Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 137 Mimicry Magic (3rd update)

On the tenth day after George's new clone appeared, his clone panda was learning mimicry magic with Drake in the box.

This is the magic that Drake is best at, and it is also the magic that made him become the world's top magician.

To be honest, after a simple introduction, George felt that this magic had some similarities with the Transfiguration Spell in some aspects.

One of the directions of the Transfiguration Spell is to turn inanimate objects into living creatures, such as Professor McGonagall often turns tables into pigs.

However, the transformed creatures usually have the thinking mode of the corresponding creatures, so in most cases they cannot be controlled by wizards.

Except for a few independent spells that are extended on the basis of the Transfiguration Spell, such as Malfoy's Snake Summoning Spell and Hermione's Bird Summoning Spell, they can be used to command and assist in combat after the creatures are transformed.

Mimicry magic also has similar effects, but it is mainly divided into two aspects.

The first aspect is that the creatures in the painting can be directly summoned to reality through mimicry magic, and transformed into real creatures to assist in combat, just like if you have a tiger in your book, you can summon it to help you bite people.

Of course, it is good to be able to summon a chicken at the beginning stage. Drake often uses this trick to perform the transformation into a rabbit.

The second aspect is that the existing sculptures can be transformed into special living creatures and manipulated to fight.

For example, if you see a stone lion on the roadside, you can give it life through mimicry magic, so that it can become a real moving stone lion to help you fight.

If you mimic a stone bird, the stone bird can also fly.

This is somewhat different from the Enlightenment Spell in the Harry Potter world. The Enlightenment Spell is to make a non-living object come alive, limited to coming alive. If no other magic is added, there will be no special effect.

For example, if you give a stone bird an enlightenment, then this stone bird may speak, run and jump, but it will never fly because it is a stone bird.

Just when George was immersed in learning magic, the lid above the box was suddenly opened, and David's hurried voice came in.

"George, come out and save me, there is really a magician who wants to kill me, and he has released a group of wolves!"

"Finally he is here!"

George's heart moved, knowing that the seals of Balthazar and Horvatz must have been lifted, and Horvatz came here for the dragon ring and Morgana's nesting doll seal.

He jumped out of the box, stopped David behind him, waved his paws left and right, and slapped the two wolves that pounced on him fiercely, and then turned into paper again and fell to the ground.

"A panda?"

Watching the wild wolf he had transformed with mimicry magic being beaten back to its original form in a few seconds, Horvatz, who was wearing a coat and took the cane, walked over from a distance with some doubts.

He didn't expect David to have a panda as a pet to protect him.

"A mere panda can't save you."

He pointed the cane at the iron handrail of the stairs next to him, and the handrail was instantly pulled up, turning into a sharp javelin and flying towards George.

"You're looking for death by using metal weapons against me!"

Looking at the flying iron javelin, George raised his paw, and his superpowers burst out instantly, stopping the javelin steadily in front of him.

No matter how Horvatz used magic to control the javelin, the javelin didn't move at all.

"Give it back to you!"

With a wave of his paw, the javelin immediately flew back at a faster speed and shot towards Horvatz.

Seeing the javelin reflected back, Horvatz's face changed slightly, and with a wave of his cane, the powerful force immediately made the javelin deviate from its original trajectory and pass by him.

"It turns out that it's still a panda that only knows magic!"

At this time, Horvatz's expression became a little more serious.

But the next second, his body was suddenly pierced from behind by the javelin.

George used superpowers instead of magic to control the javelin. It's not that he can dodge it once and it's fine. The magnetic control javelin can be controlled as long as it is within the range.

"Well, you surprised me a little."

Hovatz looked at the metal javelin that passed through his chest from behind, with a hint of surprise on his face, but no panic.

His body instantly turned into a pile of cockroaches, and then re-formed into a human form. The javelin had been expelled from his body.

"As expected of a thousand-year-old magician, he still has some tricks."

George was secretly impressed by this. This magic was enough to make Horvatz immune to any physical attack.

Even if Gatling shot wildly at his body, he could turn into cockroaches and recover no matter how many holes he made. It was just a little disgusting.


Hovatz, who had recovered his body, raised his cane, and an invisible force attacked George.

If George was hit, even if he was a panda, he would probably be blown away by this powerful force.

"Armor to protect yourself!"

Fortunately, George's strength was not weak. He sensed the energy attack in advance, raised his hand and cast an iron armor spell in front of him to block this powerful force.

At the same time, a faint green light appeared in his hand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Being beaten was not his habit. Since the opponent could transform into a cockroach to avoid physical attacks, he would directly use the Kedavra curse to attack the soul.

Horvatz, who had not paid much attention to it at first, sensed the death energy emitted by the green light, and his face changed drastically. He did not dare to transform into a cockroach to take the attack, but immediately waved his hand and moved the trash can next to him to block it.

The green light hit the trash can and sent it flying, but it also dissipated and did not hit Horvatz.

"The power of the killing curse is great, but the hit rate is still too low. We need to find a way to improve it in the future."

Seeing that the killing curse was blocked, George did not give up, but continued to cast the second spell.

"God's Edge Without Shadow!"

The transparent blade shot out quickly, and because it was transparent and hidden, Horvatz was hit before he could react. Even though he turned into a cockroach in time, he still had a wound on his waist when he reunited.

The key is that there seems to be a special force entangled in this wound, and with his body's recovery ability, it can't be healed.

"Damn panda, I'm going to kill you!"

Because his body was injured, Horvatz was immediately angry. Except for Balthazar, no one has been able to hurt him in these years.

"Stone Giant!"

Hovatz thrust his cane into the ground, and the ground immediately changed into a mimicry. In the blink of an eye, a five-meter-tall stone giant climbed up from the ground and rushed towards George and David.

"Mimicry magic can be used like this, amazing!"

When George saw the stone giant rushing towards him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He hadn't seen this trick in the movie.

But fortunately, he also had a plan to deal with it.

"Thunder Explosion!"

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