Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 117 The Genius Who Creates Magic (3rd update)

The Quidditch match was suddenly stopped, and Dumbledore led the professors out of the field in a hurry. This was obviously a big event.

The little wizards all speculated that it must have something to do with George and Hermione falling from the sky, but because Professor McGonagall was blocking them there, they could not go over and question them directly.

If Professor McGonagall hadn't stopped them, the two of them would have been made into dumplings by the curious little wizards.

But despite this, all kinds of speculations are flying.

Of course, the most talked about topic is why George can conjure wings and fly. Has he learned some new magic or does he have the blood of a bird wizard?

It took a full two hours before Professor McGonagall asked the prefects of each major college to lead the young wizards back to the castle's common room one by one.

It turned out that Dumbledore and others did not find the basilisk in the castle, but they did find the traces left by the basilisk attack and the confessions of the characters in the oil paintings, and thought that the basilisk might have been hidden in the secret room.

"George, Hermione, come with me!"

After all the little wizards returned to the common room, George and Hermione were taken alone by Professor McGonagall to Dumbledore's principal's office.

"Do you want to tell me about Harry and the diary later?"

Hermione asked quietly on the way to the Headmaster's office.

Harry could hear the basilisk's whispers and the things about Reed in the diary. These were Harry's secrets. Harry didn't want to tell the teacher about them for the time being, so Hermione was also very confused now.

Just now, George only said that they were attacked by a basilisk and did not tell Harry's secret. She didn't know if she should confess when the principal asked later.

George thought for a moment and whispered in Hermione's ear:

"Don't talk about it yet, go back and discuss it with Harry and see what he thinks.

Anyway, now as long as it is proven that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk and not a spider, Hagrid will not be considered the descendant of the Chamber of Secrets and Myrtle's murderer. "

He was afraid of telling everything. If these professors followed the clues and found the entrance to the secret room, and if they found the basilisk in advance, his plan would be ruined.

He didn't need Dumbledore to leave the school for a long time like in the original book. Even if he only left for a day, he could go to the forbidden book area and write down all the powerful black magic.

"Okay, I understand."

Hermione nodded, she also felt that this kind of thing still needed Harry's consent before she could say it.

"Lemon ice cream!"

In front of a huge and ugly stone monster on the eighth floor, as Professor McGonagall read the password, the monster suddenly came to life, jumped to the side, and the wall behind it cracked in half.

Behind the wall was a spiral staircase that was moving slowly upward, like an escalator.

"Follow me."

George and Hermione followed Professor McGonagall up the spiral staircase, which spiraled rapidly upwards and soon stopped in front of an oak door with a griffin-shaped brass door knocker.

Pushing open the shiny oak door, Dumbledore's principal's office appeared in front of George's eyes.

It was a large, beautiful round room filled with all kinds of funny little sounds.

On the table with slender legs, there were many strange silverwares placed, spinning and spitting out small puffs of smoke.

The walls are covered with portraits of old principals, both men and women, snoring gently in their respective frames.

There is also a huge table in the room with claw-shaped legs. Above the table, on a high gilded perch, stands a beautiful bird with golden tail feathers.

Obviously, that was Dumbledore's pet Fawkes, the only phoenix in the world that could rise from the ashes and never die.

On a shelf behind the desk, there was a tattered, wrinkled wizard's hat, which was the Sorting Hat he had used when he entered school.

This is not the first time he has come to the principal's office. The last time he signed a contract to join the England Quidditch team was also in the principal's office and a group photo was taken.

At this time, Dumbledore and Snape were standing in front of the table talking. No other professors were seen. They were probably spread around the castle to prevent the basilisk from appearing again.

"Headmaster, George and Miss Granger have brought it."

McGonagall's voice interrupted the discussion between the two, and they turned to look at George and Hermione at the same time.

"Okay, everyone, sit down. George and Miss Granger, can you tell us more about the encounter with the basilisk?"

With a gentle tone, Dumbledore asked everyone to sit on the sofa in the narrator's office, and asked the house elf to bring two glasses of juice to George and Hermione.

George took the juice and calmly began to tell what happened.

He didn't say that Hermione found clues about the basilisk and came to the library to look for books. He just said that Hermione came to him to watch Quidditch, and then the two of them left the library and encountered a basilisk attack.

He used the Shadowless Curse taught by Snape to resist the basilisk and escaped with Hermione.

"I always felt that Severus taught you such a dangerous spell a little too early. Now it seems that I was wrong. You did a good job, but where did you learn the flying magic?"

Dumbledore knew that Snape wanted to teach George the Shadowless Curse, but Snape did not say that he wanted to teach George the Flying Curse. He had just confirmed with Snape that Snape did Not taught.

The key is that the flying magic displayed by George is also different from the flying magic Snape learned from Voldemort.

The flying magic that Snape learned from Voldemort was to turn the body into a black shadow and fly at high speed in the air, while George's was to grow a pair of wings behind him and then fly by flapping the wings.

George stood up and activated the "wing" magic, and the white magic wings appeared behind him again.

"This is a new magic that I accidentally created with a flash of inspiration. I call it wing magic, which can transform into a pair of wings to take me flying like a bird."

There are many differences between the magic in the Harry Potter world and the magic in the Fairy Tail world, but they are not completely different.

After a period of research on the basic magic principles of the two worlds, he found that if the research is deep enough, it is not impossible to convert them to each other.

For example, if the magic of Fairy Tail is cast in the way of casting in the Harry Potter world, the power will definitely be greatly improved with the blessing of the magic wand.

The magic in the Harry Potter world is cast in the way of the Fairy Tail magic circle, which directly saves the time of waving the magic wand and chanting the spell.

With his current magic level, he naturally can't do this, but it's no problem to do some theoretical mouth cannon.

So when he demonstrated the "wing" magic and explained a small part of the principle of "wing" magic in the way of magic theory in this world, Dumbledore, Snape and Professor McGonagall believed it immediately.

Because the three of them were wizard legends and top wizards, they knew very well that the principle of "wing" magic that George said had not appeared in any magic book before, and it was indeed feasible.

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