tyrants did not have a good face on Royce, and said a pile of intimidation, but scared the Royce, and finally understood that Royce was looking for himself, the eyeballs turned a circle, the face was deeply asked: "You Want to do? I am afraid that I am not in line with your identity. "

"Hey, what I have, it is all people who are told. I am looking for you, and it is very big."

"tell me the story."

"Tianjin Weng Xing, do you know?"

I broker the pupil, nodded: "Know, but he and your Olympus are the enemy, I want to help him."

"The affirmation, you want to stand at the side, I don't have any way to do it, but now there is a key question, I am dead, will you die?"

Royce hippie smiles makes the kinematism, Yulus is a little better.

He knows more than others, knowing Tianjin Weng Xing is something, and knowing that he and Tianjin Weng Xing are also unable to become allies.

And Tianjin Wengxing team, no tiger skin.

"What do you want to do?"

Royce likes to deal with smart people, so pangling has the environment. He smiled and said: "Don't do anything, I just talk to you, Tianjin Weng Xing has swallowed the nightmare, the next step is to come to the earth. Wait until he got the sword of Glaskot, After that, the whole universe has to finish. "

This is not only scared, but also scared the two children in the house.

No, have you happened so dangerous?

The meaning of the : ""

"You can rest assured, I will not pull you. Just, I need strength to gems, so enough to stop him."

"It's impossible!" The tyrants ruthlessly refused: "You just want to force gem!"

Royce did not explain, just laughed with him, said: "The change of the idea calls me the name loudly, I will take it."

After that, turn off the call window.

Angelica has not returned, and he asked: "Just this? He will definitely will not give you, you are also a strategy?"

Royce turned her to pick her: "Bet is not?"

Angelika was irritated by his expression, and the Zhang has to agree.

At this time, Jiali stood up anxiously: "When did you have two minds? Royce! Have you just said true? Really have a big monster to come to the earth ?"

Jiali's indignation is a bit wonderful: "You are doing this? What do you want to stop?"

"You all say that you can't play, what do I still do? Did you die? Just ..." said, Carryl turned to see Peter, and the concerns were obvious.

Peter has been panicked, and the sound is trembled: "Mr. Royce, is you really true?"

Royce gave him a glance, said with a smile: "His goal is Olympus, the earth will not be affected. Why do you do it, no matter?"

Royce still is still very weight, Peter immediately believes him. It's just a bit shaking when I took Carrie to sit down. He still had a young disaster, and there is a fear of this kind of fear.

"Hey, Anjie, I'm not betting?"

Angelika also returned to the taste, shrinking into a group, just as the victim shook his head and said: "Don't you."

Royce caught her foot and pulled her, she didn't care about her struggle in her ear: "This way, you will make you do what you have always want to do, how ? "

"Really? You don't know me!"

Angeli's eyes are brighter, see Jiali and Peter's fog.

"Really, but if you lose, you have to let me do what I always want to do, the transaction?"

"Transaction!" Angeli directly agreed that the Yina smile glanced at Royce's crotch, said: "Hey, I will buy the tool!"

Angelika is like a bird, let Carli can't be curious, like a kitten.

She couldn't help but join: "Hey, Royce, what are you talking about?"

I was asked by Carrie, Royce lived, and it is laminated: "Nothing, secret."

On the other hand, the Templa 2, the tyrants convened the Dark Team wholekle to deliver the things just now.

"How do you see? Royce is not credible?"

I didn't trust Royce, and he felt that Royce wanted to sit on Olympus.

But he dares to get this bet.

Ghost knows how Roy is thinking, in case he really has that kind of power? Do you want to eat a big loss?

The smart intelligence is also super superstar and ebony, and the other three people are fighting, and they don't dare to speak. Similarly, they didn't dare to play, after all losing in several battles in Roy, they were not confident.

The super star read the ovar and found that he was still considering, saying: "Adults, I think you need to send the gemstone."

The tyrants are about to ask, and the ebony is also nod to say: "Yes, adults, you should send it."

Killing the heighted skin, said: "Let's talk about the reason, it is best to convince me."

In fact, his heart is better than anyone, he should send the gemstone, but it is unwilling.


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