Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 128: When can you learn humility

Nick Fury looked at the dragon that was twice as big as last time. The speed and power have increased significantly, and the scales that will explode ...

This is already much stronger than the legendary dragon that only spit fire. Could God be drunk when he created this dragon and accidentally strengthened it?

Nick Fury remembered Watson ’s ability to charge monsters at will. He was simply a mobile dragon nest! But the lair itself also has great power. Nick Fury pressed his eyebrows and suddenly felt a little powerlessness in his heart, but soon this feeling was crushed by himself.

This kind of psychology should not appear on him, at least he thinks so.

"No matter how we should treat you, but the earth cannot be your back garden!"

Nick took a deep breath and closed the video, turning his eyes to the battlefield in New York again.


Huasheng looked at the clouds around him and felt a little bored: "Small burst, let's fly lower and fly below."


"No need to slow down, just go to see the sea ~"

Ao ~

Xiaobang slightly lowered his head and adjusted his direction, and he burst out of the clouds in the blink of an eye. Watson looked at the vast sea under him and felt his anxious mood slightly slowed down.

"It seems that I will find a good place in the future, and I do n’t know if there is any information about the place I asked Coleson to help. I will ask him if this incident is over. what?"

Watson suddenly saw a huge thundercloud appearing on the far sea on the left, covering a large area of ​​the sea. Countless lightnings raged inside, as if to match Tianwei, the sea under the thunderstorm also began to swell and roar continuously.

"The thunderstorm in the sea is really spectacular ~ Alas ... when will those abnormal ancient dragons come out, each one is a symbol of natural disasters."

At this moment, Watson seemed to see a huge island under the thunderstorm, but because of the distance, he did not see clearly.

"Is there an island? This place is estimated to be in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It should be an island that no one has logged in. Well ... Why don't you wait for a risk after you come back? Oh yeah, I almost forgot another thing .Small burst, stop. "

When Xiao Bao heard Watson's words, the big wing suddenly slowed down, and the huge dragon body drew a circle in place and stopped steadily.

The original warm feeling was instantly replaced by some icy sea breeze, which made Watson breathe out comfortably.


"It's okay, I'll make a call"

Said Watson took out his mobile phone and dialed a call.

"Tou ····"

"···· Hey, Aunt Liya? You ..."

"Oh it's you boy, well, I know what you are worrying about, we are far away now. Rest assured, you just do your own thing ..." Watson is listening, the phone is another Suddenly came a hearty laugh: "Hahaha, let go and be a child! Don't worry about us!"

"Hi Uncle Polk, you are all right, um ... Are Banye and Braised Eggs here with you?"

"Yes kid ..."

"I need them to do me a favor, they will find me, and I will go to you as soon as the matter is over."


Aunt Liya on the other side put away her phone and looked at the haughty egg and Ban Ye in the back, and then looked at Uncle Polk with a puzzled look.

Watson hung up the phone and thought for a while, then dialed a phone call that he did not want to make the most. To be precise, he did not like the person on the other side of the phone.

"How is the situation now?"

"Still under my control."

"Seriously, when can you learn to be humble or not bragging?"


"Okay, listen, I have a way, I should be able to solve one quickly, but I need to leave no one over there, so I emptied the people around them, I arrived in about 10 minutes."

"This kind of thing doesn't need you to teach me."


Hua Sheng looked at the hung-up phone and pouted, he really didn't understand politeness, but he would definitely do a good job in this kind of thing.

"However, if you use Kakuya in the city ... will it attract Odin's attention?"

【Will do. 】

"I didn't ask you ... but if you don't use it, you can't handle two fat people. If you are abused, it will be over, not to mention the size of the small explosion. It is estimated that it will be the first time you play ... Let ’s talk about it first, try to keep the war zone as small as possible, and then ... Heimdall ca n’t stare at me 24 hours a day ... "

Hua Sheng shook his head to open the ecological map, and made a mark in the direction of the thunderstorm.

【The marked area is detected, do you name it? 】

"Hmm ... called Skull Island? Forget it, call it No. 1 Back Garden."

【Back Garden No. 1 has been marked. 】

"Pippi burst ~ let's go ~"

Ao ~


Nick Fury hung up the phone and opened the communication again after a slight silence: "In ten minutes from now, I will try my best to search and rescue the civilians in the center area and keep the distance from the target after the mission is completed."

It was not a while before the order was issued, and a video communication was connected to Nick Fury's communication.

"I knew it····"

Nick rolled his eyes and connected to the video communication. The roar inside made Nick still frown.

"Director Nick, what the **** are you doing? Why did you let my person leave in 10 minutes?"

Nick Fury stared at the people in the video and said unreservedly: "General, I am for your sake, we have a way to solve them, but I also need to ensure your safety. And I also need your help ~ www. ~ First clear the current combat area in minutes. "

General Rose squinted at Nick Fury's words: "You want to use unconventional weapons? I wonder if you are authorized?"

"No, it's the conventional method. Okay, general, I know you are uncomfortable. Look at the ruins. The uncomfortable people don't know you. Now you should keep yourself safe."

As Ross bowed his head in contemplation, the adjutant came to him and said, "General, the ground troops are here."

"I will let someone help you contain them and let the soldiers join the search and rescue, as for my affairs, you don't have to worry about it, Director Nick."

After speaking, General Rose directly hung up the video call.

Black halogen egg looks darker on the screen, his face looks darker ...


"Nick said to let retreat, it should be Watson ... but why retreat?"

Clinton looked at Hulk and Bronsky, who were wrestling together again, shook their heads weakly, and then turned back to Natasha and said, "What shall we do now?"

"I don't know ... but if we are all gone, who will keep them here?"

At this moment, it seemed that in response to Natasha ’s words, a violent explosion suddenly appeared at the foot of the abhorrence. The huge impact force made the abhorrence slightly choked two steps. Hulk seized the opportunity to grab the abhorrence He dropped it on the ground with his leg and threw it out, knocking a big hole out of the building on the side.

Has not yet chased after the victory, several explosions suddenly covered Hulk.


The attacked Hulk roared angrily not far away. Suddenly a freezer buckle flew out of the hole and buckled on Hulk ’s head, and the frozen salted fish was scattered all over the place ...

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