Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 131 My name is Shi Aimin (Second update)

Wolverine was born in 1832. During the two years when Captain America was active, he also participated in World War II as an American soldier.

So naturally I know, but I don't worship him like ordinary people do, so naturally I don't recognize him at first sight.

When Captain America died, he happened to be captured by the Japanese army and sent to the prisoner of war concentration camp in Nagasaki.

"Yes, he is Captain America Steve Rogers."

George smiled and explained:

“I have been thinking about whether our school should recruit more teachers, but ordinary people are probably not suitable to teach our students.

In addition, the character of the new teacher must also be paid attention to, so as not to lead the children badly.

So I thought of him. "

He pointed at Captain America, whose ice had almost completely melted.

“I thought that when Captain America crashed into the Arctic Ocean and disappeared, his body that had been injected with super serum might not necessarily die, so I tried it with my tracking ability.

In the end, I actually found him.

There is absolutely no problem with his character. The key is that in addition to being proficient in various fighting techniques, he is also a top tactical command master, who can let our students know how to better cooperate in combat. "

"So you want him to become a teacher in our school? But he may not be willing."

Wolverine is not optimistic about George's idea.

He felt that Captain America was a weapon made by the government and an obedient soldier. He must have joined the government as soon as he woke up and then worked for the government. How could he stay in school and become a teacher?

George smiled when he heard this:

"That's not necessarily true. Besides, don't we still have professors?"

As he spoke, he turned to look at Professor X.

When it comes to persuasive skills, Professor X is definitely ranked among the best in the world.

Besides, Captain America is not the same as what Wolverine said.

Captain America is not die-hardly loyal to the government. If he were die-hardly loyal to the government, he would not refuse to sign the Sokovia Accords.

He has his own unique ideas and is unwavering in his ideas.

His main reason for joining the army was to protect the weak and end the war, and now there is world peace.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. were not founded by his lover Carter and friend Howard, and Nick Fury played various moral kidnapping tricks, Captain America would not necessarily have been helping S.H.I.E.L.D.

After being frozen for more than sixty years, almost all his relatives and friends have died, and the world has changed drastically. This is a huge shock to Captain America.

So as long as his speaking skills are in place, it shouldn't be difficult for him to stay in school as a teacher in the future and teach these poor mutant children how to survive.

"I can only say that I try my best. To be honest, I quite admired him when I was a kid!"

Professor X nodded. He still agreed with Captain America coming to the school as a teacher.

"You don't have any objections, and I don't have any objections either. It just so happens that I need a drinking partner. I heard that he can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk."

Wolverine shrugged, also agreeing.

Although Professor

"Since you all have no objections, I will revive him."

Seeing that the ice on Captain America's body had completely melted and his body functions began to recover rapidly, George waved his hand and cast a revival spell.

"Resuscitate quickly!"

The resuscitation spell is a spell that forces people to wake up and is often used to relieve the effects of the coma spell.

Under the forced resuscitation of the resuscitation spell, Captain America immediately opened his eyes from his coma.

"Where is this?"

Captain America looked at the ceiling above his head and murmured subconsciously.

His last memory was that the plane crashed and he was frozen in the glacier.

"Hi, Captain Steve!"

At this time, a kind voice woke him up.

Subconsciously he rolled out of bed, picked up his shield and made a defensive posture. Looking at the three strangers in the room, he asked with a vigilant face:

"Who are you? Where is this place? Why am I here?"

“This is a school and we are the principals and teachers of this school.

As for why you are here, it’s a long story. Don’t be nervous. Sit down and let’s talk slowly. "

George reassured Captain America.

However, Captain America was obviously more sensitive at this time. He looked at the instruments in the room and did not believe George's words, but rushed directly towards the door of the room.

How could there be such advanced equipment in the basement of a school? He thought it might be a secret base of Hydra.

"Hey man, I think you should calm down."

Wolverine immediately stopped in front of Captain America, and Captain America was not polite and raised his hand and punched him.

Wolverine, who was punched in the face, immediately kicked Captain America back.

"Although you are over ninety years old, I am a hundred years older than you, and I am much worse than you!"

Seeing Captain America raise the shield in his hand, Wolverine also showed his Adamantium alloy wolf claws, intending to let Captain America have a taste of his power.


At this time George took action.

He first disarmed Captain America's shield with a disarming spell, and then tied up Captain America with a rope spell.

"Confinement quickly!"

"You are indeed from Hydra!"

After being tied up, Captain America gritted his teeth and looked at George and the other two.

In his opinion, only Hydra would have such a modified person and a person with special abilities.

"Forget it, I'll take you out to see it with your own eyes."

After saying hello to Professor X and Wolverine, he reached out and picked up Captain America to the school gate, spread his wings and flew directly to the center of New York City.

"Captain, look down, this is New York in 2010, and you have been frozen for 65 years."

"Is this New York?"

Captain America looked at the New York below, which was somewhat similar to him in his impression, but also very different. Looking at the high-rise buildings below, the lights and the modern cars driving on the road, his expression gradually became dull.

As a kid born in Brooklyn, New York, he is too familiar with New York.

After flying around New York, he can be sure that this is New York, but it is not the New York of 1945.

Returning to school again, Captain America was completely confused.

"Professor, I leave it to you."

After removing the restrictions on Captain America and handing him over to the professor for guidance, George went back to continue practicing magic.

The next day, after Professor X's overnight persuasion, Captain America finally agreed to stay in school as a teacher.

At nine o'clock, as agreed, Black Widow came to apply for identity certificates for the children in the school, but when she saw Captain America in casual clothes, her expression immediately changed.

"George, how does he look like..."

"Like Captain America Steve? They just look alike. He is our school's new teacher, Shi Aimin!"

George introduced without blushing or beating his heart.

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