Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 104: On monsters catching fish ... can't really believe you

Tony watched a super blood basin mouth fly in front of his face in front of him, and the shark tail in that mouth also pumped him ...

"Armor Xiaobao! You definitely did it on purpose!"

"NONONO, I swear to God, this is a coincidence ~ Ok guys come up soon, and Lord Ban, we are going back to eat a big meal ~"

Said that he took back the big flowers, small flowers, and small air, and let Xiao Biao grab the small mud with his paws and took everyone to fly to the yacht quickly.


Xiao Ni looked at the small burst of drooling on his head, and the huge fish head seemed to leave a drop of cold sweat. Why do I always feel that the big guy on the head wants to grab me and send it to my mouth ...

Pootong ~ Xiao Ni who was caught all the way was finally put down.

Returned to the yacht next to Watson, jumped to the top of Xiao Ni's head, looked at Xiao Ni and said, "Come open your mouth."

嗷 ~

"Where did that part of your mouth go!" Watson snapped his head angrily twice: "Did you tell me not to eat? You know to eat!"

嗷 ~

Seeing the dead fish not afraid of boiling hot water, Watson shook his head, carrying the shark that had been bitten out in a circle and wounded on the yacht, threw it on the side of the boat, and then looked at the small explosion in the sky ... ···

Ao ~

"Don't call anymore, let's play outside."

By the way, after releasing the other flying dragons, he walked into the kitchen, and Tony took off his armor at the bow of the boat and returned to the bedroom to get a new energy version. The spotted Master quietly followed behind Tony. ··

Tony lifted his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. The purple lines spread again, and he frowned and took out the small machine.

Dididi, blood toxicity: 5%

"damn it!"

"Sir, it seems that as long as you continue to use armor, it will speed up your poisoning. I'm sorry this device to save you will also kill you."

"Meow ~"

"Hmm? You don't go to your dad, what are you doing here with me?"


Huasheng stood in the kitchen, looking at the shark meat he had cut and was intact.

This shark can replace the bite fish, the oversized one.

However, is there only one that is too monotonous?

Thinking about it, Watson walked out of the cabin and stood on the bow of the ship, watching the monsters who were happily nearby, suddenly flashed and clapped his palm.

"Come and come together!"



After a while, a group of monsters flew honestly into three echelons, a small burst above the head, big flowers in front of them and small air, and small mud in the sea. But the monsters in the following two echelons are obviously a little afraid of small explosions.

"Now give you a task, catch fish, or other food is also allowed, do not use the remaining mutilation to charge up!" Speaking of this, Watson looked directly at Xiao Ni ····

"Okay, let's go ~"

Looking at the scattered monsters, Watson nodded in satisfaction, just turned around and saw the spotted master holding a bottle of whiskey and pouring it ...

"···· You are really a family with braised eggs!"

Tony came out with a glass of wine and said, "Don't you let it drink? I thought it was an adult."

"Forget it, let him drink it casually, maybe the Ailu and Detel clan are both wine tanks ... If the next attendant comes out, I will name him the wine tank!"

Tony, who was lying back in his sun lounger, looked at the sun that was gradually falling to the horizon and said: "Great detective, like this, there is no music, no **** girls, no group of admirers around me, I spent all in the laboratory . Just lying on the yacht to watch the sunrise, this is my first time. "

"Huh huh?" Watson asked the dazzling Ban Ye and asked, "So, how do you feel?"

Tony heard Watson's words, without thinking, said directly: "I still like the feeling of being surrounded."

"Hahaha, so that's you."

"Yes, that's me." Tony took a sip of wine with a smile, the dim afterglow reflected on Tony's face.

"However, this is not bad, it's quite romantic ... If you're not with you, it will be better. Next time I will come to Poz."

"Go !!"

Tony smiled and said indifferently: "I almost forgot, but a few days later, but my carnival, when I will come to a super handsome classic handsome appearance ~ how, do you want to come together?

"Forget it, that stage belongs to you. I'm not interested in being a foil."

"Haha, that's okay. But when will the big meal you said be good? I'm almost starving."

"Don't worry, the ingredients are a little simple, but it doesn't matter. I have asked the group of little guys to find them, and there will be more ingredients in a short time."


Boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

The violent explosion set off huge waves crashing on the yacht, as if a pair of big hands was randomly playing with a toy.

【Small explosion kills small fish × 21, medium fish × 12, large fish × 2, gain experience value 101】

"Meow!" The newly awakened Ban Ye fell directly to the ground, and the spotted Han Ye held his small head and finally stood up again, while Watson jumped up and stretched out the dragon wing, pulling Tony too. stand up.

"what's the situation?!"

When Watson looked at the sky, he found that Xiao Biao was shaking his body at high altitude as if he had taken a medicine. Pieces of blackheads fell down, and a whistling sound that Watson was so familiar with quickly flew. The falling black head quickly became dangerous red the next second it touched the sea.

Boom! ! boom! !

【Small explosion kills small fish × 19, medium fish × 5, gains experience value 44】

The calm sea surface was blown out of huge cylindrical waves ~ ~ caused another wave to shoot towards the yacht ...

And Xiao Biao waited for the black head on the chin to finish, and began to flick the tail again-after two circles, the chin grew out again ... The first time Xiao Bao perfectly interpreted how the nickname B52 came from !

"Your big guy, can you still be a bomber?"

"Wait first, let me go and see ... Small burst! Are you frying fish ?! I think you want to kill me ?!" Watson put Tony on the ship and burst into a small diameter Fly away, and slap on the head of the small explosion.

嗷 ~

"Are you still wronged?" Watson looked at the wreckage floating on the sea where blackheads passed by ...

【Small mud kills small fish × 19, medium fish × 15, gains 94 experience】

【Dahua kills small fish × 30, medium fish × 15, large fish × 5, gains 155 experience】

[Current level 16, current experience (5991/6000)]

broken! Big flower, little flower ...

"Catch it with your paws, forget it. You have to grab yourself to play ..." said Wan Huasheng quickly flew in the direction of the big flower Xiaohua, when he came to the "hunting area" of big flower Xiaohua, look A large piece of purple liquid floated on the surface of the sea like gasoline. From time to time, fish corpses floated to the surface, but soon dissolved in the purple liquid.

"Really guessed ..."

Just when Watson looked at the black line and wanted to find the two of them, Xiaohua flew to Watson and raised his claws like a treasure, holding a big tuna almost 3 meters above it.

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