Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 132 The Magic Panda's Third Clone (3rd update)

Chapter 132 Magic Panda - The Third Clone (Three Updates)

"Shi... Aimin?"

Black Widow's big eyes showed a little doubt.

"Yes, it's Shi Aimin."

George's tone was very sure.

Changing the name on Captain America's new ID card is to prevent him from being recognized when he goes out in the future and reduce trouble for the school.

Otherwise, it is hard not to be suspicious if he looks so much like Captain America and has the same name.

This was also agreed by Steve, and he also wanted to live with a new identity.

"Hello, my name is Shi Aimin."

Captain America extended his right hand to Black Widow.

"Hello, Natasha."

Black Widow looked at Captain America, still full of suspicion.

If she met someone who looked so much like Captain America outside normally, she might not be too suspicious.

But this person was in George's school, and he was a new teacher, and the key was that he didn't have an ID card, which made her have to doubt.

"You can think about my suggestion more when you have time. The school's door is always open to you."

After taking the photo and filling in the information, George did not forget to invite another wave when he sent Black Widow away.

The addition of Captain America gave the school a new teacher, and that night, Professor X found a new student for George.

"Jessica Campbell, ten years old this year.

On the way to Disneyland, she quarreled with her brother in the back seat, causing her father who was driving to be distracted, causing their car to collide directly with a military vehicle loaded with radioactive chemicals.

In the end, only she survived, and was subsequently sent to the hospital, where she fell into a coma for several months. After waking up, she gained strength and flying ability far beyond ordinary people.

Now she is adopted by the Jones family and renamed Jessica Jones.

I observed her for a few days and felt that her situation was more suitable for her to come to our school."

"Professor, since you think it's suitable, then recruit her."

Professor X has decades of experience in recruiting mutant children. Whether it is looking at people or going to persuade parents to let their children go to school, they are more experienced than him.

So he decided that the professor would be responsible for recruiting students in the future, and he would spend more time studying and delving into magic.

Now that the professor's assets have been taken back, the government, SHIELD and Hydra will not cause trouble in the short term, and the school has a teacher with good strength and brains.

He no longer needs to do anything.

After discussing the conditions and procedures for future enrollment with Professor X, George returned to the dormitory and prepared to go to bed as usual.

Now he can control three bodies at the same time very freely, and there will be no lag at all, thanks to his growing spiritual power.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, George just closed his eyes, and suddenly his body was startled, and the familiar feeling of splitting appeared again.

Obviously, he was going to split a new avatar again.

Sure enough, after the pain of soul tearing, a new perspective appeared in front of him.

At the same time, a six-year boring and monotonous memory flashed in his mind.

Drinking milk, sleeping, eating bamboo, climbing trees, basking in the sun, day after day, almost the same content.

"Damn, last time it was a magic cat, this time it turned directly into a giant panda, can't it be a person!"

At the Bronx Zoo in New York, George looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Yes, his split soul this time was attached to an adult giant panda who died suddenly.

The location of this giant panda is the Bronx Zoo in New York.

"Giant pandas are giant pandas, at least they have good physical strength."

Although the giant panda looks cute, it is not a cat, but a bear. It is a beast with amazing bite force. It was once called "iron-eating beast".

The weight of a normal adult giant panda can reach 300 to 400 kilograms, and the bite force is close to 300 kilograms, which is only slightly lower than that of lions and tigers, but the teeth are sharper, and a slap can reach 3,200 kilograms with full force.

The giant panda Hu Zi, who was once released into the wild, broke the spine of a jackal with a slap.

Each of George's clones can share the physical strength bonus, so at this time, whether it is Marvel's main body, Harry Potter's world clone, or Fairy Tail's world clone, there is an additional panda power.

And this new clone panda also obtained the blood and magic of other bodies, as well as the strength bonus.

"It seems that I have time to find Mirajane to learn transformation magic."

Waving his bear paw, George secretly calculated in his heart.

The panda's body is not very convenient to move in the human world. You can imagine that if he escapes from the zoo and appears on the street, he will probably be immediately blocked by passers-by.

There is transformation magic in the Fairy Tail world. Mirajane is very proficient in transformation magic, and can even transform part of the body, such as transforming her head into a harpy's head alone.

However, transformation magic can only change the appearance. It cannot be said that turning into a certain beast can gain the powerful power of that beast. That is not transformation magic, but receiving magic.

For example, the guild's muscleman Elfman is good at receiving magic. He can receive the defeated beasts and monsters, and then transform into the corresponding beasts and monsters to fight.

"Let's leave here first!"

After adapting to the new clone, he walked upright to the iron door of the room where he was imprisoned, and then waved his bear paw to cast a spell:

"Alaho Open!"

Under the effect of the unlocking spell, the big lock in front of the iron door was directly opened.

The clone in this world did not have a wand yet, so he could only continue to use gestures to cast magic.

Pushing the iron door open and coming to the open-air venue where he usually held activities, the magic circle behind him flashed, and a pair of snow-white wings appeared behind him.

Flapping his wings, his body quickly rose up, and then flew towards the center of New York City.

The memory of this panda was all eating and sleeping, and there was no valuable information at all. The most important thing for him now was to figure out what kind of world this was.

Since it was a new clone, he believed that this must not be an ordinary world.

According to the speculation of his previous two clones, this world must have special superhuman powers, and there is a high possibility of magic.

So he wanted to go to the center of New York City to see if he could find relevant clues.

"Bear bear. Panda, it's flying!!!"

At the same time, a young security guard who was patrolling the zoo was so frightened when he saw George flying away from the panda house that he dropped the flashlight in his hand.

After a long while, he rubbed his eyes and said to himself:

"I must have taken too much recently and I am hallucinating. How can a panda fly? It's impossible. This is absolutely impossible."

Soon after, he looked at the empty room in the panda house and felt like the sky was falling.

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