Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 116 George Falls from the Sky (Second Update)

"You should be the one being attacked."

George thought to himself as Hermione pulled him out of the library.

Now that most of the young wizards in the school have gone to the Quidditch pitch, only he, Hermione and a few young wizards are still in the school. The basilisk will definitely attack Hermione, a Muggle-born wizard first.

Especially to Voldemort, Hermione was also a good friend of Harry's.

But George was not worried about this. He originally wanted to lure the basilisk to show up, clear Hagrid's grievances, and temporarily send Dumbledore away from the school.

Now is a good opportunity.


Not long after walking out of the library, George sensed the presence of the basilisk at a corner.

His psychic ability is not as powerful as the professor's, but he can still sense an area around him. The hostility of the Basilisk is simply too obvious.

"George, something seems wrong."

After walking a few steps, Hermione suddenly stopped and said with a trembling voice.

Because she faintly heard the sound of the basilisk moving towards this side from behind.

"Don't look back, it might be a basilisk, once you see its eyes you're dead.

Listen to me and keep moving forward! "

George took Hermione's trembling hand and walked quickly towards the stairs.

As George and Hermione moved faster, the basilisk seemed to be aware of it and accelerated towards them.

Hearing the sound getting closer and closer from behind, Hermione's legs were already a little weak, but as a little wizard of Gryffindor, she was indeed brave enough to actually say to George:

"George, go find Dumbledore and tell him about the basilisk, and I'll hold it back!"

As she said this, she actually pulled out her wand.

But George grabbed Hermione's waist and took out his wand.

"Believe me, we can escape. Close your eyes and don't look into the eyes of the basilisk!"

Feeling the breath of the basilisk approaching behind him, George instantly activated his "Wing" magic, grew a pair of white wings, hugged Hermione and flew up, just in time to avoid the basilisk's bloody mouth.

At the same time, he waved his magic wand downward:

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

A transparent sharp blade flew out of the wand and hit the head of the snake that the basilisk was about to lift.

The basilisk's magical defense was astonishing. The Divine Edge Shadowless Curse did not break the defense, but it still caused it to suffer pain and lower its huge snake head.

George took the opportunity to accelerate and continued flying towards the stairs.

At this time, Hermione was suddenly taken flying, so she hugged George subconsciously, buried her head in his chest and exclaimed:

"George, can you fly?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this."

George kept flapping his wings to speed up, and the Basilisk was chasing after him.

In fact, the current situation is all under his control, because his flying speed has not increased to the limit at all, mainly because he is afraid that the Basilisk will not be able to catch up and give up.

Even when he saw that the distance was far away, he would deliberately slow down his flying speed.

If the basilisk had a tendency to give up, he would wave his wand and throw a Shadowless Curse behind him to continue to irritate the opponent.

Today we must at least make a big noise, not only to let the teachers and students of the school see it, but also to at least let the characters in the oil paintings at the top of the stairs see the basilisk, so that it can be convincing enough.

Otherwise, he and Hermione would have nothing to prove, and they would not be able to prove that theirs was a basilisk and not an Acromantula.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

"It's so scary, hide now!"

"Poor little wizard, run away!"

Finally, with George's constant seduction, the basilisk was led to the one hundred and forty-two staircases that moved at any time in Hogwarts, and was also seen by all the characters in the oil paintings on the wall.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, George directly carried Hermione and flew up the stairs. However, the basilisk could not go up through the moving stairs. It could only make an angry hissing sound, turn around and get into the nearby water pipe.

"Dumbledore should be over there on the Quidditch pitch, let's go straight there."

After getting rid of the basilisk, George did not stay, flew to the eighth floor to find a window, and flew out of the window with Hermione.

Now as long as he finds Dumbledore and explains the situation, everything will be settled.

As for the flying magic he displayed, it was of course his own magic created by one of the most talented people in the world.

Snape was able to create his own magic spells such as the Shadowless Edge Curse and the Upside Down Golden Hook Curse when he was a student. Even though he was reluctant to create flying magic, it was not unreasonable.

Who made him George. In everyone's eyes, he has always been so outstanding.

The continuous creation of genius characters in the past is also to pave the way for what is happening now.

Although he is only in the first grade now, geniuses are always irrational, right?

When George was thinking about what to say when he arrived at the Quidditch pitch, he didn't notice that Hermione, who was holding him at the moment, looked at him with something different in her eyes.

"Hey, today is the fourth game of the Quidditch match, Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw, let's have a treat next. Oh, Merlin's trousers, what did I see?"

In the stands, commentator Jordan was preparing to announce the entrance of the Quidditch players from both sides, cheered by the little wizards in the school.

Suddenly, he saw George with a pair of white wings flapping, holding Hermione in his arms, appearing above the stadium, and his whole body was stunned.

Of course, he was not the only one who was stunned, but all the little wizards in the school were stunned.


George came to the sky above the Quidditch field, glanced to find Dumbledore sitting in the professors' stand, and flew directly over.

"George, what are you doing?"

Seeing George fold his wings and put Hermione down, Snape was the first to react and stood up.

George did not drag his feet and went straight to the point:

"Dean, Principal, Hermione and I were attacked by a basilisk near the library just now."

After listening to George and Hermione's narration, all the professors took a breath.

Dumbledore's expression showed a trace of surprise. It was not known whether he was surprised that the monster in the secret room was a basilisk, or that George and Hermione actually escaped from the pursuit of the basilisk.

In fact, George had never known whether Dumbledore knew about the basilisk. He guessed that he knew, but whether he really knew, only Dumbledore himself knew.

"Minerva, inform all students that the Quidditch match is cancelled. All students should stay here on the field and return to the common room after we have inspected the school."

Professor McGonagall nodded solemnly, and then loudly conveyed Dumbledore's order with a loudspeaker spell.

"You did a good job. Slytherin and Gryffindor will each get 20 points."

Dumbledore nodded kindly to George and Hermione, and then took Snape, Flitwick and other professors to the castle, while Professor McGonagall stayed on the Quidditch field to maintain order.

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