Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 138: Tony late

Suddenly, a **** yellow figure jumped out of the corner of the smoke and grabbed the dragon's claw, hitting two elbows and hitting on the blast's thigh.


The captured little erupted with a roar, flapping the large wings and directly rammed into an unfinished building in another street.

boom! boom! boom!

Xiaobang stretched out his paws to find the thickest pillar and flicked it upwards, and flew out after smashing the surrounding pillars. He looked down at the newly cleaned claws and nodded in satisfaction.

In the middle of the building, a big hole was drilled by a small blast. After losing the load-bearing column, the steel bars in the four corners of the building burst into a wailing whimper, and then broke with a bang, and the upper half of the building fell down. The whole street!

At this moment, Xiaohua flew over with Braised Eggs, Lord Ban, and the unconscious Banner. Watson looked at the Braised Eggs and said: "We have to come again and put another trap, and Lord Ban, BUFF can't be broken. . Wait, I thought of a better way! "

After saying that Hua Sheng thought about Xiao Bao: "Little Bang! Try to take him to heaven!"


Nick Fury, who saw the theater expand again, could not help pinching the bridge of his nose: "Watson, if you can, please control the loss after the war ..."

Watson shrugged a little helplessly when he heard the voice from Nick Fury in the newsletter: "You don't lack that money."

"If those two big guys continue to go on like this, I wouldn't have enough money to sell myself."

"I try my best···"

Watson is talking about suddenly seeing a familiar red and familiar hot music on the horizon ~

"I heard that someone here needs help?" A golden and red steel armor appeared in front of Watson. Tony opened the armor mask and watched Watson smile. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

Hua Sheng rolled his eyes at the old Sao Bao: "Why don't you come late, I'm almost done on my side."

Click ~ Tony closed his mask and said, "I went back and changed my clothes, and in order to prevent someone from abusing me, I took a drink of a" delicious "chlorophyll juice. I should be glad that the battlefield is not in Flushing, OK ~ our goal Where? Jarvis. "

"Sir, according to the video information shared by SHIELD, is in the ruins of the building on the left."


Xiaobao looked at the ruins and was just about to fly back to Watson, and found that the master and the little man who could fly without wings flew in front of him.

At this moment, a chain with two solid stone piers suddenly flew out of the smoke and set on the small burst of feet!

Bronsky laughed at the feeling of the iron chain: "Caught you hahaha!" After finishing, Bronsky put the chain on a broken foundation and put his feet on the back. Dipped into the ground, the muscles of his hands bulged like Zhalong.


Looked at the iron chain on his leg and flew back, and the huge dragon wing almost flew to Tony.

"Okay guy, let me help you ..."

"Wait for Tony! This is a good opportunity to take him away from the city, and how high and how high!"

Xiaobao heard Watson's words, then looked down at Bronsky roaring on his feet, and a pair of big wings flew into the sky suddenly.

And was about to rush to the side of Xiao Biao to find the revenge horned master, watching the little **** yellow dwarf suddenly pulled by the explosive scale dragon and suddenly dumbfounded....? ! What about intimacy? ! Why bully the horned dragon can't fly? !

Lord Jiao looked up and looked at the little burst of flying higher and higher, and then flapped his own big wings ...

Aoao! !

Watson looked at the horned shouting lord on the ground and really didn't know whether to laugh. He had to comfort the horned master to take it back into the monster space a few times and then spread the dragon wings and Tony quickly caught up.


2764 meters high, this height is only a dozen seconds of effort for the speed of the small explosion.

Brownsky ​​watched the sharply shrinking ground and the cumulus cloud he passed by grabbing the iron chain and quickly climbed up. Xiaobao watched the little dwarf who was approaching himself suddenly flying around and shaking countless explosive scales.

"Fac ..."

Boom! !

Bronsky swaying around in the impact of the explosion not only did not have a trace of fear, but looked at the dragon above his head with a grin. At this moment, a big gray wolf with wings no, Watson with wings Suddenly flew in front of him and took out the dragon knife ...

"What do you want to do!"

"Have you guessed and asked?"

欻 ~ A red light ran across the sky, and the chain was broken!

"Do not!"

And Xiao Bao saw this scene with a roar of excitement and rushed towards the direction of abhorrence, a tail pumped on his back and made a bad breath.

Bransky, who was flying, just returned to balance, and found that Watson and Tony Stark flew by their left and right ...

Bronsky shrunk in front of Tony couldn't help laughing: "Great detective ~ ~ Let me come back to see a big baby with a skin disease? Hahaha ~"

Blansky heard Tony's mocking, a pair of tan eyes staring at Tony and could not but bite him.

But no matter how Bransky reached out and tried to catch him, he was only so lost ~

"Tony, aren't we urban areas below?"

"No longer."

While talking, they raised the eye-catching big iron chain in their hands ...

At this time, Watson looked at the hatred and showed a smile ψ (`? ′) Ψ.

"Sun Fist !!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh !!!"

The intense glare even made Tony's display screen have a momentary light curtain, and was blinded. Bronsky doodled with a pair of big hands in the air, and the whole body rolled in the air.

In this time, Watson slightly fanned Dragon Wing and Tony to pull the iron chain from left to right to give him a binding game ~

Then Watson flew directly above him, withdrew the Dragon Sword, and thunder and flames spread throughout his body.

"I don't believe you will not die this time! Tony helps me control him!"

The dragon wing fanned in an instant, thunder biting fire-super spike!

Feel the danger of hating and want to reach out to block his chest, but was bound by the iron chain with stone pier.

噗 ~

The tip of the knife instantly inserted into the abhorrent sternum, and the stinging Bronsky yelled out, and then began to struggle violently.

But the deeper he struggled, the deeper he went in ...

At this time, only 500 meters left from the ground.

Finally disgusted with eyesight. Looking at the knife stuck in his chest, he didn't know well, but then Tony ran to his head. His hands were facing his face.

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