Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 138 Mirror World (fourth update)

George's Explosive Spell hit the stone giant, and immediately broke one of its arms on the spot.

Seeing that it worked, he immediately cast a second Explosive Spell, and this time he aimed at the stone giant's legs.


The stone giant's movement speed was damaged by the broken left leg, and the third Explosive Spell followed, followed by the fourth and fifth.

There were five Explosive Spells in total, and when the stone giant crawled in front of George, it had all been broken into small stones.

"Let's see whether you can explode faster or my stone giant can be generated faster!"

However, just as George solved the first stone giant, Horvatz pulled out the second one.

He believed that as a top magician of a thousand years, with a magician level of more than 700, the total amount of magic power in his body must be more than that of a magic panda.

He didn't believe that this panda could break three or four, and even eight or ten?

"Want to compete with me in magic power?"

Seeing the second stone giant attacking again, George couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart, but the Explosive Spell in his hand did not stop.

In terms of total magic power, he is not as good as Horvatz who has a thousand years of magic power, but his wizard bloodline recovers magic quickly. Even if he keeps doing this until dawn, his magic power will not be consumed much.

Consumption is, what he is least afraid of is this kind of tug-of-war.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Continuous explosion spells sounded, and stone giants collapsed one after another. Horvatz gradually found something wrong.

He mimicked the stone giant, but it consumed a lot of magic power. The magic of the opponent to blast his stone giant should not be much different. Why did he feel that his magic power was not enough, and the opponent was still calm.

It seemed that he was not in a hurry at all.

At this moment, an eagle cry suddenly came from behind him. He turned his head and looked behind. A huge steel eagle was falling from the sky and attacking him. Standing on the steel eagle was his mortal enemy Balthazar.

"Wait for me!"

Attacked from both sides, there was no chance of winning if he stayed here at this time. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the glass of the store behind.

"Mirror World!"

Then he jumped into the mirror and disappeared.

"This magic looks great!"

Watching Horvatz escape from the mirror, George did not chase him. This old magician has many tricks. Don't rush to chase him and you will get into trouble.

All the magic that Horvatz just used is called "Mirror World". It is recorded in the Book of Morgana. It is a very high-level space magic.

You can use the mirror as a medium to enter a completely opposite mirror world.

This magic has a wide range of uses. It can be used to escape. After hiding in the mirror world, if the general enemy does not understand space magic, it is basically impossible to continue to chase.

And you can find a mirror in the mirror world at any time and return to the real world.

So it can also be used for sneaking in.

For example, you can first enter the mirror world, and then reach the target location near the opposite mirror world, and find a place with a mirror to get out.

The last thing is to trap people.

Push the enemy into the mirror world. As long as all the nearby mirrors are smashed, the enemy must find a place with a mirror in the mirror world before he can escape with the mirror.

"Let this guy escape!"

The metal giant eagle landed, and Balthazar jumped off it. Looking at Horvatz who had already disappeared in the mirror, a little regret appeared on his face.

Then he looked at David and then at George.

"Just now I saw a large number of policemen rushing over in the air. Let's get on my giant eagle first and have a good chat after we leave here."

"You are the magician who gave me the ring ten years ago."

David walked out from behind George and recognized Balthazar at a glance.

George jumped onto the giant eagle first and answered with his psychic ability:

"Of course no problem."

Balthazar's attainments in mimicry magic are not inferior to Horvatz, and this metal giant eagle George looks very good.

He plans to put more similar giant metal statues around the school after he has mastered the mimicry magic, so that if an enemy comes, he will be beaten by the statues first.

"That's fine with me."

Seeing George on the giant eagle, David also followed and sat next to George.

Because of George's life-saving grace just now, he now trusts George more.

Balthazar looked at George, who looked like a panda, and although he was full of doubts, he immediately controlled the giant eagle to fly quickly.

He had lived for more than a thousand years and had seen extinct fire dragons, but it was the first time he had seen a panda that could use magic and communicate with people spiritually.

But it was obvious that this panda was David's friend and was on their side, which was a good thing.

The giant eagle carried two people and a bear and flew at high speed, and soon arrived at the top of a building, which was also the tallest building when George first began to observe this world.

Jumping off the giant eagle and standing on the rooftop of the building, the two people and the bear began to communicate.

Ten minutes later, Balthazar said:

"So George, you turned into a bear because of special magic, and you want David to help you turn back in the future, right?"

"That's right, after all, it is said that you have been looking for Merlin's reincarnation. David is carrying the dragon ring, so he must be Merlin's reincarnation.

Of course, if you can help me recover, I will be very grateful."

George replied with his psychic ability.

Balthazar looked at George carefully and finally shook his head:

"Sorry, I can't help you. I can't see any traces of transformation magic on you. Maybe you really need the strength of my teacher to help you change back to your original shape."

He didn't lie, he really couldn't tell, as if George was originally a panda, so he could only shake his head regretfully.

However, he could sense that George had very powerful magic power in his body. Although it was not as good as him, he was still considered a master, probably at over three hundred levels.

But he was a little surprised to be able to contend with Horvatz, who was over 700 levels, for so long.

"Let me tell you first, I really don't want to be involved in similar dangers. I may not be able to help you."

At this time, David spoke. He was just an ordinary college student who loved physics and didn't want to experience another chase like just now.

In response to David's rejection, Balthazar did not make any rational statement, but nodded:

"Yes, as long as you help me get the sealed matryoshka doll and seal Horvatz again, then I will no longer disturb your peaceful life.

Otherwise, even if we leave you, Horvath will come to trouble you again. You are the reincarnation of Merlin and will become the most powerful magician. He will not stop until he kills you. "

He had long seen that David had not lost his dragon ring in the past ten years, and he must still be thinking about magic. As long as he used magic to seduce him a little later, he was not afraid that David would not be tempted.

So now it's just a delaying measure.

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