Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 129: Horny ass

Clinton looked at the tank that appeared in the distance and turned to Natasha: "It is the military's M1A2 tank, it should be General Ross's person. And it seems that the tank will not do any harm to them ..."

"Tell them, deal with that big **** guy first. We need to hold on for a while."


Hate threw Hulk out, and looked at Hulk who climbed again and squinted his eyes: "Hulk, I found that I hate you more and more ..."

boom! !

A cannonball exploded on the abhorrent head, blocking his words back, turning his head to look at the expression on the face of the tank in the distance. "Ross, do you think this kind of garbage can still hurt me!" ! If it were not Hulk, I would have killed you already! "


"Go away!" Hulk, who was about to kick up, kicked again. He had felt that in this short period of time, Hulk's strength not only did not decline but became stronger and stronger! But this does not affect him to solve the group of toys first!

嗖 ~! An electro-optical silver arrow shot out of nowhere, but was grabbed by abhorrence.

"The trick of a little bug will keep you alive longer."

Hatred picked up a scrapped vehicle in front of him as a shield and rushed to the tank in the distance.

"He came here, retreat! Retreat fast and retreat!"

"Shoot his leg! Everyone sets his leg on fire!"

boom! boom!

Two shells directly blew up the vehicle in his hand, then all the firepower of all the tanks was concentrated under the abominable feet, and at the same time began to quickly retreat as far as possible.

And Hulk watched the abhorrence running ahead shouted again and chased up, Clinton on the top of the building saw the abhorrence running away quickly slide down to the ground with the help of a hook.

Natasha drove a broken Hummer from the back of the block and quickly moved forward. Clinton, who just caught the slide, then stepped on the accelerator and quickly followed the abominable footsteps across the row of houses.

Hasn't gotten far, and suddenly two black shadows popped in front of the road, and whispered ~ Natasha's rapid brake drift stopped just in front of the two black shadows.

"Boiled egg ?! Banye ?! How did you come?"

Clinton first greeted the braised egg and then looked at the spot Ban Ye who met for the first time: "He is the spot Ban Ye? Buddy you equipment is really cool ~"

"Meow ~"

Natasha looked at Ban Ye and asked, "Is Watson back?"


At this time, the braised egg suddenly jumped up and pointed the bone stick in his hand to the sky.

Natasha raised their heads, and saw a black spot in the sky zoom in quickly, and a huge dragon roared through the world, and there was another sound.

"Super, the sky is falling apart !!!"

嗖 ~!

Hated to hear the roar above the head and quickly approached the whistling subconsciously raised his head, just saw an oversized · · · · butt?

"Wote ..."

Poo ...

The huge buttocks landed instantly. If you can slow down, you can also see the hatred squeezed into the twisted face.

···boom! !

With a loud roar, the hard concrete floor instantly cracked, and all the broken houses around collapsed!

The buildings around were penetrated by a tremendous impact without mercy, and the clean glass instantly turned into a broken cobweb shape, and even a crack in the brick wall. The smoke that followed set off like a sandstorm sweeping everything around!

The rapidly reversing tank was overwhelmed by the dust that swept through, and even the radio was affected. The violent vibration and the diffuse sand and dust caused the soldiers in the tank to panic: "After the AIDS ... Accelerate the withdrawal! ··· Starting to collapse! "

Natasha and Clinton and two cats stood on the top of a broken building and blocked the gusty wind with their hands. After the wind calmed down, the two looked at the skyward dust and the huge damage caused He couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

"what is that?"

Clinton stepped forward and narrowed the sharp eagle eyes slightly, as if he could see through the layers of sand and dust.

And Natasha seemed to think of something, turning her head to look at Lord Ban and said shockedly: "Is it that ...?"

"Meow ~"

"Grandpa?" Clinton frowned when he heard Natasha's words. Was it the other dragon that he had never seen? But this name is really strange ...

Natasha nodded gently: "But this method is really ... crazy."

The Hulk in the vicinity watched the overwhelming sand and dust raise his hands to block his face. The huge shock wave did not cause any impact on the Hulk at that time.

But ... Hulk always feels that the guy in the smoke seems familiar?

The violent wind caused the helicopter hovering in the distance to swing around uncontrollably. After stabilizing, General Ross stood by the cabin hatch and stood looking at the smoke in the distance: "Is this a conventional means ?! Adjutant, What is it?"

"No specific sightings ..."

Aoao ~!

A thunderous roar interrupted the adjutant's words ~ ~ A huge black shadow slowly appeared in the sky and sand.

Ross narrowed his eyes and looked at the shadow, which is many times larger than Hulk, and said: "Bring the driver closer ..."

Suddenly, the black shadow seemed to do something. A thick black shadow raised high and then hit the ground heavily with a loud noise.

The prince in the sand dust fanned his wings. A huge wind pressure forced out of it and instantly blown away the sand dust. The giant pit behind it let everyone know what the ‘conventional weapon’ was.

Aoao ~!

Under the hot sun.

With a huge roar, the horned man finally revealed his bravery, the big long horns, the majestic posture and a pair of big wings to capture the soul, and the slamming hammer tail just beat the ground just now. !

Hook heard the familiar roar and the loud noise of the tail hammer hitting the ground, and finally remembered who the shadow was! Now the new enemy and the old enemy get together ...

Hulk burst into even more anger with an emotion of hatred and anger!


This roar of war is like a prelude to a battle of revenge.

Lord Jiao turned his head slightly, and the big curved corner pointed to Hulk like a steel fork.

Clinton looked at the real dragon and the round pit under his butt, and he was silent for a while. "It looks much more fierce than that sauer ... I don't know if I can ride it up and try ..." "




Ros looked at the revealed dragon and shook his head dully: "It's impossible ... how could this mythical dragon really exist?"

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