Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 119: King of the gods, Lord of the dragons?

"Meow?" Ban Ye looked at Uncle Polk and turned to the Watson on the sofa ...

"Hey ... Mr. Ban to show Uncle Polk, but you are going to the basement. Also, Uncle Polk must pay attention to safety. Although the explosive power of the hammer is not as good as a grenade, it will not be too bad. . "

"Relax, boy, let's go to the spot, let's go to the basement ~ By the way, let you visit and visit my arsenal hahaha ~"

"It's such an old kid ..."

Watson watched Uncle Polk, who could not wait to pull the Lord Ban and the marinated egg, sighed, then opened a bag of nuts from the table, slumped on the sofa and turned on the TV to watch the latest news.

"There are rumors that earlier today, the U.S. military and a green giant engaged in a fierce armed conflict near the University of Corvo. Just after the U.S. military suffered casualties, Iron Man and the Flame Knight appeared and defeated together. ' "The Hulk", but the Hulk took hold of Dr. Betty Ross of Corvo University to escape. Two sophomore students witnessed part of the passing. "

"That guy is very big ~ And the power is also very strong."

"Yes, we saw him slap Iron Man flying ..."

Watson watched the TV content a bit stiff and stopped his movements. Now he has replaced Tony as a regular news player?


Click here is Natasha.

Watson heard the door opening and turned his head, watching Natasha coming in and sat up.

"Hey ~ Hani." Natasha saw Watson at home, walked over and kissed Watson on the sofa, then raised her head and looked at the TV and said, "Now you are on TV almost as fast as Sri Lanka. Tucker. "

Huasheng just wanted to say something that was suddenly attracted by a sentence on TV.

"Also, we saw the latest form of the Flame Knight today, he can control the thunderbolt! That ’s really handsome. Also I think the Flame Knight ca n’t describe him anymore, I should call him the Thunder Knight ..." Or Thunder Knight? "

Natasha raised her eyebrows and looked at Watson: "It seems that another thing is not a secret ~"

"I didn't notice that there were two students there ... but that's okay, it's really not a secret ~" Watson is actually a little helpless. The two ghosts of the plot of the dragon are only remembered, and I have no time to go and see. Minimap or something ...

Hua Sheng put Natasha in his arms and said, "Others don't matter, I just hope they don't give me any strange nicknames. What the **** is the Thunder Knight? It's so bad ..."

Natasha smiled and said to him: "Then you like Stark to announce a nickname yourself?"

"So what do you think I should be called?"

Natasha tilted her head for a while and shook her head: "This is still your own idea ~ I don't have any good idea. But you can think about mythology? After all, dragons are creatures in mythology."

Watson joked on the sofa and said, "Myth? Well ... Odin in the Nordic mythology is the king of the gods, then as the master of the dragon, that is the master of the dragons? Why should I? One level higher than Odin ~ "


"Huh?" Odin lowered the glass in his hand, and Friega asked aside: "What happened?"

Odin shook his head: "No, nothing."

Odin said this, but his thoughts had reached Heimdall ’s mind: “Did the dragon you observed have the latest action?”

"Your Majesty is not yet available."

"Okay, remember to tell me if it appears."

"Your Majesty."


Watson's words made Natasha laugh out loud: "Dear you, are you serious? Then ... you can't call you king ~ but call you Emperor?"

Watson sounded a little bit interesting: "The emperor of the dragons? If so, what would you call me?"

"His Royal Highness?"

"Hahaha seems to be a bit interesting, but ... seems a little too shameful or is still considering ..."

Boom! ! !

"what happened?!"

"What happened?" Watson watched Aunt Ria rushed out of the kitchen and quickly comforted: "Aunt Ria, it's okay, it should be Uncle Polk and Lord Ban who are experimenting with weapons? Well, let me go and see . Baby, go with Aunt Liya, you should have scared her just now. "

"Okay, go and see what happened."

Watson nodded and hurried towards the basement.

As soon as I opened the door of the indoor shooting range, I saw a blackened wall in the innermost corner ...

"Uncle Polk ... what are you doing ..."

"Ahaha, it's you, boy, I just tried its power! It's really great!" Uncle Polk raised his meow hammer with a smile on his face, and just made a bomb. When his posture wanted to come again, Watson quickly stopped him.

"Uh ... Uncle Polk, just now ... Aunt Lia was terrified, so you better go up first ... to comfort her?"

Hearing Watson's words, Polk's body suddenly froze ... turned his head and asked carefully: "Is it serious?"

"Probably ... Is it okay?"

"I'll be back soon ~" After saying that Uncle Bock directly stuffed the meow hammer into Watson's hand and ran upstairs ...

"··· Come on, don't laugh, you two. Come up with me and eat for a while."

As soon as Watson went upstairs, she saw that Aunt Liya was standing in the living room and was angry with Uncle Polk ~ ~ Just when Watson wanted to say a few words, the halogen egg ran directly over And jumped into Aunt Liya's arms skillfully.

"Oh, little guy, you help him every time ~" Aunt Liya hugged the braised egg and glared at Uncle Polk and turned to the kitchen.

"Meow ~"

And Watson actually saw Uncle Polk's thumb extended to the braised egg, and the braised egg stretched his head and blinked? !

"I must be blind ..." Uncle Polk's PL deal with braised eggs ...

Said Watson turned his head and looked at Lord Ban ... Do you want to leave Lord Ban here for further study?


Forget it ... too ruined cat design. My Ban Ye is a fierce group of cats!

"Children ~ here for dinner. And you Polk!"

Watson gave Uncle Polk a helpless look and pulled Natasha to the table.

"Aunt Liya's craft is still better than me ~"

"Oh roar ~ you will praise me, kid, but I know your cooking skills have already surpassed me ~"

"That's not the same. Aunt Lia has a special feeling, it's different ~"

Uncle Polk was silently eating, and Aunt Lia rolled her eyes: "Well done, eat well, don't need to be poor, can you tell me in advance next time you have any big movements? "

"Good sir, no problem sir!"

Uncle Polk's appearance made Aunt Liya stare at him angrily, but she couldn't help laughing. Watson watched them quietly hold Natasha's hand and smiled at each other.

Happy laughter is always the main theme of this family. Although sometimes there are a little episodes, it just makes the warm life more vivid.

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