Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 1175: Earth Giant Meteor Shock!

"Wow woo woo wow"

When the magic elf was crying, a black crack suddenly appeared above Morgan Leffey.

This dark crack is only insignificant, and can't even let anyone pass,

But this little crack exudes an indescribable and terrible atmosphere, and rushes out of the middle crack to wander in this beautiful 'fresh world', this time the crack is only a few kilometers away from the ground, More than the last 10,000 meters altitude.

They were like a very hungry lone wolf, broke into a group of lambs without resistance, and unscrupulously released their greedy appetite.

Several giant giants of the earth suddenly rushed to look up at the sky and made a warning posture to the crack. Although they are the body of the earth, the magic immunity is extremely strong, but they have a very strong analysis of good and evil ability.

The evil spirits emerging from these cracks can definitely be called their lifetime enemy.

Morgan Leffey sent the magic message to the castle as soon as possible, and then took out his staff, and a huge magic energy poured out around him.

"Why ... what's going on ... sucky ~ sucky ~"

The magic elf sobbed and raised his head, rubbing his big eyes to see Morgan Leffey looking at the sky with a serious face, while she looked up at the sky.

"That's ... ah!"

The moment when the eyes and cracks looked at each other, the ominous feelings and the breath of death in it rushed into her mind as if a big wave broke the embankment, suddenly leaving the magic elf in place.

As an elf born in magical energy, she has a very strong sensitivity to various energies.

Among the large crystal maze, even a grass on the edge, which has been mutated for many years because of immersion in magic, she knows it all.

And this crack in the sky, the huge energy, deep evil thoughts, naked greedy desires, and many other negative feelings in it are the terrible existence that she has never seen for thousands of years.

"Elf over there!"


The magic elf was awakened by Morgan Leffey's magic voice, and his expression recovered in a trance. Two small hands scrambled away the tears on his face and looked at Morgan Leffey.

I saw Morgan Leffey holding a staff to release a huge magic energy. Under her precise control, she sketched a huge six-pointed star magic circle in front of her. Whenever Morgan Lefey completed the construction of a rune, the magic circle passed The coming destructive breath is even stronger.

The destructive and destructive breath of such powerful magic is also the first time for the magic elf, and at this moment, a small crack in the sky suddenly expanded, and then the space barrier was torn to hundreds of meters in length.

The crack in the space was like a wicked evil eye slowly opening, and then a huge head with an abominable face and tickling smelly mucus came out of the crack.

In other words, it is a skull-shaped tentacle with fangs and teeth and hates demonic eyes.

After the eyes of the tentacle opened, he looked around in surprise and then seemed to feel something, and suddenly moved to Morgan Leffey. The next second, it suddenly showed a madness like a devil's smile.

The face of the scared magic elf was all white, and she was the first time she saw such an ugly and evil creature, and through the gaps on both sides of this creature, she could vaguely see the hell-like scene behind!

Unlike magic elves, Morgan Leffey first thought of speed.

"The invasion rate of the cancerous universe is much faster than last time. Is it because of the weak barriers in the lower space?"

"If they use this to open multiple fissure transmission openings in the vast lower space ..."

The more Morgan Leffey wanted the more ugly his face, and immediately turned his head and shouted: "Don't be stunned! Those in the sky are the enemies who intend to invade our world!"

"Invasion of the world ..."


Their universe has no living creatures, only a huge and dirty collection of evil, and they have to rely on eating other worlds and assimilating to grow themselves, that ugly thing

If you let her into the strange world, and kill the strong people involved in the rules of the world, then they can devour the whole strange world in a short time, turning everyone into that ghost!

Therefore, this crisis of the strange world requires everyone to contribute their own strength to fight.

Now, no matter what happened before, we must fight for our world! "

After listening to Morgan Leffey, the magic elf realized that the creatures and fissures that disgusted her in front of him were the idea.

Understand the cause of the matter, the previous anger naturally dissipated most of the time, that is, there is a little wronged, but now no time to think about those.

After all, compared with the ugly tentacles in front of you, the appearance of the two dragons before can be described by angels, and it is impossible to make this world look like that!

"Small stones, go and everyone calls out, knock me down those ugly things, smash him to death, smash him!"

"Roar Roar !!!"

The earth giants acted as soon as they heard the boss.

First, several earth giants roared up to the sky together, and powerful sound waves and ‘Bad Bad Wind’ roared from the mouth to attend the sky.

The roar had not dissipated, and large and small roars sounded in succession in the huge crystal maze.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden tremor of shaking from the earth, as if countless Optimus giants were running on the ground.

But in a blink of an eye ~ ~ Morgan Leffey saw many giants from the entrance of the Crystal Labyrinth, and the giants at the door walked out to raise their thighs Dislike.

"Boom--!" The ground in front of him cracked and rose under the control of power and natural earth magic.

Because of ‘long-term life / combat needs’, the earth under the crystal labyrinth and the surrounding area has been transformed into pure rock layers under the deliberate change of the giants of the earth, with only a layer of soil floating on the surface.

At this moment, as the giants of the earth stepped on them, all of them came out of the ground with irregular boulders. Several giants of the earth picked up some of the largest stones and threw them at the cracks in the sky.

The power of the earth giants is terrifying, and they can also use their ability to control the earth and rocks to perform "magic acceleration", so throwing giant stones is one of their housekeeping skills. They can fly up to three kilometers high, and the maximum landing point can reach hundreds. Kilometers away.

Throwing the boulder from Eagle Country London to Paris, the country opposite the ocean, has no problem, but the accuracy cannot be guaranteed, but the huge crack just a thousand meters away is just a target!

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