Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 113: Recalibration awareness

Watson raised eyebrows when he heard Banner, and looked at him and said, "Do n’t underestimate your own Banner, to be precise, do n’t underestimate Hulk. Come on, let ’s change the traffic mount. By the way, let you see the battlefield . "

"Uh ... what does it mean to change a pet mount?" While Banner was still wondering.

System, a small burst is released above.

Aoao Aoao!

An equally huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the top of Watson's head. The huge wings blocked the moonlight. The visual impact of the dragon in the sky was far beyond their ground!

"This ... this is another dragon ?! God ..."

Banner looked at the Explosive Dragon above his head and sighed again.

Aoao Aoao! !

嗷嗷 嗷嗷 嗷! !

Seeing the explosive dragon appearing above his head, the horn screamed uncomfortably, and the small explosion also responded unwillingly!

"Okay guys ~ you are a gang, okay, please go home, prince."

Ao ~

Banner saw a white light, the huge horned man disappeared out of thin air like the cat's equipment before? !

"This ... Is this space technology?" For a scientist, this matter is even more surprising than seeing the dragon in person.

"Almost, you just think of it. Well, we should go up."

After talking about Watson, he grabbed Banner

"Go up ... Go up?" Banner asked uncertainly, looking at the dragon at least a hundred meters above his head.

"Yes, go up. I forgot to tell you that I also have a copy of Beat Hulk."

The voice just fell A pair of huge dragon wings suddenly stretched out from the back of Watson, took off directly to the sky and took off to the back of the small explosion, put the violent Banner on the dragon saddle.

Sitting on the dragon saddle, Banner looked a little uneasy and nervous. He looked at the huge body of Xiao Biao and shook his head. "Okay ... I have seen enough today ... At least I finally know that I am not The only monster, uh ... do n’t you mind if I say that? "

"At will, the dragon belongs to the monster, but since it is a monster, it must become the king of the monster."

Banna smiled bitterly: "I don't have the dream that you are so ambitious, I am an ordinary person who should live in the laboratory."

"Although you say so, you are not ordinary hahaha. By the way, are you hungry?"

Huasheng took a fully cooked meat from his backpack and cut it off with a hunter's dagger and handed it to him.

"Eat it, I made it, and I can" relieve fatigue "~"

"Thank you ..." Banner looked at the fully cooked meat he just passed and just wanted to reach out, but found that his hands were covered with mud and wanted to rub on his body but there was no clean place ...

"Meow ~"

Benye took out a tissue from the small bag around his waist and came over and handed it to Banner.

Banner saw the movement of Lord Ban for a moment and then smiled: "Thank you guys."

A bite of fully cooked meat, the waist is no longer sour, and the body is not lacking, that is, how can I feel a little overwhelmed by the feeling that I want to be active?

"It's really delicious ..." Banner gave a mouthful of aftertaste, and then sighed after watching Watson open his mouth and said: "To be honest, I should say sorry to you , I thought ... "

"I thought I was the one from General Rose to deceive you?"

"···· Yes, but it seems that I am wrong now."

Hua Sheng went along with Shun Banye's Mao and said indifferently: "It's nothing, and I know your mood at the time, but it's all right now, isn't it? Oh, we're here. Little burst, fly a little lower."

Crowing ~

Banner heard Watson's words and slowly stood up from the dragon saddle, watching the battlefield flying below feeling a bit heavy.

The vast jungle was like a man's beard, shaved off by a razor.

Large trees fell to the ground, flames and scorch marks swept by lightning, huge holes and footprints, and countless gaps plowed by Hulk and Jiaoye like scars criss-crossing, all showing What a shocking battle happened here.

Banner looked back at Watson and asked, "I didn't expect it to be so fierce. How did you subdue him?"

"Recalibrate consciousness." Watson pointed to one of the potholes and said: "Buried Hulk in the soil, then hit his head hard, smashed him, and you came back."

"······ It's a good idea."

At this time, the night sky was suddenly covered with clouds, Watson saw this scene and suddenly said to Banner: "Banna ~ tell you a secret, Hulk hates lightning."

"Hate thunder and lightning? Why? Is he afraid of thunder and lightning?"

"···· No, there is one more person who can perform electrotherapy on him."

Alas, the story of the Hulk is almost forgotten. Except that he was in Brazil at the beginning, and there will be a **** yellow stubborn and uncomfortable **** guy in the back, others can't remember it.

"Banna, I'm going back to New York. Are you going with me?"

Banner remembered that Mr. Lan's words for a long time silence ...

"Go home, do I need to go home to send me a ride?" When Banner said the word "home", countless thoughts flashed in his eyes, with warmth, miss, pain ... and a trace of it Angry, but quickly buried.

"Of course, so you need to go there?"

Of course, Watson knew what Banner was thinking at this time, nodded and readily agreed.

"Virginia, Corvo University."

"Ok, we will be there tomorrow."

After a while, some boring Watson looked at Banner and said, "Do you know him?"


"Hulk ~ ~ Watson leaned on Longan and said:" Huoke should know me, it should be said that the people you have seen are equivalent to Hulk, you have feelings, and Will be applied to Hulk. You can affect him, but his emotions should not affect you. "

Banner narrowed her eyes and said, "Really?"

"It should be like this, Hulk also has his own feelings, although he is easily angry and then starts to destroy, but if you find a way to communicate with him, maybe you can become friends."

"No ... I don't need to be friends with him, I just want to heal myself and let him leave my body."

Watson looked at Banner and didn't speak anymore, Hulk had already caused him too much injury, even torture. Although Hulk ’s thinking is simple, it is not only evil, but also kind. Of course, when he was not angry ...


Virginia, Corvo University.

"Meow ~"

"En, the weather is really good today, and there is a youthful atmosphere on campus ~"

Huasheng looked at the clear sky and the young beautiful women who passed by him, suddenly felt that he was old, saying that he was only in his 20s?

Before crossing, I had to continue my studies, but I didn't expect that there would be such an opportunity. Do you want to make up for the regret? Watson suddenly remembered his bitter sea journey in the library ... forget it. But is Banner's girlfriend here? Some forgot ...

"Your girlfriend is a student here?"

"No, she is a doctor and teaches here."

"······forget it."

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