Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 125: Hulk and Abomination

After a while, a team of men in black appeared at the door. Natasha took a lollipop from the counter that had not collapsed and put it in the girl's hand. She looked at her and said, "Relax, I will pay . This is what I call you, okay? "

The little girl nodded, took the lollipop, and followed the man in black.

"Roar! ~"

Natasha stood and turned to look at Clinton while listening to the roar in the distance and said, "Now let us do something."

Clinton took Pulse Bow I in his hand: "I've already prepared it."


Broadway Street, two giants are fighting a life and death battle here! It's just that the shit-yellow giant seems taller?

"Hulk !! Attack!"

Bang ~! As Hulk's fists hung down, a huge force instantly destroyed the street, and huge cracks on the ground began to spread forward, but Bronsky easily escaped.

Click here! !

The two helicopters hovering in the air continuously fired the onboard runner machine guns at the two giants below. That ’s right, the two attacked together!

"This group of bugs ... Go die!" Bransky grabbed a scrapped car and threw it directly into the air.

"No. 1 fast evade! Quick!"

"Fak! Okay, I'm avoiding ... looking back ..."

"No !!! There is one more!"

Bang ~!

Brownsky ​​looked at the sparks of the explosion in the air, opened his mouth and smiled at Hulk: "Ha ha ha ha ~ Did you see? The human weapon is as ridiculous as a child's toy in front of me! This feeling is really wonderful. ~ I am God! And you Hulk, you do n’t deserve to have this power! Look, they did n’t help you, because the civilians who died under your hands are no less than me! ”


Hulk turned a deaf ear to Bronsky. A pair of dark green eyes fixed on Bronsky. He suddenly punched the Bronsky rib before two jumps. The second punch was not yet hit by Browns. Kee gasped back.

"Hehehehe, Hulk, you are no longer my opponent. Look at me! I am now a more perfect and powerful **** than you!"

Brownsky ​​stretched out his hands, a pair of clenched fists grew dark bone spurs, and there was green blood belonging to Hulk, and the bone spurs on the elbow joints were also harder and sharper. His whole body is a killing weapon!

Bronsky walked toward Hulk while talking, and the spurs on his back spine were raised like porcupines: "I really envy your recovery ability, but you lose! Now I have no one. Block! "Said in the end Bronsky had already started running up to Hulk!




"General ... We have lost three helicopters ..."

General Rose's helicopter was originally chasing Bronsky, but the two escorts came up and were beaten by the angry Hulk and Bronsky. Ross had to grind his teeth and pull away to watch their unbridled destruction below.

The appearance of these two monsters during the day made General Rose unexpected. Now he has put a lot of pressure on his head. This is still the case when he agrees that SHIELD and the police enter the battlefield for combat support at the same time. More troops and vehicles were sent to block the battlefield.

"Lieutenant, how is she, Betty?"

The female adjutant carefully looked at General Rose and said softly: "Still in the emergency room, there is no latest news ..."

The hand holding the door of the helicopter was squeezed red, and a layer of gloom remained on General Ross's face for a long time.

"When will the ground tank support arrive ..."

"About 10 minutes to go to the battlefield."

"kill him···"


Rose suddenly turned his head and yelled at the adjutant: "I said, kill him !!!"

This Thunder general who dedicated his life to the military has always pressed his own affection to the bottom of his heart. The honor of the military is more important to him ... but when his daughter is lying in his arms with blood on his face At that time, the father's love that was suppressed inside finally broke out. At that moment he did not know himself, what else could he do for her ...

The adjutant looked at Hysterical General Thunder and nodded silently, but the adjutant followed General Ross for so long, she knew very well that after the war, the general would cancel the order, or he would say it as if he had not said it. .



Call ~ Bang!

A green figure came down from the sky holding a huge water tank. A buckle on Bransky's head stirred up the sky of water mist, leaving only a **** yellow bald head from the top of the tank.


Snapped! boom!

The big fist of the casserole deformed Bronsky ’s face, but he was kicked by Bransky without a hammer. The water tank kicked him to the street, and the big foot stuck on the water tank. It looks funny.

Bronsky looked a little impatient when he watched Hulk climb again ~ ~ broke the water tank with one punch, torn it into iron pieces and picked up two steel bars from the ground. Then he said, "Okay! I played enough Hulk, if not because of your resilience ... Hum! I said the last time, rule the planet with me! We can become the masters of this group of mortals! What's so good about that woman? Besides, whether she can survive or not is not necessarily hehehehe. "

Hook looked at the disgusting smile, clenched the green light in his eyes a bit deeper.


"It seems that you refused ... Then die!" After finishing directing a steel bar at the Hulk like a javelin, Hulk reached a little late to grab it.

Swoosh! puff··

The tip of the steel bar was inserted directly into Hulk's left chest, but only a few centimeters in depth, but also the strength of Bronsky!

The roof of a building beside.

Natasha frowned as she watched the giants in the following battle: "Isn't the data saying that he mutated through the blood of the green guy? Why is his size and strength stronger than the original owner?"

"It seems that because Bronsky had injected super soldier serum before, and after forcing the doctor to experiment with him, he drank all the blood that copied the Hulk, so he became bigger and stronger, and he kept To understand his consciousness, the most important thing is that he used to be an ace special force. "

"Okay, let's delay as much as possible. Help bring him in." After that, Natasha jumped down from the side and began to prepare.

"no problem."

After finishing talking, Clinton looked at the big shit-yellow man below, and pulled a silver arrow from the back on the pulse bow, and a small thunder snake appeared from the bow body and quickly covered the arrow.

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