Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 127: 1st evolution

It seems that there is only one way out, thinking of Watson looking at the volume expansion package in the package.

System, use volume expansion pack × 3 for small bursts!

[Blastscale Dragon ensures that the upper limit of the expansion volume is 200 meters, and the increase of more than 200 meters will not be guaranteed (the maximum upper limit is 300 meters and the minimum lower limit is 201 meters). Are you sure to use the volume expansion package × 3? 】

"200 meters above is not guaranteed? Is this true for all dragons?

【Please upgrade the host as soon as possible to solve this problem. 】

"Garbage system!"

Huasheng sighed and thought: "That's okay, the expansion pack is hard to come by, at least until now I haven't been willing to use it, well ... then use the volume expansion pack × 2."

[Volume expansion pack × 2 was used successfully. 】

With the system's prompt sound, the small burst under Watson suddenly showed a layer of white light, which became thicker and thicker and wrapped it like a cocoon.

Aoao ...

As the sound of the small explosion slowly disappeared, a huge light cocoon was completely formed, and the light cocoon that lost its power began to fall quickly.

"Rely ... was pitted by the system again!"

Huasheng immediately noticed something was wrong, and a pair of dragon wings stretched out from behind and stopped in the air, suddenly remembering what quickly turned around and rushed straight down to the free-falling light cocoon.

This is a few thousand meters high, even if it is the sea below, what is the difference between it and cement? In case I first used the expansion pack to evolve and failed because of falling into the sea, I would lose a lot, and I do n’t know if the failure of evolution will have any effect on the small explosion ...

"System! Take back the small explosion to the monster space!"

[The monster cannot be recovered during evolution. 】

"What a garbage system do you have! Make you miserable!"

After finishing talking, Watson accelerated again until he rushed under the light cocoon. Watson took a deep breath while watching the huge light cocoon on his head, and a pair of dragon wings stretched to the maximum.

Poo ...

An unimaginable force instantly hit Watson's body, and the whole person seemed to be squeezed to squeeze all the qi out of his chest. Watson glanced at the health value, 70%? ! This is the equivalent of 10 Hulk fists hitting at the same time.

Feeling the heavy pressure from the body, Watson tried his best to stop it, or slow it down! But no matter how hard Watson fanned the dragon wings, the falling speed was getting faster and faster: "This can't stop it!"

Watson, who broke through the clouds, looked at the nearer sea and hurriedly gave up the idea, using his full strength to turn his body off the bottom but was hit by several 360-degree rotations of the fast falling light cocoon, in the air Watson, who stood firm in the middle, just shook his head ...

Peng Peng! !

The seawater that blasted into the sky poured Watson into a falling chicken. The originally calm sea surface was instantly smashed into a huge ‘hole’. The surrounding seawater began to flow backwards. A glowing giant cocoon in the seawater illuminated the surrounding seawater.

The light cocoon hit by the impact seems to be stimulated by external forces, and the cocoon with a halo splits a gap.

"I rely on ... won't it crash?"

Huasheng quickly fell close to the sea, and saw that as the light cocoon sank, the gap became larger and larger.

A pair of large wings that shined with silver light penetrated the giant cocoon, followed by a huge head, and the sharp dragon claws extended out of the light cocoon one by one like a new life!

The Watson above saw this scene and finally breathed a sigh of relief: "It's dangerous, it seems that my expansion pack is not wasted ~"

After a while, the light cocoon slowly shrank and seemed to melt into the body of the small explosion. A brand new small explosion appeared in the sea. Xiao Bao felt a completely different body and just wanted to yell with joy, and countless seawater immediately poured into his mouth. Frightened, Xiao Biao closed her mouth quickly, and countless large bubbles exhaled from her nostrils. Then it looked around and began to flap its wings vigorously in the sea and kick its claws ...

"Well ... At this time, a replica of the dog planer, the dragon planer? Why do I feel that the small explosion suddenly looks a little cute ..."

Xiao Biao, who is struggling with a dragon, suddenly thought of a more convenient way ~ Then Xiao Biao stopped his movements, and then a circle of crimson light appeared under the body of Xiao Biao, even illuminating it. The whole sea near it!

"Small burst it should not be intended ..."

Bang ··· A muffled sound seems to come from the sea.

I saw a huge crimson energy burst in the sea. The crimson spherical energy expanded rapidly but was blocked by 10,000 tons of seawater, just like the restless restlessness of the beast bound by the cage!

But as the huge shadow moved quickly upward again, the energy under him seemed to find a catharsis and quickly surged!

Boom! ! !

The violent explosion will make the sea boil, splashing hundreds of meters of waves against the huge black shadow, silver scales gleaming in the sun, bigger dragon wings, bigger claws, and Bigger blackheads ...

嗭 嗷嗷 嗷! !

Successfully evolved small explosion can finally express his joy with roaring ~ ~ even blow yourself out ... thanks to you. "

As Watson said, he folded his wings and landed on Xiaobao ’s back. He looked at Xiaobao, who was twice the size, nodded with satisfaction, that is, if this bigger blackhead kicked up, it might not be smooth. foot·····

Forget it, the most important thing now is to solve those two restless yellow-green double fat.

"Small burst let's go! Target New York!"

Aoao ~!

Call ~ Boom!

The huge dragon wings stretched out and flew out, and a layer of sound barrier was instantly broken, and then Watson suddenly felt a heat appearing on his body and instantly enveloped himself.

Watson clung to Long Saddle with his hands before he let himself out. He felt a bit puzzled after stabilizing his body: "Well? What's going on ... but it's pretty warm ~ forget it This is not important, the important thing is that it has n’t been so cool in a long time, hahaha ~ I just do n’t know how fast this is, but it should be enough to arrive in New York in time. "

Ao ~


Combat Command Office of the New York Division of SHIELD.

"It's tricky enough, but it can get bigger? Where did this mythical creature come from ... Alien? Or was it just awake during the ancient period of the earth?"

Nick Fury looked solemnly at the video image of the geostationary satellites coming from the screen, and it was a small explosion that had just evolved and washed out of the water.

And when the small burst suddenly accelerated, it disappeared into the picture instantly, and Nick Fury quickly switched to the next image to see the explosive dragon in high-speed flight.

"The speed has also become faster, at least Mach 3 and above, and the thermal barrier seems to cause no harm to them ..."

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