Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 109: Hulk attack! Snapped!

Ta ··· Ta ··· Ta ····

Is extremely quiet in a small room, every time the bell on the wall strikes, it seems that the breath of depression seems to freeze the air.

Watson sighed and said, "Master Ban, put away your equipment."

Banner only saw a flash of white light, and the armor cat that blocked his way became the same as before.

"What technology is this? Space?" Banner looked a little dumbfounded at the change of Lord Ban.

Watson did not answer him, but stepped forward and said: "We are not malicious, I understand that you want to control it, and I can help you. If we are going to be hard, it will not be standing after so long I ’ve spoken to you here. I know you ’ve tried many ways, and even committed suicide, but you have to know that you are not the only one in this world. You should believe me, ”

"I am not the only one? What does it mean? Are there other monsters?"

"A monster much larger than you."

Banner looked at Watson Ryo for a long time and sighed: "Well, no matter what you said is true, wait for me to finish this experiment, maybe it can cure me."

"Of course, if time is up, we can finish lunch ~"

Hearing a smile on Banner's face at dinner, he had already seen the cooking skills of Watson.

Watson looked at Banner and the man who sent the mail could n’t help but think of Mr. Lan and asked, “Bruce ...”

"Call me Banner ..."

"Okay, Banner, this Mr. Lan, do you know who he is? I mean, do you know who he is?"

Banner shook the reagent bottle in his hand and shook his head when he heard Watson's words: "No ... I don't know. I only know that he is very good at this field, and he has been helping me."

Watson suddenly thought that Mr. Lan should also be a good experience package, right? After he has mutated, he can harvest. Hehehe.

"Okay, I'll go back first, and we'll leave here when we finish eating. Leaving Ban Ye ~"

"Meow (-ω-) ~"


"This is the location of the target, remember, we have to catch alive. So try to use non-harmful weapons, such as anesthesia guns, do not use live ammunition unless you have to."

"Is he a soldier?" Emile Bronsky looked at Banner on the character card and said openly.

"The target used to be a government official who stole military secrets and allegedly killed two scientists, an officer, a state police, and two Canadian hunters, so don't give him a chance to resist! Anesthetize him, and then bring him back ! "


"Why should I leave now? And ... what are we doing on the mountain road?" Banner turned away the doubt in front of the leaves.

Hua Sheng touched Ban Ye in his arms and said, "Don't worry, you will know in a moment."

Tony went back to prepare for his carnival, which was very important to him. Before leaving, Tony gave the factory management rights to the little beauty ... Watson didn't say anything about it. After all, even Tony wearing the armor was hammered by the green fat man, not to mention he hadn't , What to do if the thing accidentally turns into a slime ... As for the anti-Hulk armor, it's still early.

"Watson ... I can ask how would you help me?"

Watson looked back at Banner and said, "It's called Hulk, right? It's still a short time, like a kid ... and a very disobedient bear kid who wants to smash it every day. . What do you say about this kind of bear child? "

"······ Should I talk to him?"

"No, you should be punched in the dead, until you cry, this is biological."


Is when the sky is getting dark.

[A large number of armed personnel were detected nearby. 】

Watson also stopped and looked at Banner, saying: "Okay, it's time to enter officially. The first step is to let Hulk come out."

"Are you serious? I'm not sure you can ..."

"Before we start, we need you to solve a few mice, we will see you later."

Call ~!

As the voice fell, a pair of huge dragon wings suddenly stretched out and set off a huge wind pressure.

Banner looked at the transformed Watson stunned, and just wanted to say what Watson disappeared into the night sky.

"Report! Another target suddenly disappeared! Repeat! Another target suddenly disappeared!"

"Don't worry about him! Give me the banner! Get him!"

"Little mouse?" And Banner, who had just returned, hurried to the jungle.

"The target mission started to flee, he found us! Everyone opened fire freely!"

It's ~~

The sudden bursts of gunfire made Benner scold and start running back and forth between the trees!

Snapped! Banner looked at the memorized tree in front of his face, and an anesthesia needle was still trembling slightly.

"Watson! You lied to me ..."

Banner suddenly felt a pain and quickly lowered his head to find an anesthesia needle shot on his arm!

"No No No No ..." The powerful medicinal effects began to erode Banner.

"Comeon !!!" Banner began to deliberately speed up his breathing, then ...


A slap fan on his left face, an obvious red handprint quickly emerged.

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"Damn it! Come again!"


A red handprint also appeared on the right face ~ ~ But it looks a little ... Asymmetric ...

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"Wait ... ceasefire! All ceasefire! The target person ... seems to have a problem ..." Emile Bronsky frowned as he looked at Benner, who was madly fanning his mouth. "General?" Did n’t you tell me that the target person is still a mental patient with a tendency to abuse? "

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"Wote?" General Rose froze when he heard Bronsky's words in the command car, and then quickly shouted: "Fire! Keep firing! Stop his movements !!"

"Ahhhh!" Banner felt that the consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, and he screamed and rushed towards the tree in front of him.

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With a bang, a large bag appeared on the forehead, and fell to the ground swaying ...

"It seems that there is no need to fire the general ... He smashed himself ...?" Bransky finished and asked a teammate to check the target ...

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A pair of green eyes suddenly opened!

"General, we ..."

boom! !

"Uh uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

The sudden scream suddenly interrupted Bronsky with a loud noise. A black shadow broke a tree with a thick bowl and fell down in front of him like a broken sack.

Is that player!

"The target personnel resisted! Everyone opened fire at will!"

Da da da! !

Innumerable anesthesia needles were shot, but they were easily bounced off by a layer of green muscles, and Bronsky only saw a huge dark shadow showing himself a row of big white teeth!

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