Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

: Fanwai-The Little Story of Monster Hunter

For those who do n’t know monster hunters ~ So I will send another one today ~

The beginning of this story is to start with the ancient kingdom of Shureid.

Once upon a time, "hunters" had their own civilization. This extremely prosperous civilization was devastated about a thousand years ago, and the emergence of "East Reed" and "West Reed" The boundary between these two areas is the "Old Shurad City" in the middle.

The reason why the "Suraid civilization" was destroyed has always been divided. However, although civilization was destroyed and destroyed, after all, there was a ray of fire-the last fire of "Repair Civilization", Wang Li Knights and Wang Li Academy were still preserved.

The former possesses powerful fighting power and guards the projectile land on which human beings nowadays depend, while the latter is inheriting civilization, while passing on knowledge while exploring the secrets of the past.

Although has lost the status of mainland hegemony, at least human beings can still rest and recuperate. In order to warn future generations, they also remind themselves that people call the unknown places outside the "Suraid civilization" area as "borders."

Of course, peace of mind is only temporary. Whether it is for the purpose of reproduction or the instinct for curiosity, mankind needs to open up new territory, so those with extraordinary skills become active and driven by their own purposes and interests. , Set up a few different organizations.

The most famous of these is, of course, the Hunter ’s Guild that conducts hunting and crusade of various giant creatures, the Wang Lishu Team who collects materials in various fields, and the Gulong Observation Bureau established for hundreds of years to counter Gulong. In addition to these organizations that enjoy a high reputation in human society and have high achievements in their respective fields, there are many regions with their own combat forces, mercenaries, caravans, etc.

With the efforts of various warriors, mankind slowly began to re-explore this world that once belonged to mankind. During these non-stop explorations, mankind has discovered one thing: The reason why the once brilliant civilizations disappeared is inseparable from the huge monsters that are now rampant on the mainland.

Today, people have no way of knowing how the battle that destroyed the world happened, but after more and more witnessed the ancient dragon, in the process of fighting the ancient dragon, people finally understood the meaning of the legend.

When confronting the ancient dragon species "Laoshan Dragon", the Wangli Knights once tried to solve the Laoshan Dragon once and for all by using 300 artillery volleys. However, the damage caused by the artillery to the Laoshan dragon was minimal, but it was because these guns used a large amount of dragon medulla, and the smell of the burning dragon medulla was full of the hormonal taste of the male fire dragon. A large number of female fire dragons and partners ♂ The male fire dragon of sexual **** (should be followed) flew to the battlefield. The male and female fire dragon and the old mountain dragon that covered the sky and the sun let the scene fall into not only embarrassment but out of control ...

But for the ancestor who caused all this chaos, Gulong-Laoshanlong, he really just passed by ...

Whether it is the original intention of the ancient dragon or not, for humans, the appearance of the ancient dragon means the advent of "natural disaster".

But not only the ancient dragon will bring enough disasters to overturn everything, humans have also discovered many creatures with destructive power, such as the "great phobia" loofah-terror dragon, "the king of tooth beasts" super race Asians-Golden Lion, "Black and White Double God" Husky, two silly, Benglong and Tyrannosaurus.

The more human beings penetrate into this world, the more they discover the dangerous and unknown hidden deep in this world.

And through a series of observations and studies, humans have discovered the secret of this world, which may still be hidden in the ancient dragon.

Gulong is a classification established by human beings from word of mouth and exploration of the world. In addition to the characteristic of "natural disaster" coming, Gulong almost has a long life, and its skeleton structure is also very special, scales The structure is also very different from other dragon species, but the most important thing is that the ancient dragon blood contains a lot of unknown elements.

Although it is called an element, it is not a kind of radioactive particle, but a living cell. For the rigor of definition, bachelors still call it “element”. This kind of cell is extremely corrosive and able to Most organic and inorganic substances are destroyed, and after extraction, weapons containing such cells can also cause great damage to dragon blood.

This kind of element found in the blood of the ancient dragon was finally named as the dragon element, and the "dragon attribute" weapon mainly for the ancient dragon was developed from this.

With these discoveries, humans have gone further, and more and more remains have been discovered by the investigating corps, the Wang Lishu squadron, the Gulong Observation Bureau, and the hunters.

Through the investigation of ancient towers, ruins plains, tree seas, volcanoes, and many other places, humans have discovered more and more traces and relics from the ancient times. These traces in the hunting grounds prove that the legend may be true. . That legend about the human-dragon war may have really existed.

The first to be discovered should be the ancient weapons that the hunters called "the ancient block". After identification and restoration, these ancient weapons showed an amazing amount of dragon attributes, which means that in the ancient times, humans The application of elements is far more mature than it is today.

And after that, the members of the Wang Lishu team discovered ancient warehouses and ruins of artificial creatures (Gundam Mecha) during the Archaic Wars buried in the ruins in the forest.

According to records of unknown origin, it takes about 30 adult dragons as materials to make such weapons. The surface is covered with steel armor, plus the dragon horns, limbs and claws, tail, and huge steel wings that are characteristic of the dragon. Firepower, physical strength, and endurance are invincible and powerful. Ability can be comparable to the previous dragon. (After possessing dragon fighters, humans can easily contend with ordinary dragons)

This kind of war weapon composed of steel and flesh and blood is called "Dragon Air Force" by human beings. The existence of this weapon confirms the conjecture of earlier scholars, that is, in the ancient times with countless legends but now no trace, human technology has developed enough to shape life or life-like bodies through materials. Level.

Due to human's aggressive nature or coveting the dragon's powerful fighting power, humans once flooded the dragon-building technology to every place on the mainland. The previously discovered ones that are full of "dragon attributes" are called "the ancient block" The weapons of ancient times may be the side evidence of that period.

The endless hunting and demand of mankind for nature and dragon species finally led to predictable consequences.

An ancient war between humans and dragons took place.

Where did this battle begin? People today have no way of knowing it, but what can be seen is that almost all civilizations and splendors of the ancient times disappeared on this road.

This is the demise of the "Suraid Kingdom". In all kinds of legends and clues, it points to the ancient dragon named "Miraporias".

The war that led to the demise of the "Suraid Kingdom" left only this description:

When countless flying dragons are expelled, the legend will come

It appears when countless flesh is torn, bones are crushed and blood is sucked up

It burns the earth, melts steel, transpires rivers and mountains

It calls the storm to blaze and create fire

Its name is Miraboreas

It is called the battle of fate

Its name is death that cannot escape

Loud roaring thunder like thundering ears shocks the soul

Miraboreas its name resounds in the world

The messenger who overturned the world was called Miraboreas

Today's human beings are just starting a new round of firefighting on top of the civilization that the ancient humans annihilated.

This is the grand story hidden behind the daily life of "Monster Hunter" series of medicine and fish hunting ~ ~ About Gulong

One, rarity.

In the background wall of the monster hunter, all ancient dragons are haunted by ghosts, even the relatively large flying dragons are extremely rare.

For example, the dragon is called boom climbing by players. Flying dragon species have appeared in the CG. In the background, the dragon is an extremely powerful and extremely rare dragon.

Met in the CG story, the last time I met was 20 years ago.

The Benglong in the second generation appeared only a few hundred years apart for the second time.

But in our games, it is impossible for you to keep finding strange fights, right? You can brush maps and materials, but Gulong is actually very rare.

2. Strength

In the background story of the monster hunter, it is not the hunter who defeats the dragon alone, but the dragon in the background of the monster hunter.

And the Dragon Clan will appear a dragon person every thousand years, its strength can be 1V1 PK large flying dragon. (In the background story in P2, I defeated the Black God Tyrannosaurus and battled the White God Collapse Dragon. For example, the big elder in the game is a dragon.)

They are all NPCs in the game, called ancient dragons. The hunter is a new occupation emerging in the new era, the last dynasty has been destroyed by the black dragon.

Black dragon is also the only officially confirmed ancient ancient dragon.

All battles against ancient dragons are based on units, and are all repelled in the background, not beheaded. And for a huge ancient dragon (Laoshan dragon, etc.), it can only change its direction of travel ...

Everyone has finished reading ~ So based on the above, don't forget that the sleeping book is strengthened by golden fingers!

More detailed stories are related to the work ~

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