Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 108: The show begins

Three days later,

"Detective, when did the action you said start? Poz has called me several times. Two days later, but for my Stark Carnival, I still have a lot of things to do."

"I don't know, but it should be soon ..."

As Watson was talking, he suddenly heard someone shouting Banner. It ’s that boss, no ... it ’s an agent now.

"Not very soon, but already started."


Banner looked at the switchgear with sparks and put on his glasses to start repairs.

The agent looked at Banner and said, "You have been helping me for such a long time, but I didn't expect you to know Mr. Stark and Mr. Watson? You really brought me a big surprise, originally I I still want to formally hire you, but now it seems that maybe I should have a good relationship with you? Hahaha. "

"No, don't say that. In fact, I met them only a few days ago, and I was shocked. Wait, you just said ... Mr. Stark and Mr. Watson ...? "

The agent nodded: "Yes."

"Is Watson famous? Is n’t he Stark ’s bodyguard?"

"Bodyguard? Where do you hear the old news, they are partners, Mr. Stark is Iron Man, and Mr. Watson is the Fire Knight. They are now the hottest superheroes, specializing in fighting ordinary people. A good criminal. I am still a fan ~ "

"Superhero? Fighting criminals that ordinary people can't solve?" Banner seemed to know some major secrets at this moment, and he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

They came for me? Is all this a trap? But why not do it? Will superheroes cook for criminals before they arrest them? ! But ... I really thought they were participating in Metamorphosis?

Banner's mood began to get complicated, he restarted the switch and said to the agent: "It's fixed ... but this is only temporary, you need a new equipment ..."

Agent smiled and said: "No, it won't take long, I will have a new factory, and will be affixed with the Stark corporate logo ~"

Banner shook his head after listening to a reluctant and polite smile: "Then I should congratulate you."

"You are a person who brings me luck and wealth ~ I should thank you for being right."

"But what I brought to myself was not good luck ..." Ahner suddenly felt a finger pain, and two drops of blood fell through the iron frame under his feet.

"No no no ... turn off! Turn off!" Banner now has no time to think about any superheroes!

Drop! drop!

Tony looked at the stopped machine with doubts: "What's wrong?"

And Watson smiled: It ’s a pity that Master Stan could n’t go to your skin this time ~

Banner ran down and found a drop of blood from the assembly line. After erasing, he looked up and saw Watson and Tony who were watching him.

Banner lowered his head silently, took out the glue and applied it to his wound. After raising his head to signal to the agent, he silently walked past Tony and Watson.


Didi ~

At the end of work, three little **** stopped the little beauty.

Banner who had just passed by was hesitating, and Stark walked straight over.

"Can you let go of my friend? This is not to discuss with you."

"Another **** foreigner, I ..."

"Hey! Three of you bastards!" Is the agent.

"Look what to see! Don't hurry up yet !! A group of idiots!"

The three little **** didn't know that they had changed bosses. Hearing the agent's flower hurriedly left, but his eyes kept staring at Stark when he left, and he deliberately hit him when passing by Banner.

"You group of foreigners, I will definitely give you a good look!"

Banner watched the agent ran down and Stark apologized silently, then turned around and walked out when passing by Watson.

"Bruce, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Baner stopped and turned to watch Watson hesitated for a moment: "No ... I'm fine ... Nothing."


Banner lowered his head and walked on the road with various thoughts mixed together.

Leaving here now? But ... because the two of Watson didn't show any signs of arresting themselves, the key is that there is something that they urgently need to be asked to find ...

**** it! Why is it now!

"Bruce." A man leaning against the wall called Banner.

"Hey, you ..." Banner saw a bit stunned when he saw the person who stopped him, and then walked up in surprise: "Did you find it?"

"Yes, I said good luck ~"

"Ah, thank you brother, it's really the time!" Banner gave him a hug and hurried to the house.

"Man, I can leave this ghost place! Watson has learned Jiu-Jitsu, and Stark has gone to pick up girls. We still have time!"

Banner turned on his computer, put a signal booster and started to contact the person who has been helping himself, Mr. Lan!

Mr. Lan: I'm so happy to contact you Mr. Green again. Is that kind of flower beautiful? good luck.

Banner opened the newspaper and took out the flower ~ ~ It's pretty, what is this flower? "

Is Watson!

Crunch! The sudden sound seemed to scare Banner, his hand clenched and snapped the flower branch.

Watson slowly walked to Banner and looked at his silent face.

As for that dog? Watson only slightly released its might, and it lay down on the ground honestly, daring not to squeak.

Banna suddenly threw a punch at Watson's face, picked up the computer and turned to run to the window beside!

"Meow !!!" The heavily armed Ban Ye appeared with a blasting meow hammer directly at the window to block the way.

Banner looked at Ban Ye's super fierce eyes and retreated with the dangerous light hammer, not because he was afraid, but because there were too many civilians here, and he didn't want to cause destruction and killing.

"Why run?" Watson slowly picked up the broken branches on the table and said: "You have been here for so long, isn't it just to make yourself a normal person."

"You really came for me, you don't know how wrong a decision was made. And I didn't expect the general to find a helper."

Hua Sheng pouted. Do you want to tell you for fun? Besides, it's not a good idea to force Hulk to play here. It is estimated that he has caused more damage and casualties than you!

"Helper? Help the old, gray-haired man? Don't joke." Stark walked in from the door and looked at Banner. "We just came to observe you, and it turns out that you are not bad."

"So now? Arrest me? If you really want to do this, I can surrender, but don't provoke me. There are many innocent people here."

Tony raised an eyebrow: "To be honest, this is the first time I saw a tone that was bigger than mine."

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