Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 123: New ···· Shards ···

Tony couldn't help but look at what happened just now and asked, "Are you your new ability?"

"Hmm ~ Do you want to try too?"

Hearing Watson's words, Tony put on his face shield and knocked on his helmet and said proudly: "Aha, this ability doesn't work for me ~"

"Then I will take off your helmet and give it to you!"

"Tony? Tony! My God, you are crazy!" Potts ran down from the car and watched Tony's black whip covering his mouth.

"Hey, you are the CEO now, you need better security. Well, well, it's okay, calm down."

"Calm down? How can I calm down! Do you want me to change a boss as soon as I become CEO ?! You can't ... can't you say it in advance ?!"

But Watson didn't pay attention to this little couple, and directly got into the Rolls-Royce and looked at Happi, said: "Can you change to a broken car next time, I feel distressed ~"

Hapi couldn't help laughing after listening: "It happened too suddenly, and we are the only one here ~"

"Ah ~ I still want to experience the customs and customs here. This time it was all destroyed."

Tony took Poz into and said, "Don't worry, I will continue to take you to play next time."

Hapi turned to look at Tony and said, "Where are we going now?"

"We first ..."

Jingle Bell ~

Hua Sheng touched his pocket and showed a puzzled look: "Who is calling at this time ..."


"It's my Natasha, dear you are there now? Here ... There are things that we can't solve, there are two giants here, and there have been very heavy casualties, and it is in New York City."

WTF? ! Hulk and hatred? How could they appear at this time ... After all, it's a change of the future.

"Aunt Lia, how are they?"

"I'm relieved to transfer them the first time."

"Well, I am still in Monaco, I will go back soon, you must stick to it! Help me clear the sky."

Tony looked at Watson who hung up and said quickly, "What happened?"

"It's a very bad thing, Tony, I need you to help me, it's time for the gold partner to attack."

Tony heard Watson's words and turned to look at Poz ...

"···· ok, but you must pay attention to safety, please."

"I won't get hurt ~ But ... Watson, I need to go to the barbarian to ask something, that is very important to me."

Watson nodded and walked off the car directly: "Then I won't wait for you, you come as soon as possible."

A pair of dragon wings flared up and set off a gust of wind that captivated Potts and Happi. When the two opened their eyes, they disappeared from Watson.

After the people in the audience saw the Watson who stretched out the dragon wings and quickly disappeared in the air, the audience suddenly became quiet ...

After a brief silence, various screams and shouts suddenly broke out.

"What was it just now? I read it right, ah !!! Why are you pinching me?"

"It must be painful for you to call it so loudly ... Isn't that an illusion ?! Flame Knight has wings ?!"

"My God ... This is so crazy, the wings are exactly like the dragon wings in the comics!"

"So is he a human ..."

"Hey man, no matter what he is, at least he has been protecting humans ?! But I think the Dragon Knight is the best for him now!"

Pozz was awakened by the noise and turned his head to look at Tony: "What happened just now? I seem to see the wings?"

"Uh ... yes, that's one of his abilities. Well, we have to hurry up. Help me contact the government here. I'm going to meet the barbarian. Also, get ready to fly ... I should Let Watson keep a pet to take me home. "

"Pets ?!"


[Release Free Mission: Timeline of Deflection

As a protagonist, you have finally done what you should do-break the history. Now you need to solve the security risks caused by yourself.

Mission goal: hate (0/1)

Task progress: not completed

Mission reward: Special Summoning Ticket Fragment × 1, Zulong Essence × 1】

[Release Free Mission: Destruction King

Two fat people appeared in the city. You punched me and destroyed the city with one foot. Let them know how to be a good baby.

Mission goal: stop yellow fat man and green fat man.

Task status: Not completed

Mission reward: Monster equipment upgrade link fragment × 1. 】

Watson nodded in satisfaction with this task.

Special summon ticket fragments appeared again, and the essence of Zulong, I do n’t know when I can go to see Zulong again. He seems to say that there is still a lot to do?

But ... system, what is this monster equipment upgrade link?

【Monster equipment upgrade link can connect the existing lower equipment with the matching upper monster. After the connection, the lower equipment will be upgraded ~ ~ During the upgrade, neither equipment nor monsters can be summoned for a week. 】

"······· Equipment upgrade?" Watson frowned, saying that he hadn't drawn high-level weapons and equipment until now, it seems that he needs special channels?

"It's not bad, at least your lower fire dragon set can be upgraded, but why are you still a fragment !!!"


"Alas ..." Watson sighed and stopped thinking about this troublesome thing, turning to look at the following Monaco and sighed: "This little principality did not expect such a hot. Well ... this height should be enough, the system , Summon a small explosion. "


A huge black shadow appeared above Watson's head, and the small burst just came out and took a few turns in excitement.

"Hurry down to me, you block the sun! And don't appear on my head next time, I don't take the initiative to choose the summoning position for you, you should have a little B number in your mind?"

嗷 ......

"Rebellion is not effective, since you last shit, I never want you to fly over my head ..."

Depressed little explosion flies down to Watson's body honestly, a burst of Mars blowing out from the nostrils and mouth seems to be depressed.

"Hurry to New York with the fastest speed, wait ... The fastest way to return to New York now seems to be suicide-cat car-stronghold ?! Cough cough ... or forget it, this day in case cat car picks up It ’s cool before I get a little burst, go home at the fastest speed, and then I will let you fly casually! "

Aoao ~!

"Just fly casually! Can't defecate anywhere! Special, you are forcing me to build an oversized toilet for you in the future ..."

嗷 ~

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