Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 124: A family that has lived for a day

Boom! ! !

boom! !

In the original bustling streets, two giants rammed inside, causing a series of violent explosions.

Nick Fury sat in the combat command room and watched the video. You punched me but nobody beat anyone. Hulk and Bronsky frowned: "Colson, how is the situation now?"

Coulson sighed with frustration and said: "Sir, the military and the police have pulled the cordon around here. The residents on the edge have almost evacuated, but ... the evacuation of their combat center personnel is too difficult. The location of their battle is too irregular. The military and the police have already suffered casualties. Our people have also suffered a lot of injuries. They are now using endurance medicine to save people. "

"Can we control them."

"Conventional weapons have been tried, heavy weapons can only attract their attention, but can not cause effective damage."

"You can do it if you can't do it! At least keep them both in the same area! Save the civilians while letting them pay attention to their safety, this is just the beginning."

"Okay sir, I'll go right away."

Nick Fury suddenly silenced Coulson: "Where are Agent Barton and Agent Romanov?"

"They are rushing to the center." Coulson knew what he was thinking when he saw his BOSS: "Natasha has informed Watson that he was on his way back, and I have helped him clear the sky. I also let people send Tony's armor over. "

"Colson, we can't always rely on others, this is our battlefield, you know what I mean."

Colson nodded when he heard Nick Fury: "ok, sir."

But Coles, who had just taken two steps back, suddenly turned around and hesitated slightly, saying, "Sir, maybe I said something wrong, but I think we can be ourselves, or allies. As long as we are willing to accept . "

After finishing, Coulson quickly hurriedly left, and at the same time opened his own communication to issue one by one command.

Nick Fury slightly raised his head for a moment, then lowered his head and watched to continue his combat work. No one knew what the agent king was thinking at this time.


Huck and Bronsky have been destroyed as a ruin, and countless military police have 'wipe their ass' behind them.

One corner of Broadway Street has a store that has been affected. From the perspective of the collapsed signboard and the candy in the store, it should be a candy store.

Clinton walked to the store door and saw a man under a fallen steel frame? ! Clinton quickly squatted down, touched his neck with his hand, probed his breath, frowned, and he was dead.

"Fortunately, it is time for the children to go to school, otherwise it will definitely be here ... or go in and see ..."

Clinton took out an instrument, walked into the store door, and swept across it. The flash of red light on the screen was captured by the keen eye of the eagle.

Someone under the ruins!

"Natasha! Here! Someone below, come to help."

Clinton got down from the edge of the ruins and shouted into the gap: "Can you hear me? We're here to save you."

Seemed to hear Clinton's cry, a little dark-skinned Asian girl suddenly appeared in front of Clinton's eyes, she crouched inside staring silently at Clinton.

In the ruins, she was already covered with dust, and her **** eyes were like lotus in the mud. It was better than anything bad here. Clinton asked her concern while looking at her body to see if there was any injuries: "Hey ~ How are you doing? Did you get hurt?"

The little girl did not speak, but just shook her head silently.

"Clinton? Is it a child? How is she?"

Natasha touched the dust on her face and walked into the broken doorway.

"She should be fine, but can this place be opened directly?"

This is a counter. The collapsed wall and the counter just set up a pyramid-shaped ‘safe space’. I have to say that this little girl is really lucky.

"There should be no problem." Natasha looked back and forth and squatted down to look at the little girl and said, "Hey ~ Is there space behind you? I want to help you out ~ A little later ...

The little girl listened and moved back silently.

"Yes, that's it, don't move."

After finishing talking, Natasha stood up and reached out to catch the broken stone. Clinton took a hooked arrow from the back and inserted it into the other corner of the broken wall. He and Natasha glanced at each other.

Bang ~

The broken wall of caused the dust that was still around to dance again, and those bright and clear eyes were rescued from the safe ‘cage’.

Clinton put away the Hook Arrow and shrugged, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... (the more of the sorrows), I said," I swear I've worked hard just now ... "To be honest, I also want to find Watson to turn me into a superman Did you tell Fury? "

"Furi has known for a long time, but it's not what I said."

"Aha, it's Watson? He doesn't want to embarrass you."

"Hmm ~" Natasha squatted down and looked at the little girl. "Are you here? Are there any relatives?"

The little girl shook her head silently ... and nodded gently again ~ ~ This made Natasha seem to frown slightly as she noticed something.

"Natasha, we need to go to the next place ..."

Clinton was talking, the little girl suddenly raised a hand and pointed to the man who died under the steel frame in front of the store.

As Natasha turned her head to look, a clear voice reached her ears.

"Mr. Smith just adopted me yesterday, I used to be at Bliss Orphanage ..."

Just had a family yesterday, and was destroyed the next day?

"Fak ..." Clinton whispered in a low voice and turned quietly.

And Natasha pursed her lips and looked at the little girl and said, "Then do you want to go back to that orphanage?"

The girl lowered her head and thought for a moment, then shook her head silently.

"Then do you want to go to a place where there are many companions who can also learn knowledge?"

"... Will they bully me?"

"No ··· They will help you, you will grow together, everyone will be good friends. Will you?"

The little girl nodded silently.

"Ok ~"

Natasha stood up and said to the newsletter: "Team 4, lock my position, there is a little girl here to help bring her to the branch."

"4 teams have received and are moving to your location."

"You plan to let her ..."

"Yes, there is no better choice anyway, isn't it? Besides, if she wants, she can also become a logistics person."

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