Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 118: My Ailu friends are all over the world

Tony stopped in the air and yelled, "Great detective? How are you doing?"

General Rose stepped forward two steps, staring at the smoky dust, while Betty took advantage of the stunned soldiers and ran away to the smoke instantly!

Soon, the smoke dissipated, and Watson was standing on the edge of the crack, panting.


The edge of the cave entrance of Watson Station sighed: "I knew it was not so easy ..."

Snap ~ As if to respond to Watson's words, a big green man stood up from the inlaid mud and walked in front of Watson.

"Hoo ... Hoo ..." The two were slightly silent and suddenly started again!

"No !!! Stop, stop !!!"

Huck heard Betty's voice and stopped his fist, but Watson had the time to turn the knife slightly, and patted the head of Hulk gently with the knife surface ...


"I'm sorry, I can't help it ..." Watson finished and put away the Flying Dragon Sword, and looked at Betty who was running.


"Bruce! ... It's me ... It's me, Betty."

Hulk lowered his head and looked at Betty. The huge gasp slowly subsided, and his angry eyes gradually dissipated.

"never mind····"

Hua Sheng looked at the beauties and beasts in front of him and rolled his eyes at each other affectionately, and it was not as good as the heroine's words ...

Huasheng put away the dragon wings and equipment and turned around and said, "Hulk, we will continue next time. I think you are busy. Tony, we have withdrawn."

"Roar ~!"

"Hey ... Look at me ... Okay, it's alright."

Huasheng shook his head, walked up to Ban Ye and hugged him back.


"Watson! You even left my daughter alone with him!" Rose watched the Watson who came back and asked directly.

This somewhat uncomfortable Watson directly opened the dragon's mighty 100% output!

After doing all this, Watson turned his head to stare at General Rose and said, "Let me have this set of generals, you know very well that neither Hulk nor Banner will hurt Betty. It has only been you who always hurt Betty! Let me grab Betty from Hulk? Are you afraid she was accidentally beaten into meat sauce? "

Looked at the general who was unable to speak, and withdrew his power and turned his head away.

"Tony, I'm leaving now."

"OK, I'll pick you up the day after tomorrow."

After speaking, Tony looked at General Rose and shrugged: "I was so angry when I saw Watson for the first time, but I still understand you ~ After all, we have known for so long, right?"

After they left, the sky seemed to cater to the depressed atmosphere, and a heavy rain enveloped General Ross, Betty, and Banner, as if there were only three of them left in the world.

General Rose's heart echoed Watson's words, and watching Betty looked at herself with indescribable eyes, she had mixed feelings.

Huck looked at General Rose and narrowed his eyes, picked up Betty and disappeared into the rainy night.



"Hey ~ Aunt Liya and Uncle Polk, how are you ~"

Aunt Liya, who heard the sound at the door, turned her head to look at the coming person and stood up in surprise. She walked to the door and gave Watson a big hug: "Oh ~ boy, are you back? Natasha said you went to Brazil There are some things that I have been worried about dying without your news. "

"Hahaha ~ I have said you are so worried, our Watson is the Fire Knight hahaha."

"Look old Polk, please shut up." Aunt Liya turned her head and glared at Uncle Polk, then she would pull Watson in: "It's time you came back, kid, I'm going to prepare dinner ~"

"Wait aunt Riya, uh ... I have a new member to introduce to you ~"

"New member? Oh ... do you mean another cat?" Aunt Liya immediately smiled when she heard it.

"Uh ... you already know?"

"Hahaha, Natasha told us the last time I came, and I heard that it is very powerful ~"

"Okay ... I thought I could give you a surprise ~" Said, Watson took a step back and exposed the spotted prince outside the door ~

"This is Lord Ban, Lord Ban, this is Aunt Lia and Uncle Polk ~ are our loved ones."

"Meow ~ ( ̄ ▽  ̄)"

Aunt Liya picked up Lord Ban and raised her eyebrows, and said to Watson: "The little guy looks really fierce ~ Oh roar but it's also cute ~"

"Goo · Meow?"

At this moment, a sound suddenly came upstairs, making Baner's knife ears stand upright.

"Look at my brain, I forgot ~ go find your little friend ~" Aunt Liya put down Lord Ban and watched Lord Ban rushing up the second floor, dancing across the floor from the halogen egg.


"Goo ~ Meow!"

The two cats became more and more excited, and each took out their own weapons and jumped up.

【Ai Lu Cat Spotted Lord and Detel Braised Egg establish a linkage relationship. 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden achievements: My Ai Lu friends are all over the world. 】

[Obtain Linked Transmission Permission: When Lord Ye enters the fighting state, he can temporarily summon the halogen egg to the battle of Lord Ye for 3 hours. After leaving the war or exceeding the time limit, the halogen egg will return to its original position. Only 2 times a day ~ ~ This system news to Watson listened to a ignorant ... This is a little bit 6, remote call support? After leaving Braised Eggs next to Aunt Liya and Uncle Polk, I felt I could not let Braised Eggs help fight. Trap is a big assistant. If PK Hulk had this function, it would definitely be easy a lot of.

"Okay, you two, it really gave me a big surprise, but you guys are more laid back, especially your spot master, meow hammer carefully play."

"Meow ~"

Watson shook his head and sat across from Uncle Polk and talked about the fun of going to Brazil with Tony.

Aunt Liya went into the kitchen and started preparing dinner ~

Not long after the two chatted, Uncle Polk was attracted by the mew hammer shining in Lord Ban's hands.

"Boy, what is the one that Lord Ban holds?"

"Hmm ... is Lord Ban's weapon." Watson smiled, and Uncle Polk was still interested in this.

Weapons? Upon hearing Watson's words, Uncle Polk's eyes showed a curious look: "What kind of weapon? How can it still emit that kind of yellow light?"

"It's just a hammer ... but this hammer will ... Explode == so it's a little dangerous."

Uncle Polk became more interested after hearing the explosive hammer, and stood up and walked to Lord Ban.

"Meow?" Ban Ye and Braised Egg stopped to watch Uncle Polk make a suspicious voice.

"Uh ... Can I take your weapon for a look?" Uncle Polk seemed to think of something again after he said, "I can show you my weapon ~ We exchange it, OK?"

After hearing a pair of big eggs, he looked at Uncle Polk with wide eyes, but it was very clear that Uncle Polk was very precious in his arsenal.

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