Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 120: Justin Hammer

[Release the free mission and deal with the deliberate loser.

Someone once failed because of greed, but he blinded his loved ones.

Mission goal: whip Ivan (0/1)

Task status: Not completed

Mission Reward: A small pharmacy pack (do you think he is heads-up with Iron Overlord, who loses and wins?)

Monaco, Gulf F1 Holy Land ~

The number of yachts in the bay is the best barometer in this country, and now, it is clearly the most popular time of the year.

Two patrol motorcycles opened the way, and one extended Rolls Royce stopped at the entrance of the hall.

"Ah! Tony!"

"Iron Man !!! I love you !!!"

Took the lead in getting out of the car, and Tony heard the shouting around the mouth, and slowly raised the corner of his mouth.

"Tony, can't you block the door before playing handsome?" Watson reached out and gently pulled Tony out of the car.

When Watson appeared, the crowd burst into greater cheers.

"Wow !!! Is it the Fire Knight?"

"No, no, it's a Thunder Knight, and handsome lightning is suitable for him!"

"Flame is the most handsome guy!"

"Thunderbolt is the most handsome!"

A man with strong makeup and bright makeup walked between the two and said, "What's there to earn? Isn't any knight the same? Tony is the most handsome! Tony !!! I love you!"

The two knight fans glanced at each other, and stepped forward to pat the shoulder of ‘Geek’ together: “Man.”

"What ?! You two go away! I belong to Tony!"

"We are not interested in you, but ..." The two raised their fists at the same time: "It is interested in you!"

Bang ~ Bang!


"When did you become more popular than me?"

"Maybe it was the last time you were shot by Hulk."


Poz watched Depression walking in front, Tony turned his head and said to Watson: "Actually I really feel that he has your friend as a good thing, only you can make him converge a lot."

"That's his nature. There's nothing wrong with it."

Tony suddenly turned his head and pointed at Watson and squeezed his eyes: "You finally said something that suits my heart, I like this sentence ~ Well, this is in Europe, we all have to let it go ~"

"Let's go with it?"

"Well ... It should be natural to pick up girls ..."

"Mr. Stark ~ Is the journey smooth?" Sharon Carter came to stand in front of Tony in a decent yet **** dress.

"Very good, nice to meet you here ~"

"There is a Monaco Racing Club photographer over there, is that okay?"

"Of course ... wait a minute."

Sharon looked. Carter looked at Watson and said, "Hello, Mr. Watson, really ... Long admired, do you want to come together?"

This long-cherished name has a lot of meaning? Watson shook his head: "No, I can just walk around by myself ~"

Hua Sheng took a glass of champagne from the waiter on the side and began to hang out in this celebrity exchange hall.

And when Boz saw Sharon Carter, he immediately understood what happened to Watson's pick-up girl, and showed a polite and embarrassed smile. He looked at the camera and said: "When did you hire her?" ? "

"What? You forced me."

"Hehehe I'm forcing you, your old problems can't be corrected ..."

"Okay, look at the camera, don't laugh so stiffly, don't show your nostrils ~"


Hua Sheng walked to the Jiutai and snapped his fingers at the busy waiter.

"Sorry, what do you want to drink?"

"Thank you for giving me a glass of brandy and ice ~"

"OK, wait."

At this time, Justin Hammer, wearing glasses and a flat face, came over and looked at Watson with a smile: "Hey, is n’t this our knight? Sorry, in my opinion, the flame thunderbolt or something It ’s the same ~ "

Watson looked at the standard clothes and beasts, and the degree of flatness of this long face was not at all what that Bransky ...

"Are you? Forget it ... do you have anything?"

"Uh ..." Justin Hanmer didn't expect Watson to say such a sentence, and he smiled a little embarrassedly: "It seems that I need to introduce myself ~ I am Justin Hanmer, I am a Hanmer military enterprise At the helm of Tony, I have all of them ... Well, except for the armor, but I do n’t lose to him at all. Seriously, I appreciate your ability ~ In my opinion, you must cooperate with me There will be more room for development, instead of following Tony Stark who can only perform with machine armor ~ "

"Machine armor show? I remember you seem to be studying steel armor yourself? And ... Tony seems to have met with you in the military court in Washington ..."

"He seems to have revealed some facts to me ~" At this time, Tony walked with Potts and ignored Justin Hammer, looking at Watson and said, "Where did you go ~ I have been searching for a long time." Then use Justin Hammer just heard the voice 'whispered' and said: "How do you chat with the person I hate the most? Are you afraid that your IQ will be reduced ..."

"Cough ..." Justin Hammer took a sip of wine and suppressed his anger, then said to Tony with a smile: "You're not the only rich man driving a famous car here, and I'm right , Mr. Watson ’s ability is with you ... Alas, it ’s a pity ~ Oh yes, I forgot to introduce you. "

Justin Hamela came to an ‘old acquaintance’ and said, “This is Christine of Flashy World ~ ~ Do you know?”

Tony licked his lips uncomfortably: "Well, I know, but he is not familiar, but he and Watson should be familiar ..."

"Huh?" Watson turned his head to look at a serious nonsense Tony narrowed his eyes, and Potts quickly cast an apologetic look at Watson.

Justin Hammer pointed at Potts and ridiculed: "This is big news, the CEO of Stark Industries."

Kristin nodded in excitement and said to Poz: "Hey, please let me do an interview for you, otherwise my editor will scold me ~"

"Really? ... Of course."

Justin Hammer suddenly said at this time: "In fact, she is going to do a single interview for me in" Flash World "~ I let her visit you by the way."

"·····" Watson heard this sentence and couldn't help it, directly opened the power of the maximum power dragon!

The originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet.

After a moment of silence, a waiter accidentally took the wine glass he handed out and slammed it to the ground. At the same time, the suppressed breath disappeared from everyone's heart with the sound of the glass breaking.

Everyone started talking about what happened just now, and Watson shrugged off at Justin Hanmer, and took Justin Hanmer back a step.

Looking at such counsel to Justin Hammer, Watson turned back boringly and said in Tony's ear: "Your temper is really much better than me."

Said Wan Huasheng to the somewhat stunned Poze with an apologetic look and left the bar with a glass of wine.

What's so special, who allowed you to pretend to be in front of me, wait ... He seems to be gay!

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