Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 103: That mud fish dragon shut me up!

System, summon small flowers.

Crowing ~

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you too, Lord Ban, you go to the top of Xiaohua first."

"Meow ~"

Watching Ban Ye climbed onto the back of Xiaohua, Watson also pulled out the Flying Dragon Sword, opened it, and the gaze of the dragon!

In the past period of time, Watson also discovered that after turning on the gaze of the dragon for a long time, some of his visual senses will change. The most basic thing is to look farther, especially when focusing, you can see more clearly. , And the more advanced, it is more like a kind of induction for living creatures.

Watson at this time seems to be looking for his prey.


At the moment when the tumbling spray appeared again, the dragon wing shot out.

Flames ignited again on the flying dragon sword,

Poo Zi Zi Zi ~

The hot flame and the icy seawater blended out a lot of steam, feeling the weight on the knife, Watson frowned, didn't hit it? Looked at the little blood underneath, it should have hurt the fish.

"Do the big detectives help?"

"What kind of gang do you want to use, if you use missiles, you should go get the corpse yourself ..."

Hua Sheng put away the flames on the knife and stared at the sea carefully.

Suddenly saw a shadow under him quickly zoom in.

"Find yourself!"

Thick Razer instantly spread all over Watson's body, and then Watson put the long knife straight into the water!

"Full output! Mad Thunder!"

Crackling! ! Thunder and lightning all over the body straight into the sea! Dazzling electro-optics erupted instantly in the nearby waters centered on Watson, and the dark deep sea was illuminated in an instant. Unfortunately, there was no time for people to appreciate the beauty, and the electro-optics were fleeting.

"The sea is too wide, there is no difference between your own power and the large Nanfu battery, but ..."

[The host kills small fish × 37, medium fish × 23, large fish × 1, gaining 162 experience points]

Still have experience in killing fish? But this experience is so pitiful ...

A lot of bubbles suddenly appeared on the sea, and then countless big fish and small fish floated upside down, huh? What about the shark?

"Great detective, depending on your ability, fishing for fish will definitely make a profit."

And Watson didn't have time to answer Tony, the most important thing was not found yet. Put away his wings and plunge into the sea. The red vertical pupil found the shark that was quickly turned and sinking.

"How come the big detective hasn't come out yet, I must make a set of armor for diving in the sea when I go back!"

"Sir, 14% energy remaining."

The calm sea suddenly began to overturn, Watson fanned a pair of huge dragon wings out of the sea.

"Fak, it is really uncomfortable to use dragon wings in the sea water."

"What about sharks?" Tony asked deliberately as he watched empty-handed Watson.

"Sinking down."

Tony shrugged when he heard Watson's words: "Forget it, isn't there any other fish, I'm running out of power, or should I make up first?"

Watson looked at the small flowers in the sky, and suddenly the light flashed!

Why did I forget it?

System, summon big flowers and mud fish dragons, mud fish dragons named after the small mud? Will it be too distracting ...

"Tony, go sit on Dahua for a while."

Gaao ··· Poof! !

A huge fish-shaped black shadow had to declare his existence in the future, and fell directly into the sea.

"Sorry Xiao Ni, I forgot to summon you in the sea."

"···· Is that also your pet? Running on the ground, flying in the sky, all in the sea?"

"I have told you that brother's all-around is not something you can understand."

Huasheng looked at the ground, no, the little mud just entered the sea opened his blood basin, swallowed the dead fish on the sea, and soon the sea became clean again ...

Tony sat on Dahua's body and opened the mask, looking at the clean corner of the sea's mouth and pumping: "This time, there are no other fish ..."

"You have to believe in Xiao Ni." Watson turned his head to look at Xiao Ni who was happily in the sea and said, "Go and bring down the big one that sinks, that one is not allowed to eat!"

Ao ~

Thick tail was thrown on the sea, and Xiao Ni quickly dived and disappeared quickly.

Hua Sheng looked at the big flowers in the sky and thought about it. These pets can't just stay in the monster space. They are not tools. Thinking of Watson here, I think of two dragons that I haven't seen yet, the barbarian dragon and the floating dragon!

The barbarian dragon was a nightmare for countless rookie hunters ... but now it is a bit unsuitable.

Well, it ’s named Xiaoman, is n’t it too cute? ! Doesn't match the mighty image of my barbarian dragon! Forget it, the floating dragon is named Xiaokong.

System, release small burst, small empty.

Roaring roaring ~

嗓 嗷嗷 ~

The huge wind pressure accompanied by the large wings of the small explosion stretched out, and the sea surface under the small explosion was all recessed into the wind. The small size of the small size is not so powerful.

Just after the small burst, a lot of waves suddenly appeared around him, and he moved rapidly in all directions.

Should be frightened by the atmosphere of the small explosion, after reaching the upper position, the characteristics of the dragon family become more and more obvious.

Watson landed on Xiaobao and put away his wings ~ ~ Watching the first appearance of Xiaokong, a white fluff covered the whole body, and the edges of the wings were wavy. A face a bit like a large mouse ...

And Tony on the big flower saw the small sky for the first time, and then looked at the big flower under him and the little flower riding on the cat, and this super big guy who had been staring at his drooling! ! !

"····· I must develop my steel legion when I go back!"

And Watson looked at Xiaokong with interest: "Xiaokong, come and **** one ~"

Ao? Xiao Kong looked at Watson suspiciously, and then his mouth grew into a super-reverse exhaust fan. The hairy neck grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Wow ... Your new pet is a circus? What else can he do?"

Watson looked at Tony with a bad smile and said, "It will help you blow your hair ~"

"······ Are you serious?"

Wason ignored Tony but looked at Xiao Kong and said: "Xiao Kong, go and blow Mr. Tony ~ remember to lighten up."

Xiaokong turned around in the sky and pointed his mouth at Tony.

Call ~! !

A violent wind of some kind of energy swept straight toward Tony, and Dahua quickly descended a little bit to escape the small air cannon, and placed Tony just at the landing point of the air cannon.

Tony heard Jarvis' warning and reminded him to put on his mask as soon as possible, and the huge wind pressure blew him down instantly. ,

"Start emergency reserve energy."

Tony, who had just stood in mid-air, had nothing to say in the future. The calm sea level suddenly churned again, and the mud rushed out of the water with the waves, and a hammerhead shark was bitten in his mouth!

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