Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 136: Meditation Method for Immortality (Second Update)

"What about the reincarnation of Merlin, what about the Supreme Magician? I don't understand what you are talking about?"

David swallowed, reached for the dragon ring that had been with him for ten years, and couldn't help but shake his head when he remembered the words of the antique shop magician.

He is living a good life now and no longer wants to have anything to do with the so-called mysterious magician.

"Well, let me tell you a story. This was told to me by a very old magician."

George didn't care about David's answer. His purpose was to find a reason to get in touch with David and stay with him so that he could get in touch with the great magician Balthazar behind him.

"In 740 AD. So you have this dragon ring. It should be that Balthazar has been finding the reincarnation of Merlin."

"No, no, no, I think you must have made a mistake. It was just an accident."

David still doesn't believe that he is the reincarnation of Merlin.

George shook his head:

“It’s useless if you don’t admit it, sooner or later the magicians sent by Morgana will find you and kill you.

I can protect you, as long as you become the Sorcerer Supreme, help me undo my current transformation and let me restore my human body. "

"Kill me, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

David couldn't help but shrink his pupils. He was only nineteen years old and he didn't want to die.

"Yes, it's very cruel. They will use magic to tear your body apart piece by piece, and they will continue to use magic fire to burn your soul for three hundred and sixty-five days, making your life worse than death. , until the soul dissipates.”

George kept scaring David, and waited until his body was shaking a little before asking:

"What do you think of this deal?"

"If you can really protect me, then if I become the Supreme Mage in the future, I will definitely help you restore your human form."

David nodded, and then added:

"But let's talk first. I may not be the reincarnation of Merlin as you said. Maybe you are mistaken, so you can't blame me then.

Also, if you live here with me, you have to pay for your own food. I can't afford to raise a panda. "

"Of course, then you can continue sleeping and I won't disturb you."

A faint smile appeared on George Panda's face, then he got up and left the small bedroom and came to the living room.

He sat down on the sofa, took out the thick Book of Morgana, and began to read slowly.

On the other side, David, who saw George leaving, lay back on the bed, but he was no longer sleepy.

For him, what he had just experienced was even more magical than what he had experienced in the antique shop ten years ago. He needed to clarify his thoughts again.

"Magicians in this world actually have clear levels?"

In the living room, George flipped through the introduction to some basic magic knowledge in Morgana's Book, only to discover that there were a thousand levels of magicians in this world.

The first-level magician is level one. By constantly meditating and accumulating magic power and improving your understanding of magic, you can continue to upgrade. Once you exceed level 500, you will basically no longer die of old age due to lifespan.

There are currently two highest-level magicians known to exist, namely Morgana and Merlin, both of whom are level 1,000.

While constantly looking through the magic knowledge of this world recorded in the magic book, the sky gradually grew brighter.

At about six o'clock, David came out of the bedroom with two dark circles under his eyes.

"Good morning, David!"

"Good morning, Panda!"

"You can call me George."

"George, actually I still think so."

Looking at George sitting on the sofa, David spoke nervously, wanting to express his decision after thinking for three hours.

After thinking about it carefully, he still felt that it was too inconvenient to leave a panda at home, not to mention that he had not encountered any magicians in his ten years of living, and perhaps he would not encounter any in the future.

But he was a little worried about retaliation if he angered the panda.

"Oh, wait a minute."

George, who had long seen through David's mind, waved his bear paw with one hand and performed cooking magic, and the kitchen immediately started to buzz.

In less than a minute, a delicious breakfast appeared on the table.

"Clean up!"

Then he waved his hand again and performed housework magic, making the originally messy apartment instantly clean, as if it had been cleaned by a professional housekeeping company.

"Restored to the original condition!"

Finally, George pointed at the old and damaged refrigerator in the living room. Under the influence of the repair spell, the refrigerator was not only completely repaired, but also as brand new as if he had just bought it.

After doing all this, he asked David:

"By the way, David, what did you just want to say?"

"No, no. It's nothing. I mean, would it be uncomfortable for you to sleep on the sofa? How about I buy you a new bed?"

David looked at George with bright eyes and said.

After just a while, he suddenly felt that keeping George here was definitely a very good thing.

If there is a magician attacking him in the future, George can protect him. If not, it doesn't matter. Where can he find a panda who can help him with breakfast and housework and repair appliances?

It’s great to have pandas!

"No, I will stay in this box most of the time from now on. You carry the box with you. If you are in danger, open the box and call me."

George took out the box that contained Drake from the dressing room, opened it, and squeezed in.

David looked at George, who was so big, and squeezed into the small box that was less than the size of a palm. His eyes widened, and he went forward to pick up the box and looked at it in disbelief.

"Magic. It's really magical!"

At this moment, his longing for magic that had been dormant for many years seemed to slowly revive in his heart.

After breakfast, David put the box in his pocket and began to walk to the university he attended.

At this time, George also found Drake in the box and asked him to help him learn the magic knowledge and principles of this world.

In this way, a week passed in a flash.

David was not attacked by Horvatz, and Balthazar did not come, indicating that the two were still entangled in the seal.

However, after this week of getting along, his relationship with David has improved a lot, and the magic system of Morgana School can be regarded as a preliminary entry.

He learned the meditation method used by magicians in this world to improve the magic level, and also learned the Morgana Ring.

"Get up!"

In the box, George suddenly opened his eyes, and his surroundings were immediately surrounded by red flames.

Then his hands kept changing, and a ring with special runes began to appear around him, and finally formed a special circular magic circle.

This magic circle is the Morgana Ring. As long as the magician stands in the Morgana Ring, whether it is meditation or learning and practicing spells, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

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