Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 1174: Earth Giants, the beginning of the cancerous universe invasion!

Wonderland, just as Lord Whitman went to the interior of the volcano.

The Queen of Wonderland, Morgan Leffey also came to the lower space, and arranged large-scale detection magic according to the distance of the lower space.

In order to save magic power to deal with the upcoming battle, she can only select some places with weaker space barriers to arrange.

Although she is the queen and the master of the strange world, she is not a natural high **** after all. Even if infinite gems can be used, she must be based on her own magic. Therefore, she cannot include the entire strange world into her detection range.

If she can continue to use the power of infinite gems just by relying on equipment like the bully, and does not need to rely on other energies to build magic, it is easy to control the entire world with magic.

"Um? This is ..."

Morgan Leffey stopped the magic and floated in the air, looking up. Before that, there was a huge crystal labyrinth above the ground hundreds of meters away.

The Crystal Labyrinth was an ancient ruin that existed before Morgan Lefey made a fortune. I do n’t know who built it or what its purpose is. Anyway, since she became Queen of the Wonderland, the Crystal Labyrinth has stood here.

The crystal labyrinth wall is very tall, with a height of hundreds of meters. It looks as magnificent as a towering city wall, and there is a thick purple smoke over the labyrinth.

The smoke not only has the ability to hinder sight and magic exploration, but also contains a powerful mental attack, which can make people who enter it lose direction, and finally return to the labyrinth in a muddy nightmare.

In addition to the dilemma of lack of water and food, the people who enter the maze also have the largest tribe in the entire strange world, the giant tribe of the earth.

These giants of the earth seem to live here as guardians of the maze. Their size will continue to grow as the magic power increases and the stone is consumed. It will stop until the height is close to the wall of the crystal maze, and in addition to the powerful power The powerful magic resistance attribute is undoubtedly terrible for creatures in the magic world.

The patron saint of the earth used by Morgan Leffey in London was based on the magic created by them.

Therefore, basically stepping into the maze is equivalent to death, which is the common sense of every tribe of magical creatures in the vicinity.

But now, what appears in front of Morgan Leffey is a miserable state. The purple smoke above the maze becomes very thin, and the overall layout of the huge maze can be clearly seen from the outside.

At the same time, there were many damage and explosion marks on the periphery and inside of the wall of the Crystal Labyrinth, and even the purple flame that had not been extinguished was still there.

This event is a giant of the earth that won't easily walk out of the maze. There are several people sitting at the entrance of the crystal maze, looking very frustrated.

And the point is, Morgan Lefee actually saw a half body in the maze above those giants.

Her pure magical atmosphere, beautiful face and delicate facial features, as well as her body integrated with the crystal labyrinth, all illustrate her identity.

The only remaining magic elves in the strange world, the spirit of the crystal maze!

I just heard before that I did n’t even find her trace even if I came to find it.

"Oh roar ~ the little things are pretty cute, don't have to be that bad in my house."

Just as Morgan Leffe recognized the magic elf, the other party also discovered her.

Morgan Leffey paused and decided to go forward to seduce and seduce this magical elf. Such a good guardian is still the only one in the strange world.

But she did not expect that when she walked to the periphery of the entrance, the magic elf said in a bad tone: "You are the one who pretends to be the queen of wonderland ?!

It feels strong is quite strong, but I can say it well, I only help you resist that foreign monster, in addition, it is absolutely impossible to recognize you as the master! "

"Roar roar!" As the magic elf said, the giants of the earth also stood up to cheer for them.

But Morgan Leffey was a bit dumbfounded.

"Listening to your tone, do you know me? We seem to see you for the first time."

"We are the first time, but it is not the first time to count the two dragons you sent!"

The magic elf seemed to be angry, and his body completely protruded from the body of the waterscape wall. He pointed to a large labyrinth in the back and said, "Look at what they exploded into my body! Do you know that I will take decades or even It will take 100 years to return to its original state!

Did n’t we just help? I did n’t say no!

(? ﹏?) The tone of expression gradually aggrieved.

The two stinky dragons look so fierce, and their tempers are so stinky ... I ... I did n’t just let the small stones beat them twice, that ’s how I got used to it for so many years ...

Who knows that they did this kind of thing to me ... and flew to the sky so that I can't fight with the little stones ... I also blasted me and blasted two small stones ...

I, I, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (° ┭ ^ ┮ °)!

(╥ω╥) (╥ω╥) (╥ω╥) "

The magic elf was talking, his big eyes suddenly burst into tears, and finally said sobbing and choking after talking about the atrocities of the Extermination Dragon and Explosive Dragon against her, one couldn't hold back and collapsed and broke into tears.

Seeing his owner crying again, several giants of the earth suddenly panicked, and they all tried to comfort her, and they turned out stone flowers from their heads to please, but the magic elf cried even more, just like a ten. A little girl of one or two years old, erm ... although the appearance does look so big. But according to the age of the magic elf, she should be at least thousands of years.

Morgan Leffey looked at the magical experience of directly losing combat power, and his mouth twitched a few times. In addition to being sprouted by her pitiful look, she also looked at the magic teardrops left.

That was the tears of the magic elf, and the tears of the spirit of the crystal labyrinth. Its pure magical energy even exceeded ten times the size of the magic crystal!

But having said that, she also knows how the two dragons "conquered". It stands to reason that the giants of the earth are not very hot, especially the dozen giants who are fully grown and up to 100 meters in height. A pair of dragons match up ~ ~ If this kind of giant land tribe entered the battle when I first attacked the castle, I am afraid that her castle will be demolished into a pile of ruins in less than an hour. In order to deal with them more easily.

Kelong tribe ...

"Flying directly to tens of thousands of meters to bombard the indiscriminate bombardment is really shameless enough, but also efficient enough, I like it."

Morgan Leffey smirked twice, and flew forward to comfort the little elf.

Although she must be a thousand times older than herself, she looks like an unopened chick.

Coax a child, he should have no problem.

However, just when Morgan Leffey was thinking about it, the magic detection just placed less than a kilometer behind her suddenly alarmed.

Immediately afterwards, a small black thunder crack appeared above Morgan Leffey!

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