Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 1173: Devil's Well, Golden City

"Boom ~"

The explosive flame released by Lord Fire Spirit swept around all of a sudden, but he did not move a half step.

Other big lords who felt the movement inside the volcano appeared one after another, with their abominable faces, mocking mercilessly.

On the other hand, these elemental lords also seem to know that a person, or a half person, has come in the volcanic realm, and they are also close friends of their owners.

In order not to cause misunderstandings, the lords ordered their tribes to give way to him so as to avoid this group of belligerent elves going up to destroy him, and they themselves followed behind curiously.

It is strange to say that when Lord Whitman stepped here, a black light appeared on his body. After this black light emerged, he immediately found the huge and magical crystal bed, wrapped it, and Lift to midair.

In this way, Lord Whitman went all the way to the deepest part of the crater. There was a passage that could accommodate hundreds of people walking side by side, and on both sides was a round stone wall wrapped backwards.

This passage, including the stone wall, is not made of natural rock, but seems to have been carefully crafted by superb craftsmen. It is carved with many patterns and is the same from the sides of the passage. Incomparably dragon-shaped creature.

Unfortunately, these patterns and dragon-shaped carvings that have been exposed outside have been corroded by time, and they look vague, and can only be judged that this is definitely not the volcano itself.

However, after entering the passage, it is completely different. The wall murals inside are quite well preserved. The beautiful carvings on both sides at first glance seem to suddenly enter a grand palace from the volcanic zone. And after entering, it seems to have entered a certain enchantment. A cool feeling suddenly enveloped Lord Whitman, completely without the burning sensation in the volcano.

Also appearing in front of him at the same time was a huge round pit, looking down from the edge, there was only endless dark darkness, and there was no bottom.

This is what the elemental elves here call the Devil's Well, and the moment he stepped in, the outside elemental lords all stopped and were not near.

Lord Whitman glanced at them indifferently, and walked to a small table on the edge of the pit, kneeling on his knees, prostrate and prostrate, and the magic crystal bed that had been floating behind him was dragged by the black light. He flew automatically over the abyss.

"Great host.

You are the creator of everything and the destroyer of everything.

These magic crystals are my gifts. They are the most powerful source of energy in the upper space of the strange world.

Please listen to the prayers of your faithful believers and give me the qualification to step into the abyss. "

As Lord Whitman said to himself, the Devil's Well seemed to feel the presence of the Demon Crystal, and the surrounding ground began to vibrate even with the surrounding volcano, and the Devil's bed was swept up by this under the vibration. The dark energy lifted and slowly declined.

Lord Whitman saw this scene with a smile, which meant that the master heard his voice and accepted his gift.

While he was happy, he suddenly saw another jet of dark energy pouring out of the well and rushing into his body instantly.

"Uh ah ah ah !!!"

A powerful energy that seemed to be able to tear him up was instantly filled, and countless black qi appeared on his body surface. These black qi came out of the body like a black snake, and he circled around the body and got in from the other side. Each circulation will make Lord Whitman's screams even more heartbreaking, and even foreheads and necks can see blue muscles burst.

After a while, Lord Whitman's five senses and seven tricks were penetrated by the black air, which looked terrible, and the screams in his open mouth also turned into the voice of the supporters.

His eyes were so pale that it seemed to have been given by that.

It lasted for less than five minutes, the black gas suddenly gathered, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lord Whitman regained his soul in an instant, suddenly opened a pair of dark eyes, stood at the spot and looked at his hands in disbelief, feeling the surging energy coming from the body and the completely different body from Zhou, the smile on the corner of the mouth cracked maximum.

"Gift! This is a gift! Great master! I will always be your servant-ah!"

Lord Whitman's words hadn't been finished yet, and a powerful suction suddenly appeared in the well, pulling him and the magic crystal bed into it.

"Boom ~"

The Devil's Well is like an abyss, and it can't be seen at all, but Lord Whitman feels that he hasn't experienced much flight, or that he just fell to the ground the next second after he felt the weightlessness.

When he got up from the ground in a panic, a dazzling light shot into his eyes, and a wonderful breath enveloped his body.

After he adjusted to the light to see everything around him, his brain suddenly crashed and his mouth grew unconsciously to the boss to take a deep breath.

"This ... is this ... Golden City?"

I saw Lord Whitman surrounded by all kinds of gold and silver treasures.

There are at least hundreds of huge gold dragon statues scattered around.

Like Lego toys, there are crystals and diamonds all over the castle.

There are also gold coins that have been cast into various shapes, piled up like mountains and piled up like sea.

In addition to a small piece of ground in the center of this large square underground space, there is nothing more than gold and silver.

As for what is inlaid with jewels, swords, and halberds, it is needless to say that the golden pots and jade pillars are all shining.

That light and breath are completely pearlescent.

Such a huge wealth, not to mention Morgan Leffey as a queen, even if she is a hundred queens, she can't come up with these gold and silver treasures.

"Ting ~"

Just when Lord Whitman was seen as dementia, a clear voice caught his attention.

I saw a small space vortex suddenly appearing above a gold coin hill ~ ~ Then, a prototype gold coin fell down and joined the gold coin hill.

The square gold coin knocked by the gold coin accidentally fell down from the hill and fell in front of Lord Whitman. He took a dizzy look and frowned slightly.

"Square gold coins? It's really rare."


"Ah!" The sudden sound frightened him, and the sound of the place quickly threw the square gold coins back into the pit.

"Do n’t be afraid, in order to reward the gifts you bring, you can take away the rewards you deserve from here, as long as you do n’t use space capacity, you can take whatever you want. I did not have much time to talk to you. "

"Lord · Master?" Lord Whitman immediately knelt to the ground when he heard these words, "Great Master! I can't pay anything, I only ask you to make me stronger, I'm willing to follow forever For you! "

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