Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 118 Misunderstanding (fourth update)

"I didn't expect that you could create such a difficult spell by yourself in the first grade. It's really great!"

Dumbledore, who had always been a little wary of George, couldn't help but admire George in his heart at this time.

He felt that if George didn't go astray in the future, perhaps his attainments in magic would really make him one of the top wizards.

"Our Slytherin students are always excellent!"

Snape, who had been silent, smiled. He felt that George was very similar to him. As his last disciple, he not only mastered the Sharp Edge Shadowless Curse so quickly, but also created his own spell.

"But George, creating a new spell is a very dangerous thing. You should be more cautious next time. If you don't understand anything, you must ask me first."

There are many wizards in the wizarding world who died because of creating new magic. Luna's mother died accidentally because of this.

So although Snape was very proud of George's creation of a new spell in the first grade, he still gave a very serious warning.

"Thank you, Dean. I will go to you for advice."

Hearing Snape's words, George naturally agreed with all his heart.

If Snape is willing to take more time to teach him, then he will definitely be able to improve his magic level faster and learn more spells for senior grades.

The invisible body charm, the teleportation apparition, the Animagus, the Patronus charm, various magical alchemy and black magic, etc., there are still many things he needs to learn.

"Now that the matter is clear, Severus, Minerva, you escort them back to the common room. I will go to discuss the next arrangements with the school board."

After asking everything clearly, Dumbledore waved his hand, and Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall took George and Hermione out of the principal's office.

"Hermione, I was surprised. With your intelligence, I believe you will create your own spells in the future."

After leaving the principal's office, George saw that Hermione looked a little wrong, thinking that she was hit by a strong self-esteem, so he kindly comforted her.

Hermione is a top student, but she believes too much in books, which makes her a little worse than wizards like Snape in creativity.

But that is much better than the wizard talent of this body. He is mainly cheating.

"Ah what. Oh.. Yes, yes, I will try hard."

The blush on Hermione's face flashed, and then she nodded in a panic.

She was not thinking about what George said just now.

The expressions and conversations of George and Hermione all fell into the eyes of Snape and McGonagall who were escorting them from behind, and both of them showed surprise on their faces.

Then McGonagall's originally serious expression was filled with some aunt-like smiles.

She didn't expect that the most outstanding Miss Gryffindor in her college would have a special liking for the little wizard of Slytherin.

However, as the dean of Gryffindor, she didn't feel disgusted in her heart.

After all, George, the little Slytherin, was also a student she liked very much, and George just saved Hermione from the mouth of the basilisk.

This is like the plot that only appears in those love stories she read when she was young.

As long as it doesn't affect the grades, she doesn't mind the little wizards dating, Hogwarts is very open in this regard.

Otherwise, the Valentine's Day event proposed by Lockhart would not have been approved.

If it were an ordinary Muggle school, if a teacher dared to take the lead in asking students to fall in love and write confession letters, or even use potions, he would be expelled the next day or even sent to the police station.

As for Snape's expression, it was much more complicated.

At first, he frowned, and then seemed to think of something, and his expression was a little dull and fell into some kind of memory.

Finally, his face actually showed a trace of happiness that had never appeared before.

"George, I'm going back first."

Hermione greeted George in a somewhat flustered tone, and then walked quickly to the Gryffindor entrance on the eighth floor with Professor McGonagall.

"Okay, say hello to Harry and Ron for me."

George smiled and nodded, and continued to walk towards the stairs.

The Gryffindor dormitory is also on the eighth floor, just a few turns away, and the Slytherin dormitory is in the basement of the castle, you need to go down the stairs to the hall, and then enter the basement.

"Is he scared?"

George didn't think much about Hermione's unusual behavior just now. His mind was full of the dark magic in the forbidden book section of the library.

After returning to the door of the Slytherin common room with the usually taciturn Snape, George greeted her and was about to use the password to enter the common room when Snape suddenly said something that made him a little puzzled.

"George, don't always indulge in magic. You should spend more time with her in normal times, especially across the college. It's not as convenient as being in the same college as her.

If you accidentally say something hurtful, you must explain it clearly..."

After saying that, he turned around and left without waiting for George's reaction.

George was also confused.

"Isn't he talking about Hermione?"

This is "her" and across the college, it's hard not to remind him of Hermione who just separated.

"Could it be that he thinks Hermione and I are in love?"

Blinking, he probably guessed what was going on.

He felt that Snape might have seen the shadow of himself and the dead Lily in him and Hermione.

When compared like this, they do look somewhat similar.

Snape was an excellent Slytherin, so was he, Lily was also the best Gryffindor at the time, and so was Hermione.

Snape was a half-blood wizard, so was he, Lily was a little witch born of Muggles, and so was Hermione.

Lily had a Potter at the same time, and Hermione also had a Potter at the same time, and they all had a good relationship.

No wonder Snape said those things, because he didn't want him to repeat the same mistakes.

However, this misunderstanding was too big, he liked Hermione, how could it be possible, a thirteen-year-old brat.

Whether it was Harry, Ron, Colin, or Hermione, Ginny and Luna, he treated them all the same and treated them like children, without any other thoughts at all.

Shaking his head, let the misunderstanding be a misunderstanding, anyway, this kind of thing couldn't be explained clearly, and it wouldn't affect his plan.


Reading out the password for this week, George pushed the door and walked into the Slytherin common room.

As soon as he entered the common room, he was surrounded by young wizards, who began to ask him what happened.

Because neither Dumbledore nor Snape said to keep it secret, he repeated what he had said in the headmaster's office before.

Many young wizards were shocked to hear that the monster in the secret room was the terrible basilisk.

However, there were some extreme ones like Malfoy, who believed that the basilisk would not attack Slytherins, but only Muggle-born wizards.

When they heard that George had created flying magic, they were all stunned, especially George showed it to everyone in the common room.

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