"Meow ~"

"Do you like the one who wears a skirt? Um ... indeed, but I think the one next to her is also good ~"

Banner looked at Watson and Ban Ye who were connoisseurs of ‘campus scenery’ and sighed helplessly, turned his head and continued to look at the door waiting for the man he was thinking about.

When Betty came out, she couldn't help but open her mouth and said: "She's out, right there!"

Who is peeking around Miss Sister quickly heard Benner's words and quickly turned around: "Where? Let me see ..."

Banner looked at Watson squeezing in front of himself and shrugged helplessly: "What are you so excited about ... come with me."


"Leave Ban Ye."

Two men and one cat came under a tree, Banner held out his hand and said, "That's the one, the one who just sat in the chair."

With Banner pointing, a beautiful woman sitting on a bench with a satchel playing with a mobile phone entered Watson's eyes.

"Oh, I saw ... brother, she is very good, although her mouth is slightly bigger, but it is really good. What is her name?"

Banner looked at Rose, who suddenly smiled, a little stunned, his hands involuntarily put in his heart: "Betty Rose, but she has a big mouth? I don't think she is perfect in my heart ..."

"You call Xishi in the eyes of a lover." Watson saw Betty turned her head and quickly said to Banner: "Look, she looked, she is looking at you!"

Banner stepped back slightly and said, "No, no, she should have just come by accident ..."

"Aren't you going to find her?"

"···· It is dangerous to be with me now."

Watson looked at such a counseling Banner and couldn't help but pushed him a little: "Afraid of something, what danger can I have ?! Go and find ..."

Just as Watson urged Banner to recognize her, a handsome and gentle man walked in front of Rose, took her hand and kissed her lips ...


Watson looked at this scene and suddenly dumbfounded, why did I forget this thing!

But to be honest, this kid is indeed more handsome than Banner ...

"Uh ... you still don't want to go?"

Banner watched the two holding hands and talking and laughing, walking away and muttering: "Yeah ... or don't go anymore ..."

Watson followed Banner out of the school, watching Silent Banner sighed and patted him on the shoulder: "Let ’s go to dinner first, believe me, the food can remove troubles."

Hearing Watson's words, Banner seemed to think of something: "Eating? Wait ... I need to go somewhere to find someone."

"Where are you going?"

"Stanley Pizza."

"Pizzeria? That's great. Can he borrow me to use it in his kitchen?"


"We are at Watson."


Ding Lingling ~

Ok? Natasha? Watson answered the phone and said to Banner: "Go ahead, I'll come right away."

"Hey baby miss me?"

"Of course, are you still in Brazil? I know Stark is back, but he said he doesn't know how you are, so where are you now ..."

"Are you still asking, of course I won ~ It's just that you forgot to tell you yesterday. I will go back soon maybe I can have a surprise tonight ~"

"Really? Okay ~ I'll wait for you at home."


Banner looked at the old man opposite him and explained carefully: "Stan I promise you, all the rumors about me are false ..."

"I know, I always believe in you." Stan nodded: "You also know my friendship with you two ... Have you talked to her?"

"On ··· she doesn't know that I'm coming back ··"

Tapping tapping ~

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Banner heard that it should be Watson, but after standing up, Stan was pressed on the seat.

"Let me go, it is better for you to show less." Stan got up and walked directly to the gate.

Knocking knocking ··

"Okay, don't knock, who is? We have closed the door!" Stan, who came to the door, saw the face of the person with the help of the moonlight. My God ... how could he be, he came for Banner ? !

Stan walked to the door and naturally resisted the door with his hands and feet: "Are you ... Are you the Fire Knight?"

Watson nodded and said, "Yes, can you let me in?"

After listening, Shi Dan shook his head and said, "We have closed the door, now we are no longer doing business."

"No, I came to find someone, Banner, we are friends."

Stan still pressed his hand against the door. Are you a friend of Banner? Do you think I am stupid?

"Banna? Who is Banna? It's just me who is a bad old man, and my name is Stan, and there are no more people here. Sorry, Mr. Cavalier, you can look elsewhere."

Huasheng looked at Stan in front of him with some helplessness, which could not be explained, the darker the darker. You ca n’t do anything with an old man ... Watson clearly looked at Stan with his hands and feet against the door, as if he would break into the door, do I look like that kind of person?

"Stan, what are you doing yet?" Banner walked out from behind and saw a speechless Watson looking at himself suddenly understood what was going on.

Stan watched Banner walk out and turned his head to squeeze his eyebrows, and Banner looked at it and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Okay, Stan, let Watson come in, he is my friend He came back to him again. "

···· What are you talking about?

"···· Father, don't you think I didn't lie to you, right?"

Stan flattened his mouth and opened the door somewhat embarrassedly: "Sorry, I thought you were here ..."

"I thought I came to catch Banner?"

"Yes ..."

Watson walked in and said, "I did catch him before, but I learned that Banner was a good person, and there were some misunderstandings."

Watson walked into the back kitchen with them and sat down, looked at Banner and said, "Is it more confirmed to me and Tony's point? A friend who is willing to take risks to help himself is really rare."

Shi Dan smiled and said, "Oh thank you, I'm just an old man, but my relationship with them is really good."

Huasheng looked at some vegetables and meat and stood up and said, "Can I borrow your kitchen to use it?"

"May be OK ... but today's pizza is sold out, if you need to eat something, I can help you make some soup, just like Banner's ..."

Bana smiled and interrupted Stan and said, "Okay Stan, Watson wanted to cook."

"···· Cooking?" Stan looked at the summoning Watson summoned the hand armor and nodded slowly after raising the flame on it: "Well ... looks like his cooking method is quite special of."

Hua Sheng turned his head to look at Shi Dan and said: "No way, it didn't matter when it wasn't before, but since learning, his mouth has become more and more tricky."

After finishing, Huasheng took out a small piece of snake dragon's spine from his backpack and shook his head. It was almost used up. It seems that there was a good time to draw a lottery.

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